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i recently acquired root aphids

i just found out about them 2 days ago. i grow in ebb and flow trays i have 12 different mothers that i consider all infected some more then others. i cant find the aphids on all of them but the mothers are in 2 6in x44 inch trays both trays share the same reservoir so cross contamination is almost a guarantee. the medium is hydroton and the netpots are 6x6x6

for right now im just going to try to controll them unless i get lucky and kill them with my control plan, but i dont count on it. in about a week or 2, i will take clones from all the mothers and set up a quarantine. so i can shut down the room in the future for a small period of time to clean and let any offspring hatch and die. but right now i have just started flowering and dont plan on stopping. i also have taken clones 3 days ago, that i plan to flower. so my room is not shutting down for about 3 months at the same time still using my control plan in the mother roombelow in an attempt to keep on flowering while my quarentine section is prolly 3 months away from producing what i need from here,

my plan for control

week 1
my plan for control was gonna be to spray the tops of the plants with a full strength solution 1oz/gal of neem oil then dip the entire netpod so every hydroton is submerged in a solution of half strength neem or .5 oz/gal

week 2
i was gonna use floramite with the same tactics in week 2 spray at full recommended strength or 20 drops/gallon and submerge netpot in 10 drops/gallon

week 3
i was planning on using bayer forbid 4f
spray at a strength of 16 drops/gallon and submerge at 8 drops/gallon

week 4
repeat with neem oil, possibly at stronger concentrates

week 5
floramite at stronger rates.

pics of my mothers if this can help

anyone with any advice please help, do you think my dosages of netpod dips are to strong.
cant do it, some of the girls cannot give any cuts right now and are prolly a week away, i got some cuts that i cannot obtain again, and im not willing to just clone and kill.


Take cuts and quarantine is the only solution. The roots dips will knock them back only momentarily...

Honestly, I wouldn't even go through with those plant you're about to flip. Between the bugs and the root dips, in a month they are going to be destroyed - trust me, I've been there. Root aphids suck so, so hard.

Whatever you do, bleach EVERYTHING in between rounds. Then bleach it all again. Then again.

I had a friend take a break from growing for a couple months. Before he shut down he bug bombed everything, washed everything, yada yada yada. Months later they hatched and came back. He had forgotten to bleach one of his trays...


Maybe I'm missing something but the floramite label says it only kills mites.

The forbid label says it only kills mites and whiteflies.

Why would use use them for aphids?

My friend killed them with some homemade nicotine spray, it's nasty shit.


Active member
Forget all those other remedies and use the one thing that totally eradicates root aphids with a single application.

Imid is your one and only solution.
Bayer Advanced @ Home Depot/Lowes: $12
This should be applied as a soil drench.
Cuts can be dipped.
No more root aphids!
Thread on root aphids:
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Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
cant do it, some of the girls cannot give any cuts right now and are prolly a week away, i got some cuts that i cannot obtain again, and im not willing to just clone and kill.

understood, take the clones as fast as you can, when they are rooted i would then start afresh. perhaps there is stuff that will kill them all but i doubt it personally. your cuts can be your insurance ;)

good luck



State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
Forget all those other remedies and use the one thing that totally eradicates root aphids with a single application.

Imid is your one and only solution.
Bayer Advanced @ Home Depot/Lowes: $12
This should be applied as a soil drench.
Cuts can be dipped.
No more root aphids!
Thread on root aphids:

There is nothing else to say other they that ^^ all you need to know about killing aphids is that its less then 20 bucks you need to treat ALL you plants with it... i didnt know floramite kills root aphids... neem is pretty pointless... good luck bro

No offense to anyone else but you dont need to do anything but water with some bayer complete insect control... Do not water any plants that will be harvested within like 50 days though... any veg plants will be fine. Dont need to use bleach or spray the whole room...

This is systemic and will last in the plant 3-5 days... however it will stay in y our medium so if you dont flush it out then itll last a lot longer... if they are just mothers then np but watch veg plants that are about to go into flower.

btw if you have root aphids what is spraying the tops of your plants going to do for you? its all in your medium you dont need to do anything outside of it or on the foliar... If you want you wipe down with a bayer application but i found it not necessary.

Zen Master

I agree with the bayer, thats ALL I've found to work, dont waste your neem, it wont help.

if you dont have a big garden, honestly, its easier to just restart with a COMPLETELY sterilized room and EVERYTHING fresh. Make sure every single thing that crosses the doorway into your room is sterilized, even your media.


My 2 cents which only comes from experience.

Floromite doesn't kill root aphids. It might do some contact killing on fliers but I have not seen this as the case in my friends garden. I also haven't heard of Forbid or shuttle helping with aphids. Be nice if it did, but it don't. Over and misuse of commercial pesticides result in super bugs. Avid, Shuttle, Forbid, and floromite are really heavy duty miticides and ovacides. They should be used for what they are meant, used in rotation and very soon after an outbreak.

They should not be sprayed once buds form. Seriously, they are nasty. If I sprayed something like that in the 5th week of flower I wouldn't smoke after 12 weeks of flowering. Not on the buds. My friends that use them will spray 2 weeks in but I just couldn't do that to myself and patients.

It takes less than a day to learn about every pesticide in the Marijuana world. A week to really understand the MSDS of them and what they really do. You will be a better grower for it.
So I had aphids.... I've read every line in both of the huge aphid threads. If you have large plants then the only way is to go chem. Most people harvest before they see a resurgence. But they come back. Very bad for a continual harvest room.

In my opinion, I wish I would have tore down the whole grow and started over. I would have had a harvest 2 month earlier instead of all the waiting for the plants to snap out of it before flowering. Didn't want the chems.

So there's 2 ways to go.

Chems THe imid alone won't do it. IMHO you need the complete killer like b cy with the imid. Or the imid and another contact killer like organic pyrethrum called Pyganic you can get online or supply companies. I get mine at an organic farm supply house.

Treat with systemic at same time with a contact killer.

You will need to make a spray our of the pyganic. After your drench you will spray the tops of the soil and all the drain holes. Sticky traps everywhere for monitoring. Then drench again with the pyganic 14 days later and maybe again after that. No ill effects for me ecept it killed my earthworms,

It's a lot of work but it can be done. I used Pyganic , neem oil spray, azamax, and neem seed meal to take care of it. No signs of them but I'm still getting a new bottle of pyganic and doing a drench so I have no problems last month of flower.

Need to learn intergrated pest management if you truly want free of pests. Like keeping a mosquito dunk in my rez means I'm always water with BT and it's hard to get gnats with that.

Good luck



State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
I used the bayer advance at a HIGH dosage on my coco plants about 3-4 months ago have yet to see ONE root aphid... dont mean its the standard but i used 180ml of bayer complete insecticide per 5 gallons which is HIGH dosage completely eradicated any aphid i had... on contact never seen another one...

i have heard of using aza max as well... if you can get rid of them with bayer use bayer first then azamax them as they will die and newborns or what ever lives will then starve to death.
i sprayed with those other insecticides because that is what i had, but floromite will kill them on contact. just like it will kill me on contact, shit is nasty stuff, i agree.

2 days ago i also did some test dunks in 40ml/gallon of bayer insect complete. i think thats the name whichever is .73% imid the one at lowes. the plants that i dunked appear to be very healthy. there are no aphids crawling on the containers i dunked.

i also looked at some of them under a scope i dont have pics sorry, i could only find 1 flier, the flier had a black and peanut shaped body with no antena.

the wingless small ones that are all reddish that have antena, they are pear shaped.

there are also bigger black ones that i havent looked at under a scope yet the few bodies i had were kinda smashed up.

so today im going to be dunking all my girls in a solution of 50ml/g of bayer and letting it soak in for 6 hours, do you think thats long enough my dunks consist of 2 full dunks each flooding the entire netpod and dunking it so fast that the water floods in the top as well soaking all the hydroton and a few inches of the stem as well. then i just put the netpod back in the tray.

i appreciate all the responses guys, i got some potentially great cuts i dont want to lose, that i cannot obtain again.
i just dunked my plants in the bayer complete with imid, how long should i let that solution be on the hydroton before i should flood my trays?
i let the solution sit on the plants for about 1.5 hours before i flooded the plants. health is great today a full day later and better yet i could 1 moving aphid in a 30 minute pretty thorough inspection. i was planning on doing another dunk in a acephate pesticide, in 4-7 days depending on plant health and repeating the imid dunk again in about 2 weeks anymore advice or tips, thanks.


Flushhh to get eggs out of soil /roots and use a garden soap and soak everything ...do this 2 to 3 times youl be fine ...


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
merit 70 for the kill!

this stuff is a one time systemic root aphid killer!

use with your nutrient and see all of them float on top of your water.....


ICMag Donor
ive got rid of everything in the past with an Amonia product called Microbile,,,you can apply it to the roots or spray it,,,,its good stuff,,,i think more peeps should try it imo:)

Serrated Edges

Treat with Imid/Merit and reveg so you give enough time for the merit to break down before harvest. Delay your harvest 4-6 weeks. You don't want to smoke imid.
the closest thing i have to harvest is still 65 days out, that isnt enough, i was planning on hitting them 2 more times even the ones in flower, that will still have over 45 days to finish does anything think thats not long enough?

Serrated Edges

the closest thing i have to harvest is still 65 days out, that isnt enough, i was planning on hitting them 2 more times even the ones in flower, that will still have over 45 days to finish does anything think thats not long enough?

Read this:

Imid is systemic and has a half life of around 39 days. Which means in ~40 days or so, you will have half the amount of imid in your plants that they absorbed from your treatment today! In ~80 days or so, you will have 1/4 of the amount of imid in your plants, and so on.

I wouldn't use imid at more than 1/2 the recommended strength any less than 90 days to harvest, personally. But hey, they use the shit on tomatoes until 6 days before harvest. And we eat that shit!

Also, I've heard that imid will keep breaking down in the dried product, so if you have to use it in bloom, go with a LONG cure...there will still be by products, but it won't be as bad for ya...

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