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is there such thing as too much wind?


Active member
Have some seedlings that are less than a couple of weeks old and I got this new fan that is more powerful than I expected. I had the fan pointed directly on them but I started to notice that there leaves had this twisted/crinkled look to them. I put the fan on the the oscilating setting starting today... The leaves are still green and look healthy but one seedling that was closest to the fan has a leaf that looks like it is drying out from the outer tips of the leaf. Is it too much air circulation that is causing the leaves to twist/look dried out? Using a modified version of Subcool's super soil recipe for my medium that has been composted for a month +. Light is 4 tube t-5 HO blue spectrum bulbs on an 18 hr light cycle. Temps are between 72-82F depending if AC is on or off and humidity is about 58 with AC off and as low as 42 with AC on. Strains are all Mandala Safari mix.


Yes wind burn is real but its hard to tell or say for sure with your plants without more pictures. Good Luck friend. :)


Active member


Thanks for giving me a direction Canna. Cute dog in your avatar btw. Here are some pics of what it's looking like. This is all the same seedling and this was the one that was closest to the fan and effected the most. Notice how the left leaf tip curls upwards. No other seedlings have exhibited that leaf tip curl as of yet. I will do some research on "wind burn" until then.



..Notice how the left leaf tip curls upwards. No other seedlings have exhibited that leaf tip curl as of yet. I will do some research on "wind burn" until then.

WORD-UP, that b wind burn man. I think its a dehydration effect. Have had it happen on whole plants that are in front or near fan. Appeared to have no affect on general health of plant and buds, although fan leaves where largely wrinkled and twisted, like yours appear.
Try making little collars of clear plastic(cutupmilkcontainer) for around top of cup the side that will get wind; shielding them from the breeze if it bothers you :)


Active member
It dosent realy look like wind burn friend.?

Well I hope it is nothing too serious if that is the case. In the meantime, I put the fan on it's lowest setting and on oscilating mode. They are still under a couple of weeks old so I will have to wait and see if this progresses. If anybody has any suggestions on what this might be, i'd greatly appreciate hearing some feedback
That's most definitely wind damage. Always use an oscillating fan so that the wind is intermittent and not constant. And with babies like that I'll usually angle that fan so that it blows above them and not on them so they get indirect air movement. Like with light, they need to be gradually introduced to higher intensities.


Freedom Fighter
It dosent realy look like wind burn friend.?

I agree with this-- Wind burn generally leaves dry spots throughout the leaf, not just on the edges...at least in my experience-- It also gives them a wrinkled, dry look--
Honestly, I am not sure what it is....but I don't think you should stop investigating-- Could you give us some more info?? pH could twist the leafs also....same with N toxicity (Altho it doesn't look overly green)
(Lol...or maybe I shouldn't do this while watching House!!)


How close are your lights to the plants? It could be sun/light burn or the beginning stages of it. Also 82 is pretty hot for the little ones. They can survive the heat but 75 is a much more desirable setting for them in my opp. Hope this helps & good luck friend. :)


bounce the air off a wall -- if your fan is too strong you can face it towards a wall in your grow room


Active member
light is about 18'' from the top of the little ones. I don't have a PH pen and I don't have enough cash to drop $50 on one either. I was using a cheap walgreens humidifier and when I lifted the cover to the reservoir, I saw a caked layer of rust in the system. Since this particular seedling was so close to the reservoir, maybe it was the rust in the H20 that was causing this? The other one's don't seem as bad as this one with a leaf tip curl. The others just have that twisted leaf look like a strong current of air warped the leaf blade tips. Using straight RO water. I'm not so sure about a N overdose cuz like you said,, it isn't super green.


soothsayer has the answer, bouncin off the wallsI also have my fans on timers, couple hours on, hour off etc. just try to copy the outside invironment.it doesnt blow all the time.


I have 2 6in Axel fans blowing on my gals pots in flower 24/7 using a speed controller. Summer days when it's really hot I turn them full-bore but in the winter I run them arround 50%. but they are always moving my gals & I have never had this problem nor wind burn.


Active member
well it has been about a week since I first posted and I'm almost positive it is a calcium deficiency which makes me think that my soil is too acidic or saturated with K. I tried to up the dose of K this time around with guano/kelp tea b/c last time I didn't put enough and ran out a couple of weeks before harvest. Now I think I put too much and it might be locking out Calcium. There are yellow spots with a certain rusty-brown outline to them that effects both new and old growth. Some tips are curling but it's not too bad. I will foliar feed with some dolomite lime and see what happens.

Until next time,

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