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having to quickly hide everything !!


New member
Hi !

I just recently moved into this new apartment where I am living alone, its only been a week or so, and the first thing I did was start up my first grow.

Now I knew this was coming obviously but I hadnt planned for it properly... I havent gotten up a stealth cab which I plan to do next week but now my folks are coming over to look at the new place !!!!

I managed to hide all the equipment from my closet quite nicely but my plants are in the back of a dark closet behind a lot of crap and they might need to be there over the weekend :((

They are just seedlings started 5 days ago, will they suffer from the darkness for that long and will it be ok to start them up again at 18/6 after this as if nothing has happened ? the soil is moist but it shouldnt be a problem to ad some water if if gets too dry but having light on them is a big nono since thats quite obvious.

I guess this is a lot more motivation to setup a really nice and stealthy cab ASAP, but I hope my plants survive this !!

thanks all


try and go out n buy a cheap wall hanging that will cover the entire closet door, that way u can put lights on and no-one will notice so that the plants dont get screwed, it can stunt them quite a bit being in the dark for that long


New member
May have averted the most problems, they are coming over tonight and then leaving tomorrow so the plants will at most just have to be in the dark for 24 hours !

Sucks that they loose this time to grow since they were coming a long really nicely for only 5 days, but shit happens.

been scouting around for a good place to hide them at and have picked out atleast one location where I can keep them while they are seedlings / pre flower but its not big enough for when I start flowering, but will atleast give me enough time to set something up before that :D

Will it fuck up their schedule if they will have been in light for 8 hours, then 8 hours of darkness and then if I put them again under light tonight for about 8 hours, then 8 hours darkness and then back on normal 18 - 6 schedule ?

or should I just keep them in the dark for 24 - 28 hours ?


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Any plant can survive a screwup or two ( i do it all the time, not on purpose, just... life) It's recurring or constant screwups that cause trouble. Because it's only a day, I'd leave the lights out until you can resume normal light patterns.
id hang a blanket up with lights off while there there be like yeah they need to come replace the door....they probly wont notice anyways good luck!
I left my two day old seedlings in the dark for 72 hours. Wound up taking little more than a month to show sex after that (12/12 from seed) but everything turned out ok. They just stretched a lot. Got 6 females out of eight and no herms. Yet. Knock on wood.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
I left my two day old seedlings in the dark for 72 hours. Wound up taking little more than a month to show sex after that (12/12 from seed)

That's just normal behavior. Seedlings take about 2 weeks before they are flower capable. A flower capable plant will take about 2 weeks to show sex.


i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
hah! i had a similar situtation a few years back all i did was put my dog in the room where the plants are and told the inlaws stay the fuck out or ur gonna get the shit bit out ya. my boy did his job and nobody went remotly near the door. i personally dont give a fuck if my parents were to see my grow they dont approve but im a grown ass man who has his own house. my fam doesnt talk to cops.i undestand now how fucked up i was when i was 15 growin in there basement without them knowin. but they wont even try to tell me what to do in my house.
That's just normal behavior. Seedlings take about 2 weeks before they are flower capable. A flower capable plant will take about 2 weeks to show sex.

I would agree, however I read a lot of reports around here of people who had plants 14-21 days old show sex. I would guess I comes down to optimum conditions, fast showing strains etc. Based on all the info out there 30 days is on the long end of normal but by no means abnormal. Again I don't disagree, but shorter times do happen.


New member
All went well, they didnt even look in the closet so I could have just as well kept it up, but hey better safe then sorry !

The plants did suffer a bit, I noticed even more streching and one plant got knocked over so it was growing upp on the side and had a 90° angle on it.

but now after beeing in light for 18 hours and then in the darkness tonight and now under light again they are looking very healthy and good ! the one with the 90° angle has gone back to normal and the first fan leaves are really picking up growth :D

Gonna pick up bigger pots and transplant them tonight and bury quite a bit of the stem for better root system and to correct all the streching these poor plants have had to do !

how wet should the soil be ? I am currently trying to just keep it moist with dry spots and letting it dry out before watering again, Ive heard its good and enforces root growth, I guess it will be less of a problem once I plant them in bigger pots !

thanks all !

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