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outdoor problems


so i have 1 huge tree that has obvious browning on the lower portion of the stalk which feels soft to the touch and u can actually rub it off. There are also white spots popping up around the same area. does anyone no what this is or how I can stop/control it. my babies half way threw flower and I cant stand the thought of losing her. The weather has been extremely wet and humid the last week so Im suspicious that is where the problem stems from. thanks for any help.
here is a link to my infirmary thread if u need additional info plz let me no.


Juan Valdez

New member
if u can, get a portable fan on it to dry it out and hit it with some fungicide, you can find agricultural/garden fungicide in any hardware store for less than five bucks. dont drench it with the stuff tho just mist it lightly every other day or so until it starts to clear up.

sounds like rot from being too wet/humid and the white stuff is mold/mildew growing off the rotting area.

just my 2 cents goodluck!

also the visable problem may be caused by root rot in the soil?


thanks u juan for ur quick and informative reply, unfortunately I donot have extenion cords long enough to power a fan, nor do i have one that is battery powered. However I do have a bag of dry soil could I mound that up along the stalk to help dry it out, then remove the excess dirt if its going to rain? I started the fungicide already but before I read ur post and may have applied too much, so i will back off that a bit. Thanks again hopefully with the help from this forum and its members like you i can salvage something out of this horrible weather.


Active member
Your plant may be suffering from a soil-borne pathogen such as Pythium or Fusarium. Its been a particularly bad year for such things in my neck of the woods.

You should treat your entire garden with a product called MycoStop which is a specific streptomyces bacteria that will kill Fusarium and Pythium.

Good luck.

Juan Valdez

New member
i dont think adding or covering up the stalk with anything is gonna help. i would do the exact opposite, scrape off as much soil from the plants root area you can, about 3 ft in diameter minimum. remove all the excess soil until you start hitting the rootball and let it dry out as much as possible, if you know its gonna rain try to cover that area with plastic or something to keep the water out, remove the plastic after it's done raining obviously so the moisture in the soil can contiue to evaporate.

i would also try to gentley remove all the brown mushy rotted area too, scrape it off with a dull blunt tool, ie. back of a butter knife or somethin.

the problem is that your plant and root structure are probably getting too much h2o and not enough air, so the best thing to do is provide more air too the soil and affected area. remove some lower branches that may be interfering with airflow to the stalk/rotted area and soil/root structure.


Well-known member
Sounds like rootrot spreading up the stem. I've been advised to treat it with peroxide when growing hydro, never had that problem outdoors though..


thanks for the replys. I did wat u said covered with plastic,scrape dirt, and even got a portable fan connected to a battery. will continue to do this and will use peroxide tommorrow on the wound, however when i scraped the fungus off it was very raw, like bright green with a lost of moisture, almost like an open cut, i figured that was bad and stopped immediately can somebody confirm?


Might just be scales, but without a picture. Is your plant near an orange, lemon or lime tree? I had scales terrible from planting next to an orange tree. It is brown, the consistancy of snot, and it wipes off fairly easy.


Active member
bright green means its alive under that. i dont know what is wrong with your stem (you give us no pictures!) but you should keep it dry with air getting to it, it should then just scar up and seal itself.

urm maybe the brown stuff could be from when the stem grows bigger, the outside of it sort of goes funny and woody? idk


bright green means its alive under that. i dont know what is wrong with your stem (you give us no pictures!) but you should keep it dry with air getting to it, it should then just scar up and seal itself.

urm maybe the brown stuff could be from when the stem grows bigger, the outside of it sort of goes funny and woody? idk

It's funny that u say that because i thought so too but it's squishy/soft. and continually looks worse as it goes down to the root suggesting its a root problem? which from what i can think the only other thing to do is heighten the lower canopy(cut off branches) besides what ive already done. one question bout ur post were u referring to scraping off the infected and keeping it dry till it heals? I'll try and get pics ut kinda unlikely.

Also ruled out scales I've looked everywhere and havent seen a pic like mine but I'll keep looking.

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
Cheecho7, i doubt that the yellowing of the inner smaller leaves is botryitis, it rarely shows up on leaf material. If the plants are well into flowering, some leaf yellowing is natural.

With regaurd to the stem, i wouldnt panic. A good sized plant has a large stem and ive never seen a large plant die from stem rot/problems. If the plant isnt showing signs of serious illness, i might show some patience. It sounds like youre 30-40 days out to harvest, keep a close eye on it but sometimes we act too quickly.


Cheecho7, i doubt that the yellowing of the inner smaller leaves is botryitis, it rarely shows up on leaf material. If the plants are well into flowering, some leaf yellowing is natural.

With regaurd to the stem, i wouldnt panic. A good sized plant has a large stem and ive never seen a large plant die from stem rot/problems. If the plant isnt showing signs of serious illness, i might show some patience. It sounds like youre 30-40 days out to harvest, keep a close eye on it but sometimes we act too quickly.

thank you for the reassurance with my stem problem, I guess ihave a tendency to panic whenever things go wrong, and sometimes forget how resilient they can be. Like this morning my older lady was tipped over from the heavy storm, but i picked her up and tied her just had to shrug it off at this point theres no use stressing over it.

about the yellow leaves tho some turn brown sometimes soggy and hang off but dont fall on there own, which I read as a sign of botrytis but ill double check. others I pick off and early so that they dont get to that point, however theres almost no yellow leaves on the later girl all the veggies are throwing yellows tho.

Juan Valdez

New member
A for effort on the battery powered fan!

hope everything works out for ya bud!

and about the plastic, you only put that down when it rains, and then take it off after it stops raining right? dont leave it down permanantly or you'll just be making things worse by not allowing the roots to breath and soil to dry up. had to clear that up just to be sure!



A for effort on the battery powered fan!

hope everything works out for ya bud!

and about the plastic, you only put that down when it rains, and then take it off after it stops raining right? dont leave it down permanantly or you'll just be making things worse by not allowing the roots to breath and soil to dry up. had to clear that up just to be sure!


lol thanks for the credit but honeslty i needed help rigging that up, but anyways i have been removing plastic instantly once the rain stops and even tho its just been a couple days with it still raining during parts of the day it still seems to be helping alot, so I am indebted to all of you who helped me threw this little crisis of mine. I even dug a little channel to help drain in the future. Also, so many more branches broke allowing more light to hit the stalk which should naturally fix the problem I'd think.

Also, i think i left out the info about haveing slugs climbing up my stalk and fighting them off nearly every day, i read that they use slime to move accross could that be causing my stalk to become soft and brown, with little oval craters everywhere. sorry just noticed the craters today and put it together. Otherwise everything looks on the up and up. once again thanks every1 who posted the information given has been perfect.


New member
Help Please

Help Please

I little problem occurred to the garden being plant.lemon skunk would be a word, a May since his end is outside,there was no trouble with him, nicely since then grown,now like that 120-130cm tall,the drier one got tapwater into periods,otherwise hesi got rainwater, last week on a Thursday first hesi bloom complex,because I believed it that may not do harm to him on the beginning of the blooming now,on Sundaysome likewise received a portion,weekly 2xer I thought of the blooming truth nutriment,but,received a full portion,that is 25ml to 5 litres of water,2 x got some of this 1 litre,maybe not from this but 3-4 of his days little dots started appearing on the letters,together back up,not only on the old letters,but on the new foldings,some together back up,I am worried about it a little bit because it is my first garden And I would like to carry out the circle.i ph onto a trouble, I do not know it outside outba so how may take shape,because of that i don't know,your help help please


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Active member
gotta love online translation engines.

Sorry, mate... I'm not sure what the problem is... hard to understand what you said about pH... to me it looks like symptoms I have seen in hydro gardens when the pH is messed up, but I'm really not sure.


Active member
I understand. I have used translation engines into other languages too and I am sure the results were just as funny in the language I was translating to.

Have you posted in the plant infirmary thread?


New member
No,this how is here for me so like that the icmag what his trouble for the plant topic?

"Have you posted in the plant infirmary thread? " *excuse me i don't understand

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