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1st grow. 2x Onyx 1 snowryder


Hi guys, doing my 1st grow. I had 5 fem onyx seeds, 2 fem, snowryder, 10 x fem lr2 (but maybe mixed with another auto as they came from a mates accidental pollination) and 10 newly delivered Diesel ryder reg beans. (going to do a seed run with these)

Going for perpetual harvest with 2 seeds being germinated per week. Started off with 4 though, 2 onyx + 2 snowryder, 1 snow didnt sprout but the 2 onyx and 1 snow did. so i can chop 1 of those early for early supplies at 8weeks?

so i have 7 in total in growth stages right now. 3 at week 3 (2 onyx + 1 snow), 2 at week (1onyx + 1 LR2) and 2 at week 1( 1 onyx 1 lr2). when all is up and running there should be 2 at each stage of growth up till weeks 8-10 (allegedly) so max 20 plants if i can be harvesting at 8 weeks then max 16 plants.

Its a large closet under the high part of the staircase. I've built an inside door to lightproof and mount the fan. door stays open slightly and at an emergency can be closed over swithing everything off inside. when things start to smell then the ducting can be hooked up so its venting to the loft.

4 foot long x 3 foot wide x 5 foot high.
1x125w 6500 cfl
3x125w 2700 cfl
tons of 23w 2700 for hanging around later.
1x45w LED mixed red n blue.
All lights on chains/clip ons so i can move around.

Hopefully i can work out my heights so that the lights can stay in the same place and just the plants will move along each week to the next light int he sequence, so from 6500k to 6500k+LED to LED+2700 to pure 2700's till the end.

6 inch fan for extraction, 10" square passive intake and a couple of fans to move air about inside. highs of 85 degrees and lows of 70 degrees on a 20/4 light setup.

I can't really get my head around what nutes to use on these and how often. i tried reading and searching for what you guys are using but there never seems enough info online to decide which i should be using for soil and auto's and available in the UK. I have 'plant magic' soil. The soil mix is already lightly fertilised i add extra pearlite.

I have plant magic's nutes, (grow and bloom) only used grow so far just 2 days ago. They are in small pots for up to 2 weeks then transplanted into 6.5litre pots.

Soil grow is N2.5 P0.4 K3
soil bloom is N2.2 P-0.5 K3.2.

My aim was for around 1 oz from 2 plants per week for personal use : - )_

Well that was the stoner plan, then i find out onyx can take up to 12 weeks and grow feckin huge! thats when i got decided to get diesel ryders instead, i will have a max space between top of pot and lights of about 3' 3" / 1 metre and I can't find out how tall the snowryder are going to go indoor under cfl. i doubt my onyx will get near to the size of other peoples under cfl's and in only a 6.5L pot. at least i hope so.

Not going to insert the images as they are over 1mb each so our 56k Afghani cousins can have a read without crashing their pc's :p

week 3, week 2, week 1.

2 onyx at the bottom of pic, snow at top


closeup of onyx

The white residue you see on them i think is from my hard water, even though i filter it and leave to age. apart from that i think my wee lassies are all doing ok.

Any tip for a newbie would be appreciated. Thanks IC.


Well done buddy. For your first grow your certainly going at it good and proper. As for when to chop your first plant its entirely up to you. At 8 weeks your going to have bud but how much you have totaly depends on your growing method n conditions.

Pics would be nice :)

Edit: Just noticed your pics and you explanation to not having them straight in the thread. Please excuse my stupidness. Just smoked a j of Lemon Skunk :)


thanks fur dropping in mate (fellow scot) pics are there just linked instead of inserted :)


looking spot on there fella will be intresting to see what you get from these

all the best with the grow



there at day 21/22 and they are just about to show sex. I am quite confident i am about to find 3 girls since these ones are feminised.

onyx bottom left from above pics

onyx bottom right



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almost there

day 22


thats the snowryder but the 2 onyx are pretty much the same, maybe slightly taller.


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mate the onyx wont grow that big in soil under cfl, ive seen lots of grows with her in soil and she doesnt get anywhere near her potenial,

however the smoke is just as good wether you get 1 oz or 5 oz from her

nice pics and congrats on the ladies ;)



yeah thats what i was hoping for, keep em smaller and more manageable. all 3 seem to be turning their leaves round to get the most light from the led panel which is quite interesting. I've turned them round slightly to see if they do it again. Its only a 45watter and is angled towards them to the top right of pic about 6" away from the plants.



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they look splendid

and yeah the plants will angle themselves towards the best light source and grow towards it, thats why its better to have an even fixture of lights,

or maybe use the led light above the plants and use the cfl's as side lighting just a thought,

looks like you are at the same stage as me in terms of the plants just sexing ;)

i look forward to seeing you flowers in the coming weeks




you've got a way better set up though so i ain't competing but it's nice to have something to compare agianst :D

maybe use the led light above the plants and use the cfl's as side lighting just a thought,
yeah thats as it is but slightly off to the right with 2 23watters hanging down the sides and a 125w angled in on a reflector from the top left. Their getting it from all sides. I put reflectors ont he soil but ended up removing them coz some leaves turned upside down.

The plants are only going to get a couple of weeks each under the led panel as i only have 1 by the end of week 4 they will be under/surrounded by the 2700's only.

Conveyor belt auto's ;)


lol its not a competition mate id rather have 1 oz of quality bud than 5 oz of shit weed ;)

im sure once you get your plants dialled in you will be well away


i can confirm i got 2 females, the bigger onyx and the little snowryder. smaller onyx should show any time. man its too exciting i wont be able to sleep tonight. its hard not to keep jumping in and checking. the misses says she's gonna be a grow room widow, she won't be complainin when its chopping time!


The other onyx has shown as female this morning and one of the seeds germed the other day has popped its head up to say hello :D it was the Diesel Ryder. So now i have 4 stages of growth going


i have to say that ss seeds are probably some of the best autos on the market ;)

were the plants regular or femized?


aye the onyx and snowryder are feminised and a germination ratio of 5 outa 6 with only 1 onyx seed left i'm gonna keep to see what happens with these. I've read that the feminised isn't guaranteed and that yer still likely to get males especially if ye use anything other than a pro setup. So i pleasantly surprised to have all females so far.

My DR's are normal but thats coz i wanna do a seed run so i'll need males but i didn't wanna lose yield off my 1st couple of harvests.

They are looking excellent, really strong and have shot up about and out about 2 inches in all directions in the last day.


nah mate you will be fine with fem beans from stitch sometimes if not most the time its down to growers errors that make them flip into lady ga ga mode ;)

yeah autos dont fuk around once their out the starting gate :)


Bueno Time

Active member
ICMag Donor
LOL @ going lady ga ga!

Plants are looking good so far r1zla! This is when they (autos) start getting fun once they hit flowering they just explode with growth and about 3 weeks after showing sex til the end of cycle they really pack on weight and the buds get noticeable bigger every day. They are fun.

Wish you luck and Ill be stopping in to check the progress out!

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