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new drying/curing idea


New member
anyone ever think of drying in a sauna? if so, how did it work?
also, anyone ever try and use desicants in curing? if so, how did it work?


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Sounds like mold city to me. High temps and high humidity are the arch enemy of curing.


New member
all saunas dont create humidity...its just so fucking hot your body sweats like a mad man..
i was thinking using a dry sauna to jump start/finish product
desicants collects moisture and remove it from the surrounding area. dont understand how this would create mold
i understand these might not be accepted practices when drying/curing a harvest...just interested if anyone has tried either of these two methods (mainly desicants)

big twinn

Super Member
yeah that's a GREAT question! the dry sauna's like the OP stated. NOT the steamy sauna LOL...obviously that would never dry.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
all saunas dont create humidity...its just so fucking hot your body sweats like a mad man..

In this instance, you'd have a super fast dry. The faster the dry, the hotter the smoke. The hotter the smoke, the more painful and less enjoyable the experience. Within reason, the idea is to prolong drying, not shorten it.

teemu shalanie

WeeDGamE StannisBaratheoN
why not just dry your crop , I don't see what the big rush is?, you spent 3 months probably on growing it so a 7 day dry/ quick cure, is the min amount of time I would dry my cannabis, why ruin it at the end ?
If you're that anxious put them in the oven at a low temp... otherwise just wait and do it the traditional way. Tried and true for many reasons... Also another forum I was on had something to the effect of water curing which seems counter intuitive but it's supposed to take less time. It involves keep them in iced water suspended and the water changed daily. After that you dry them as normal and youre set. Sauna.....pft sounds risky and expensive.



anyone ever think of drying in a sauna? if so, how did it work?
also, anyone ever try and use desicants in curing? if so, how did it work?

dont worry got some useful experience...tried the sauna method at a gym club and it worked for a quick smoke however not tasty or smooth, like the others said.

however I do recall reading a post on here about some chemistry student who thought of using a dessicant and seemed to get really good results. If i remeber correctly he used a garbage can had a sliding tray on the bottome to remove water/replace dessicant( not really sure) and I believe they were ready for jar cure in 3 days, however i would do a search in the harvesting drying forum, sorry cant remember the name of the post. just search for dessicant. I imagine that and your thread are the only ones with such language in it.


If you're that anxious put them in the oven at a low temp... otherwise just wait and do it the traditional way. Tried and true for many reasons... Also another forum I was on had something to the effect of water curing which seems counter intuitive but it's supposed to take less time. It involves keep them in iced water suspended and the water changed daily. After that you dry them as normal and youre set. Sauna.....pft sounds risky and expensive.


Sorry to nit pick but the article i read said to use room temp water... i believe to cold and the trichomes fall off.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Sorry to nit pick but the article i read said to use room temp water... i believe to cold and the trichomes fall off.

Good catch. Hot water can melt resin stalks allowing resin heads to wash away. Too cold, stalks become brittle allowing them to break, again losing resin heads. Tepid would be as hot as you want to go. I run the water till it stops feeling cold but has yet to feel warm. Change water every day for 7 days and, contrary to air curing, dry in 24-36 hours. I hang them over a box fan.
Haha it's kool brother I was simply noting something I've heard being done and how some of its done. I was actually interested in the idea myself but was going to research it more before I ever tried it tho. Good call tho! makes sense too.


Sorry to nit pick but the article i read said to use room temp water... i believe to cold and the trichomes fall off.

Short Ryder

This is quite the intriguing post dude i have a sauna at my disposal but while reading this i had also read somewhere else of using the full plant to steam them self's into curing by layering them with paper towels in between and aerating every once and a while as to not trap humidity in the air pockets.
i wonder if you had enough time and patience if you could do this with a wet sauna. apparently that way brings out alot more of the organic taste and smell of the weed.
i'm gonna give it a whack when my seed stalks come down no harm in doing it to useless bud it's not like it can mold over quickly enough to rook the seeds and even soo thats why you only try 1 at a time ^^
1 of 2 things is to come of this.
A dead post or a new curing method


New member
appreciate all the various feedback. but, i simply asked if someone has tried this. not, that i will be.
couple of you, mainly cheecha07, seemed to understand the idea that was at hand, responded accordingly and didn't preach about accepted drying/curing methods.
<--trying to think outside the box! feel me?
although, i do understand the concerns proposed with using a sauna..maybe a 2hrs on 4hrs off @ Xdegrees for first day or two? then let the rest finish off naturally.
i would really like to see a side by side curing w/ desicants. maybe a 1/8 per? nothing serious. just a experiment