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The Man Cave Recountal



I'd like to start this by saying that setting this room up has been a humbling experience to say the least. I'm very happy with how it turned out and I'm looking forward to what I can do in this space once I get a few things figured out.

Also, a huge "thank you" to anyone that has done a good journal before because you have no doubt helped someone who likely helped someone else. To everyone who has experiece/knowledge to impart: it would do the community a great service by putting effort into showing how you do. To those of you still posting journals: keep paying it forward guys... knowledge is power, no reason to hoard it.

First a photo journey through the man cave. This is a "cozy" space and it is missing some stuff that makes it even more "cozy".









more shots to follow in coming posts.....


In my Sunhut XXL I've got two 1000w eye hortilux bulbs each being powered by a 1000w magnetic Hydrofarm ballast.

Right now I'm running them in Hydrofarm Radiant 6" hoods, next grow I'm definitely upgrading to either Great Whites or Magnum XXLs. The radiants don't have too good of a footprint vs distance from bulb as either of those. I've got each hood being exhausted out of the tent, carbon filter -> hood -> fan -> out of tent and out of the man cave.



I'm running 4 passive intakes using long runs of insulated ducting to light proof them.

The strains that are :guitarz: in there are as follows:

- Joey Weed - AK99 (6 phenos)
Some of these are super branchy but the stems are knd of floppy and I'm not looking forward to trying to keep these upright towards the end.

- Joey Weed - BBAK47 (3 phenos)
These were quick to flower and are very branchy, much like everything thats ak dominant from Joey.

- Joey Weed - BB99 (4 phenos)
One plant smeels like blueberry jam, these should be interesting.

- Joey Weed - NL99 (5 phenos; 2 each)
These plants have great structure... good strong, long branches with some great vigor.

- Cannacopia - Chuck D (lone plant)
This is the only cut that I didn't cull. Its growth pattern matches whats in there much better than my bubba chunk would.

- Beanho - Alpha Diesel x Mango Haze (5 female phenos, 1 male; numbers selected towards more "chemmy" leaves)
I'm going to keep it all seedless with the exception of making some f2s on a select branch per plant with the ADxMH. I've selected a branchy/vigorous male that smells spicy, fuely/skunky and sour all at the same time to do the deed. I flowered out the male cuts in late spring and this was my selection. The other males had very loose internodal spacing and didn't produce near the amount of flowers as this pheno did.

Every plant in my garden is from a clone of seed plants that I grew out in the spring. They are all in organic hand mixed, recycled soil. I reammedned it with FoxFarm HappyFrog Fruit and Flower (5-8-4) at 2tbs/gal, kelp meal at 1tbs/gal and 2.5tbs/gal lime. Really simple this time, only because I made a few hundred gals of new soil with a recipe to be edited in later, have to find what the soil mixes were. I'll run this new soil next round. While its in use I'll combine what I'm running now with a mix of promix, perlite, EWC and lime and I'll reammend with FoxFarm Peace of Mind All-Purpose (5-5-5) and a few other things. I should have a stellar mix by this point for sure.

This tent is on day 10 of flower.

The left side of the tent houses the JW C99 crosses...

The right seed has the JW BB47, CD and Beanho ADxMH...

As you can see I have taken most fan leaves off of my plants. I've been someone that liked giving fan leaf hair cuts but THIS thread has made me take it to a new level. I figure if it works, cool. If it doesn't work or has adverse effects I'm cool with the experience. I think my strains/plants' structures should do well by being defoliated, the Joey Weed stuff loves it. I may have gotten a little overzealous with the ADxMH but they're bouncing back.
I'd LOVE any discussion on the matter, pro or con, experiences, etc.

4x4's are next post....


In my first Sunhut XL I have a 600w eye hortilux bulb being powered by a 600w magnetic Hydrofarm ballast. This is a vert grow using lower plant numbers in tomato cages. I am running the same 6 phenos of JW AK99 from the XXL under the 1ks.

This tent is still in veg. I'm debating when I should flip, probably doing it Friday-Monday depending on how they fill the cages.



In my other Sunhut XL I have a 600w eye hortilux bulb being powered by a 600w magnetic Hydrofarm ballast. This is a vert grow using higher plant numbers with minimal training. I'm trying to simulate two tiers with spare pots. I am running 7 phenos of Beanho Super Skunk x SSH with numbers selected by structure, these weren't sexed when selections were made and I haven't culled anything yet. I am going to see how things play out before making any decisions but I would love to make some f2s if I get a tight male that produces a decent number of flowers. The seeds were cheap so if I don't find what I'm looking for its not a big loss as long as I get some good smoke.





For those of you paying attention there's a tent not mentioned yet...I have a Sunhut LG with a couple t8's in it. Nothing in there now, but that should change soon...



The plants have been pretty healthy through most of the grow but I think the 4 week veg time with this tent was a little much given the vertical space I have to work with.

I'm brewing a tea in one of my huge trash cans.

~20 gals of bubbled tap water, 2 cups EWC, 2 cups alfalfa meal, 1 cup kelp meal, .5 cup maxicrop liquid seaweed bubbled for ~24 hours gives me this.


I just tossed the ingredients in the water as I had nothing to use as a bag. I'm out of my preferred material at the moment, I'd usually use some cheap cloth. It might be cheese cloth, not sure... I asked for cloth and got this.

I'm not sure what you all are interested in seeing picture wise of the set ups so let me know if you'd like a closer look at something.

Once I make my mind up I'll let you know what I plan on running in the future.... too many seeds I want to make f2s of/crosses with, not enough time.

I'll try to get group shots/individual shots of worthy individuals over the next few days. After that I'll try to pump an update out once a week featuring one style (vert/horizontal), still showing overall shots of the other.

I'm glad I've gotten to the point of basically watching plants grow and I hope to put on a show worthy of watching.


Trying to have a good day
They will be fine and I have noticed that when you keep the foilage down growing in a tight space it helps keep the temps from getting too high.


They will be fine and I have noticed that when you keep the foilage down growing in a tight space it helps keep the temps from getting too high.
Idunno man, on a few plants I trimmed too much and it stunted growth on quite a few nodes.
looking good er·u·dite keep em coming.:dance013:
will do sir :tiphat:
looking nice man :joint:

looks great, in for the show :)

thanks, hope to keep it that way :wave:
very nice

makes me want to go get a tent
or 5? LOL~


Tonight I'm going to update the Sunhut XXL tent that houses the Joey Weed crosses and the Alpha Diesel x Mango Haze from Beanho. The 4x4s are in their dark period and will be updated tomorrow morning.

The plants are showing some signs of heat/light stress combined with slight magnesium/nitrogen deficiencies, especially under the direct footprint of the hoods. I think that it helps that the blueberry crosses are in the middle of the two lights, they look great.

I'm going to toss a couple of tablespoons of dolomite lime into every pot in the tent tomorrow to combat the mag def..... hopefully things green back up a bit in a few days.

I'll start brewing a tea with

~25 gallons pre-aerated tap water
3 cups EWC
1.5 cups Peruvian Seabird guano 10-10-2
1.5 cups Jamaican Bat guano 1-10-.2
1 cup kelp meal

I hope to feed with that by Thursday night.

The lights hadn't been raised in over a week, contributing to the light/heat stress. On the plus side the defoliation really helped with controlling the stretch. The hoods are now around 24-28 inches above the plants. I am also going to start using silica blast at 1-2ml/gal every feeding to try to combat any further problems with the heat/light stress situation.

Speaking of introducing something new into their diet, I remembered I bought a bottle of hygrozyme to use this grow. I just used it for the first time when I watered last night. Hope that I see some benefit from starting use this late into the grow.

I just saw that I didn't show off my male ADxMH in my first posts. He's been on 18/6 lighting in my SSSH vert tent for about 5 days now. I'm making a male isolation chamber tomorrow so he can live in his own filth as he's about to start dropping pollen. I'm going to pollinate a select branch or two per plant in around a week or so. I am also going to pollinate the entire chuck d clone I have in the tent. It has a structure that leans towards the sd clone pretty heavily, a stellar amount of trichomes and if let to finish properly its some pretty narcotic, mind melting stuff.



The plants are in day 16 of 12/12 at this point and most are starting to put out a decent amount of trichomes. Guess I'll let the plants take over...

a couple nice overall shots


Chuck D (left) and the 3 Joey Weed BB47 phenos






Joey Weed NL99




the other set of Joey Weed NL99's




Joey Weed AK99




Joey Weed BB99





I added about 2tbs lime per pot to everything except the ak99's in the 4x4. I then watered with a new powder beneticial I found, works great.
I found this awesome omri certified product the other day in a hardware store. I bought 8lbs of it, feel like I made out like a bandt at under a bill out the door. I plan on using it is as a semi regular beneficial tea inbetween guano tea feedings. The pictures of this are 5 and 15 mins after mixing respectively. I didn't even plug my pump in until 3 of 4 mins.





Only thing I can say is don't add more water after feeding and try to use it as a fast tea starter, it goes rank and ruins whatever you're brewing... In a 5 gallon bucket I started a new organica tea and tried to leave it bubbling for about 36 hours and was disappointed when I came home to a tea that the baddies had taken over. So I guess it needs to be used within 8-24 hours of mixing. I'll let you know how long this new bucket lasts, gonna be able top keep an eye on it now.


I took these pictures of the 4x4s friday night.

Beanho Super Skunk x SSH






Joey Weed AK99





A ton has happened in the man cave since my last update and I'm glad to be done with all the tedious work... for now... couple weeks its gonna be defoliating the plants down for another 24+ hours.

About a week ago I defoliated my 600w 4x4 vert tents and topped a couple of plants to kind of even out the canopies. As you can see the new nodes had just developed all over the plants.

Beanho SSSH


Joey Weed AK99

The tents have blown up since then. Following pictures are from tonight.
I finally flipped the AK99 tent, today was the end of day 1 of 12/12. I don't plan on defoliating this tent until some time around day 10-14, thats when the stretch slowed enough for me to feel comfortable stopping it with the defoliation in my 4x8. Next time I water I'm going to arrange the plants alternating yellow and galvanized cages to "even out" its canopy. I'm pretty happy with their health so I'm going to feed light teas weekly until the ladies start showing some defs and will address em as they pop up.


The SSSH tent has been put through the ringer with my over vegging while trying to get a perpetual going. All the plants have been sexed and none of them are male unfortunately. I was going to flip these yesterday with the AK99's but when I pulled the plants out of the pots I saw they were pretty rootbound and there was no way I would be able to flower them without some serious problems mid flower.
I looked at what I had pot wise and tried filling the tent up with 2 gallon buckets. I knew I would have to trim the bottom of the rootball to fit it in them and was fine with that. No dice homies. I would have had to cull 4 plants, I like the variety I should have high wise looking at their structures and elected to try something a little different to preserve that. I decided to do something a little bit more drastic... I trimmed the rootballs down to about 5x5x6 from 7x7x9 and refilled with a pretty hot soil. I'm going to feed the whole man cave an organica tea tomorrow night, mainly to help them get ready to defoliate and flip in about 7-10 days. This should also help the AK99 stretch nicely until I decide enough is enough and bitchsmack them into flower.


Shits been poppin all over the 4x8. Late last week all the plants were hit with the Beanho Alpha Diesel x Mango Haze pollen from the male below.


I really liked the growth pattern and smell too much to pass up the opportunity to let him bust a nut on all my ladies. I'd like to get a good amount of weed out of this as I'm going to be revegging the better yielders/lookers of each strain and toss what I don't like as I figure it out.... hopefully they reveg well as I'm feeling stupid for not taking cuts now.
The plants all got a nice haircut yesterday as well. A few beers/oil hits to achieve crunk status and 8 hours later I had em all trimmed up. I think they look great and look forward to seeing the difference in bud development. Pics aren't great but I took like 40 with lights on and they were all garbage so I had to snap a few new ones real quick.
Left to right...... NL99 - AK99 - BB99 - ADxMH with BB47 and the lone CD in front of em.




Here's what I've got goin on in early veg right now. I'm down to 14 Dr. Atomic's BB Jam (NLxBB), all 20 popped but lost 6 to stems snapping during transplant/over/underwatering. All my fault as I got 20 above the ground. Bright side is I've got 10 of Mosca's Killer Queen (G13xC99) above the ground and looks like they're all gonna pull through. I'm at around day 8-10 of rooting the AK99 clones from the 4x4 and am going to put them in 5x5 pots with coco to get them ready for my coco waterfarm grow immediately following the AK99 4x4.


wow, I love your room.
right on man! I've followed your thread for a minute, nice to see you over here.

edit: I'll be taking macros of the 4x8 and individual shots of the rest as I water them in the next couple of days.

I also would like to note that my plants in my 4x8 and a couple of the super skunk phenos of the SSSH in the vert tent were experienceing a K def a couple weeks ago and I misdiagnosed it as a mag def but I still scratched in dry ferts (5-5-5) and it has helped. I still need to give em a couple of nice teas while not limiting N to finish off this round properly with it being partially seeded and whatnot.


I've finally made my decision as what to run and hopefully the order as well. Some words of advice from you guys who have grown some of the strains I'm growing or someone who has some breeding knowledge bombs to drop that will change the order/selection criteria would be cool.
I would consider everything on this table as my breeding stock, whether looking for females exclusively; or letting pollen fly to only make f2s and/or crosses to all my moms. I have another table worth of Mandala, Canacopia, Nirvana and KC Brains stuff in the freezer that I'm planning on running ouutdoors, several seasons from now.
Keep in mind I have 15 Dr. Atomic's BB Jam and 10 Mosca's Killer Queen seedlings going now as well. Only looking for females here, no interest in the males although KQ f2s sound nice.....

I'll introduce the lineup starting with what's on deck first to the end.

First up is the MOD The Odd Couple - (Cannabiogen Destroyer x Serious Kali Mist) x Dreamweaver and Legends Johnny Blaze - Neville's Haze x Blueberry.

I'm only looking for females from these two packs. I think both hold something special to add to a cross. The Odd Couple (TOC) should have some nice variation in phenotypes but something balanced with some super potency would be ideal. The Johnny Blaze should hold some nice sativa leaning BB smoke with some great flavors and a long lasting high. I had 2 of each but gave 1 each to a friend, wish I woulda kept the other pack of JB now.

Dinafem Critical+ (Mr. Nice's Critical Mass S1)

I'm growing out all 15 seeds looking for a fast finishing, skunky, decently potent plant that yields nicely. I think this will be nice to chunk things up in crosses, maybe even bring some flower times down more and impart little flavor.

Dutchgrown White Lightning - Krome's the White x G13xbx

I'm making f2's and crossing with the JB and Critical+ while keeping cuts of females for future use in crosses. This should be a nice low odor strain with plants that possess great structure and yields well with some decent potency. Sounds like a good general outdoor strain. In crosses my hope is that it imparts little flavor, reduces flower time and adds some stone to whatever pollen I send its way.

Connoisseur Genetics OG Chem - (orgnkid S1 ChemD/Abusive OG Kush) x Rez Chemdog bx2

I plan on doing an open pollenation for f2's and crosses with the WL and the Critical+ while probably culling the runts I've seen popping up in most of the test grows recently. I'll definitely keep cuts of all females and am going to use them in crosses with NL, C99 and AK.

Joey Weed AK47 F2s (Serious AK47 prechange)

I'm making f3's and at the same time will have every female cut in the room getting hit with pollen. I'm hoping this adds yield and possibly reduces flowering time of a few plants in crosses. I have heard that the sandalwood is what I'm looking for in the Joey stuff so let me know what your best females/males smelled/tasted like if you've grown it out. I'll probably use the f3's in the future to hit all my hazes to be shown later.

Spice of Life Blubonic - kootenay's blueberry cut x Blue Satellite 2.1

I am going to make f2s of these and crosses to everything except the OG Chem. I've read this is a fast flowering commercial BB hybrid, as such it fits the bill for the goals of this breeding project. I think this will combine well with the Johnny Blaze and BB Jam, in particular the AK47 and WL females.

imagine I have 3 packs of Dr. Atomic's NL......because I will at this point in the plan....
I'm more interested in getting f2s of these made for preservation purposes than crosses so I'll likely limit females that get hit with this pollen and grow some larger plants to get what most people recognize as the best NL available at this time.

Mosca's C99 BX-1 and Fairlight C99 (f5) are what I've currently got.

I would like to add a pack of Joey Weeds f2 C99 and a pack from the GN09 collection that DG helped select/grow. I will surely have done it by the time I start this small breeding project of its own. I know that this is a pretty hyped strain but from the c99 crosses I'm growing right now I can tell you its the c99 leaning plants are where its at. With all the hype comes a demand for these genetics that for some reason hasn't been met yet.
I will keep males in veg while I grow out a clone of each female to evaluate what female progeny makes it into the mix of seeds that will be put out as freebies/donations/untested cheap BINs pending where they end up. Slightly controlled genetic diversity will be the goal of this, and since these seed plants will be the last of the cycle every female cut that I have at that time will be fully pollinated by whatever pollen hits em.

Sam the Skunkman's Thai Haze x Skunk (10) and his Original Haze x Skunk (25)

I plan on running the 5 THUNKS and 15 OHaze x Skunks at the end of this cycle. No pollen will hit them and I'm only looking for females of what I keep reading is some crazy headstash.

next breeding project barring any major purchases would be........................

Beanho Haze crosses/f2s

I will use these as my female stock and make f3's of the mango haze and SSH. From there I'll probably hit them with some c99, AK47 f3s, NL f2s and....

Spice of Life's Blue Satellite 2.2.

I'm hoping these shorten flower time, give a more indica like structure and adds some of those special flavors I know these seeds posess.

I'll be posting a plant update in the next few days, took a bunch of shitty pics and would rather have a complete update than a partial one.


Active member
Nice tents man! Awesome to see you running some BeanHo gear, I have some myself :D

I noticed in another thread you mentioned running the Beanho williams wonderxssh and nl/haze x ak47... I have packs of both these but haven't run either yet. What did you think of them? Have any pics?

Thanks a lot man and I love your setup!

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