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total secret or tell one friend


Tropical Outcast
I had to shut down a very well going op because my partner/best friend let the cat out of the bag. One person grows the plants, One person knows the plants.

Simple but excellent post!

Thing is you can't tell anyone that, they ALL have to find out on their own.

enter sandman

Active member
these guys know what they are talking about. TELL NOBODY PERIOD. In my lifetime (& I'm over middle age) all the busts I've witnessed were from the grower telling someone they thought they could trust. Plus, some people you tell mean no harm BUT they will tell somebody THEY think they can trust...then that person will tell someone else etc etc. And no matter how tight you may think you are with somebody, one day you might have an argument and in the heat of anger, that person will tell on you. Never give anyone the power to destroy your life just by picking up the phone & calling the county narc office...it would take them probably 5 minutes to do this.
Five years of no hassle with two who knew. One told another and that one told another. That 4th person was a single mom with two kids. Knew right away that even if every body was tight that single mom thing was the pits. Had her boyfriend warn her that if she was ever questioned just STFU, and that her kids were the weakness that guaranteed her crumblin' like a stale biscuit.

Like a friggin' clairvoyant...a year later she's bein' interrogated over a forensic audit and large qty. of cash issue, but there's absolutely no physical evidence tying anyone to anything. 1st thing they tell her is "your kids are going to the orphanage" and she can't talk fast enough. That got'em warrants and wires but there was nothing to see or hear. They got her to wear a wire and she would call or just show up out of the blue and start all kinds of inappropriate conversations. #1 and #2 would always ignore her and act like they didn't know her, since they were aware early on about her questioning. 4 months later they get her boyfriend to roll and now they have corroboration. All circumstantial and hear say but the two swearing to each others story led to grand jury and eventually a plea for #1 and #2. #3  had to elocute their guilty story in open court but #1 & #2 followed the first rule of LEO contact, not to be redundant but - Shut The Fuck Up!

There are several morals to this story. #1 and #2 did no time but are still in the system now, and that means forever in today's CJ system. No one in this case would have ever been indited had they all just stuck with STFU!. Even better, had #1 not told #2 then he could have never told #3 who told #4. It's like a fucking sexually transmitted disease.

The other oft forgotten and under-appreciated fact is the bit about STFU. LEO asks questions 'cuz their trying to make a case...and most times you're the only way that they can hang you. They usually don't know shit until you fuck up and tell them, usually because you're scared or think that you're really smart and can talk your way out of shit. No matter what the beef, you can never go wrong with the shut the fuck up tactic, the other way...you're pretty much planning to fail.

If you still don't quite get it I would suggest a reverse tattoo across your forehead so that it's the first thing that you see in the mirror every morning...Shut The Fuck Up!

#3 and #4 still ended up on the worst end of it even with their cooperation and plea. So there was some justice served.
Here's another one.

About 30 something years ago a guy's moving large qty. of Lucy. His sponsor wasn't aware that he was also playin' with H for personal entertainment and would get pretty toasty when he was out at the clubs doin' business. H boy ends up hangin' at the same club a lot and a bartender overhears enough to start gettin' ambitious. He starts trying to put together a crew to try a home invasion at H boy's sponsor's house. Just dumb luck that he approached someone who was a better friend to the sponsor than the recruiter, so the house was all lit up on a 3 day crystal meth jag and armed to the hilt when they came a knockin'. All bad shit from there. House gets shot up, neighbor's house gets some wild lead (nice suburban folks don't care much for this shit). Two of the aliens get holes in 'em and three home defenders get beefs. A month or so later a home defender gets his head removed by a 12 ga. sitting in his Jeep at a red light. A couple of days later there's a bartender hanging off of a local bridge. Somewhere in between H boy pulls a distribution beef for H and the only ones left standing were juvies that either left the State or joined the military at the urging of a judge.

Loose lips sink ships...and can get someone's head removed.


:thank you::laughing::groupwave::party:
thanks guys i cant believe all the responses and cautionary tales
this is the first time i checked this thread in a week i cant believe its still going


Add this to the equation, some people live where ordering seeds actually gets you into trouble and the cops WILL take you in for that.

Do you still order to your home address, or is it worth telling one person?

I don't know any more. Loose lips sink ships, but so does cops knocking at your door..

JG's Ghost

Active member
You can get a mailbox at one of those shipping places. Many do not ask for a permanent address.

JG's Ghost

rick shaw

mail is in the federal domain,many of the clubs have beans.KEEP IT ON A NEED TO KNOW BASIS.