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preflowering nightmare

Hey all,

I've been losing my mind with some serious OCD about my 8 wk old garden. My plants are now showing alternating nodes. I used MH and have really bushy close nodes for most part.

Hoping that Doc. Dog or another from OGA could tell me if it's common for the Zombie to show calyxes for quite a while - entirely in tear shape; not duplicated, nor are they on stems... But lack pistils?

I am very curious is this the way of the Zombie beast? Thanks in advance. I'll post my newest pics soon. My album is open - although the ages from my descriptions are off. They're actually older - germinated 8 wks ago.

http://www.icmag.com/ic/album.php?albumid=20771 - most recent



Um....I dont see flowers at all. I see new leaves being born. What is your current light cycle?

Cheers j242,

I was 24/0 for about 5 weeks; then moved 16/6 for remainder of roughly 3 wks. I'm told by the breeders and experienced growers that pref lowers show after roughly 3 wks. I wish I could say I saw Pistils - although my light schedule may have slowed complete pref lowering.

Jussst weird, because none of the plants are showing definitive male attributes. Just the simple tear-drop calyx. Sure hope their female late bloomers.

Yeah - I'm a first grow op guy - no doubt paying too much attention; just that this breed is supposed to show pre flowers after roughly 3 wks.

I just hope I haven't wasted time and EC to play with 5 germ out of 5 germ for males... Be cool if I was a breeder - but I just want to start a perpetual garden for my MS mom and I.



Jeeesuz I must be confused or something, but...
How bout you set your lights on 12/12 and leave them alone? Just a thought...I agree w/ the other guy, I didn't see any indication of flowering? But my thoughts are that they are not flowering, from the look of the pics and you exposing them to light for >12 hours, 16? Put it on 12 and sit back, they look nice.
Thanks for encouragement.

I was worried about my smell & the heat and humidity of summer; hence, was waiting until I can make a proper scrubber. Thanks again.


GreatLakes THC

an Arthur P. Jacobs production
You have your plants on a more vegetative light schedule. That is why you are not seeing pistils yet. Move your light schedule to 12/12 and you should start seeing flowering begin before too long. Also I do not think a calyx is what you think it is. I don't see any calyx's. Plants look healthy though.

GreatLakes THC :joint:


ok clear up timeare you saying thet the pistills you see dont have a hair if so there just young or not even pistils
if you see pistills and a hair and your still looking for somthing then stop looking cuz no more will come till you switch the light cycle to 12/12
and your plants have not shown alternating nodes cuz they need to veg longer hope that healps
atleast 12h of darkness is nedded to star flowering


Active member
sometimes a plant will preflower under veg lighting, sometimes it WONT. when it does show preflowers under veg, it will grow those preflowers slowly, sometimes without pistils, sometimes with, sometimes with resin glands, mostly without. imo it wastes time letting them veg and wait for preflowers, best thing is to go 12/12 let it show then flip it back to 24/0 or clone it and carry on. if you get alternating nodes, well it means fuck all to me except the plant has grown big and has been veging quite a while. i see no preflowers in your pictures, you didnt even give a close up of the nodes...
Hey thanks to all !

Appreciate comments. I guess that I expected a more developed vegetative growth for "preflowering".

Some people say after 3 wks, but I perhaps assumed they were still in veg. And some have written of seeing some pistils at the node during veg. Definitely agree the pics aren't close enough to nodes either.. Think it's my camera macro - camera sucks or something.. I miss film.

Again, thanks and rep+.

bracts, or calyxes - definitely no pistils even with 12/12

bracts, or calyxes - definitely no pistils even with 12/12


As I thought from all the images and articles I read my fear has been realized. I've spent a lot of cash and 11 weeks learning how to make some very nice looking male zombies.

Wish I was a breeder. Even be good I guess If I didn't have any AK girls - as I would gather pollen from them. Really sux cuz I don't think they sell Fem. Zombie Virus.

I appreciate all I learned here... I'm definitely not done trying -- just know now to buy a pack of Fem strain so I don't waste more time.


EDIT: problem there is that on ODSP I can barely afford to live - I took a hit buying seeds and now I'll have to do it again *grr*
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Active member
so all 5 plants showed definate balls ??? id expect 1-2 females per 5. maybe show the breeder that you got no females at all and he may send you another pack??
maybe you should get cheaper seeds rather than fancy ones. a 10pack of nirvana superskunk or whatever. grow them all, take clones, make a mum and polinate a bud for seeds "just in case" :)
Awesome advice Smokey. I am fortunate to have some from the first pack of Zombies and some AK's from Nirvana in storage. I'm fairly sure that I've got at least one maybe 2 AK femailes out of 3 in Nirvana.

I can't complain though on the price of the OGA Zombies because I am so close to Niagara and got a deal at a reputable shop. I am being optimistic about the ZV in fridge that they'll be Female. Going to change method/medium as well.

I learned an enormous amount of info. The seed bank I bought from are the most cool people and they're close friends with some of the OGA Breeders - so I'm confused. They even gave me a free pack of Nirvana AK's when I bought the Zombie's so - I would be an ass to complain.

Cheers to you and thanks for advice.

Good news!

Good news!

I agree smokey but I really wanna get some Zombie bud!

I appreciate the comments & agree as well. I have read and seen more pics, photo's and even plants.

I can honestly say that I got unlucky. Although I was extremely lucky when I called the bank I bought them from for advice; however, in turn they are so awesome there that I am getting another comp. pack.

I would write about who they are although - I was told I could be banned for pointing people to other banks.

I am stoked and excited.


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