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How to make tall stretchy plants more short and bushy?


Active member
i have a Kush strain that is always very stretchy, last time my yeild kind of suffered because it stretched so far. i tried topping them but they look really funny now...heres a picture of the kush clones on the right, one is topped, the other isnt. on the left is a chemxsour about 5-6 weeks into veg that is way more bushy.

the distance between the nodes on the chemxsour is really short, but on the Kush the distance is huge! is there a way to make the nodes closer?

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Leon Brooks

edit n/a your left, your left, your military left. (drill cadence) n/a edit

on a serious note i would go with , to far from the light source.

i veg and flower in the same tent so i have to prop up my vegging plant or they will stretch like yours. i have a casey jones that stretched alot until i raised it up. stopped stretching and started filling out.

i HIGHLY recommend LST. check out my albums when you get a chance.
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bushmaster and phosphoload for stretch in flower

I used the phosphoload on a strain that stretched like crazy and used it about day 10-14 of flower. Basically start using it right before you want them to stop. I also went light on the nutes.

maybe lighting will help the kush? CMH or T5's?


Active member
yeah right now they are under 150 watt HPS but i dont have many other options...just a CFL but since i have those other fat ass chemxsours in there, until i move out the chemxsours i have no room.


Trying to have a good day
LST Training

OOps didnt see the thing about the nodes.Other than a bunch of tape and a helluva grafting job I think the nodes are staying that way.

big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
Ceramic metal halide kept my plants real short...i wish we could trade positions. I need my plants to stretch more but this CMH just doesnt promote long internodes....

Week 3.5


Active member
bushmaster; aka paclobutrazonal.... u can get some pure stuff from phyto technologies.. crazy stuff to play with if u wana try it out.... that or just slam ur t5/led lights right on em and u'll get short squat plants regardless of strain

if u want stretch raise the light; i've raised lights in veg right before slamming them down in flower to get more penetration and longer node space


I actually had to move my lights up earlier because they werent' growing vertical. Had like 7 nodes with a 1/2" between them LOL


More light, and closer. If in veg, then you could cut the plant back to a lower node. 150 watts is fuck all, if you want it to be effective then keep the lamp within a foot to the canopy. If the plant can take it, get it even closer. A fan helps keep the heat away, circulate co2, and keep the plant shorter and stronger. To get any yeild at all, keep the plant canopy no more than a foot and a half deep with a 150. Just my two cents.

LST is a good idea.
Topping could help.


Try a TRELLIS,, i have a link on some tips on growing with one in my sig... or really any form of LST or HST will help to some extent

Or you could use additives like bushmaster/phosphorload(sp?),,,, which reduce vertical growth and promote ''bushing out''

also i heard Silica will make thin wimpy stems strong and sturdy (havent tried that out yet though))


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
top em regular, train them, scrog them or a combination of those things - get as many tips/buds on the canopy near the light. chock up shorter plants so they are not further from the light as that will make them stretch more

i can grow anything in 3ft total growing height including pot - no bushmaster or chemicals requred ;)



Pinch the stems when the calyx's stretch too far apart. Delicately squeeze until you feel the cambium "pop". This also creates a thicker stem that can hold more bud weight. Little to no stress for the plants.


Trying to have a good day
I read the post wrong sorry........Ive noticed that flourecents Keep the nodes short if you keep them close.I use CFLs on them though.


Active member
I read the post wrong sorry........Ive noticed that flourecents Keep the nodes short if you keep them close.I use CFLs on them though.

There's nothing finer (as in easy, cheap, effective) in my opinion than some 23W CFL's for starting seedlings...these were two weeks from planting the seed. Look how squat and thick they get. I cringe when I see other peoples seedlings that are 5 days old and already 6 inches tall...with just two leaves.



Top em early and train is about it...

Also, with stretchy varieties some people will stick 2-3 in a pot. Let's you cram more plants in less space pretty easily, making up for bushiness with numbers.

And get a stronger light.


I would say top them earlier and be careful with the bushmasters, I have heard using too much will completely reverse a plant