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Green Mujaheed
Yeah it's just crazy. i haven't followed much the chinese situation (it looks very very bad), but in Pakistan this is insane. There's just nothing like that in the living memory, it happens everywhere in the mountains, swat, ghizar, chitral even down to Darra Ismael Khan. Pakistan sure doesn't need such disaster at the moment. THis is bad, very bad for the country...

Irie !


"Tibet freedom"
a thousand people dead in pakistan at the moment ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

and don´t stop rain


According to the experts here in the USA its supposed to be a far above average season with many more named storms,and strong ones,than an average year.It due to it being an el nino year.I cant say any more on the subject or I'd be making things up lol.I know an el nino year is much more severe than a la nina year.Has to do with ocean currents and water temperature I think


Green Mujaheed
Yeah, and more rain is forecasted. The extent of floowings is waaaaay wider than what is shown on the news (focusing on Swat & nearby).

Irie !

Cookie monster

The Chinese also have an oil leak on top of everything.

And an estimated 3000+ barrels of toxic chemicals washed into the water system by the floods, and not to mention the mountain of rubbish thats threatening the dam.

A disease outbreak will be next.

Coming out in the news today is cloned beef was sent for forward for human consumption in the UK....i think it was the UK, must find the article....

Scarey stuff.

Consumers have eaten food from at least two British bulls bred from embryos of a cloned US cow, the Food Standards Agency said tonight as concerns mounted over the traceability of such livestock.
Investigators were satisfied, however, that milk from at least one dairy cow bred from an embryo had not been sold, the FSA said. The history of two other dairy cows was still being investigated.
The agency had now identified all eight animals bred in the UK from cloned embryos from the one cow. While it was working to find their offspring, it said, these would be at present too young to be used for breeding or to provide milk.
The FSA previously revealed that meat from one bull had been eaten; meat from a third bull, which was slaughtered last week, was stopped from being sold as food. At least two of the bulls were on the same farm, near Inverness in Scotland.
The agency remained of the view that owners of such cattle destined for food were technically in breach of the law despite European commission officials suggesting that was not the case.
In a statement, the FSA said: "Four of these embryos resulted in male calves and four were female. Aall were Holstein animals. The FSA can confirm that meat from a second bull, Parable, has entered the food chain. Parable was born in May 2007 and was slaughtered [on] 5 May 2010. This is in addition to the confirmation given yesterday that meat from another of the bulls, Dundee Paratrooper, entered the food chain in 2009. Meat from both of these animals will have been eaten.
"While there is no evidence that consuming products from healthy clones, or their offspring, poses a food safety risk, meat and products from clones and their offspring are considered novel foods and would therefore need to be authorised before being placed on the market."
The statement said a fourth male calf died at around one month old. No meat or products from this young animal entered the food chain and its carcass was disposed of legally.
"Of the four cows, Dundee Paradise is alive on a UK dairy farm. Following a visit from local authority officials the agency has been informed that there is no evidence milk from this animal has entered the food chain," said the FSA.
"The agency has traced two other cows that we believe are being kept as part of dairy herds but at present we cannot confirm whether or not milk from these animals has entered the food chain. Local authority officials are visiting the farms on which these animals are kept.
"The fourth female calf died at less than a month old. No meat or products from this young animal entered the food chain."


Yeah it's just crazy. i haven't followed much the chinese situation (it looks very very bad), but in Pakistan this is insane. There's just nothing like that in the living memory, it happens everywhere in the mountains, swat, ghizar, chitral even down to Darra Ismael Khan. Pakistan sure doesn't need such disaster at the moment. THis is bad, very bad for the country...

Irie !

meh, call me cold hearted, but the flood hit the northwestern region of Pakistan. Currently the home of most terrorist activity. They kill westerns and their own alike. Karma anyone?


Green Mujaheed
Nay, not coldhearted, kinda brainwashed from mis/disinformation. It's not complicated get informed.
NW Pakistan is my favorite vacation destination and I've never ever heard about any Westerner having any kind of problem there (hmm, maybe a bunch of diplomats few months ago and unwise couple getting rapped, otherwise it's quite safe place). Among the best people on Hearth.

By the way, for some reason the media are focusing on Swat & North West, but it is actually yhe whole North which is under water. THe valleys of Chitral (Kalasha ones also), Mastuj, Yarkhun, Laspur, Ishkoman, Ghizar, Gilgit are all flooded as well (Many peacefull hash-making Ismaelis living there, which many extremist would like to get rid off, so if Karma plays some role, why are they getting flooded & buried under the mountains ?). Many of these areas are located in Gilgit-Baltistan, which is the name given to "Pakistan Administered Kashmir". THis area being not part of Pakistan, technically speaking, it is therefore never included on Pakistan maps presented by the media, and so are the floods maps. Floodings in Gilgit-Baltistan are simply & totally ignored.
And South & North Waziristan, where are located most of Pakistani Taleban bases and camps under the commandment of Hakimullah Mehsud happens to be not hit by the floods, at all ! Karma again ??

My, beside the human and material losses, huge quantities of genetics are being lost currently...

Irie !
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"I can't remember the last time I had a blackout"
Pakistan is going to have a lot of these problems as they're near china, and both are making huge passes towards full industrialization, without really worrying about environmental impact, or at least the people making the decisions aren't (as it never really affects them anyways). It's a recipe for lots of death, unhappiness, and unfortunately, a great recruiting ground for radicals of every stripe..


Green Mujaheed
Hmm, there's still some way to go before "full industrialization" of Pakistan. A loooong way and China is much in advance in that matter compared to Pakistan.

There's not much awareness in Pakistan about environment preservation from what i've seen, but China appears to be amongst the most advanced countries in the world in terms of reduced pressure on the said environment. They were much backward only a few years ago, but have sine increased many folds their use of eco-friendly technologies. Still far from perfect, but way better than France, for instance.

Problem #1 for Pakistan is the leaders. Those who are in chaarge of the country just don't give a damn about the small people, they are here to increase their wealth & power and nothing else. See Zardari ? Rather than going back to Pakistan quickly, he prefered to go Birmingham to help launch his son's political career;
This kind of action indeed is going to incite some to join some armed group and do nasty things.

Irie !


stone fool
There are heat waves, floods, and fires in the US as well, but not as bad as those on the other side of the world, our prayers go to all those peoples. We have three oil leaks, two in the gulf, one in michigan, a fine lovely progressive state, now fouled because the evil corporation controls our government, and we allow it.

The people here are mad, so many out of work, no jobs, and our govt no longer serves us, which has many ready to revolt, but our police are well armed, efficient, and there are cameras in much of urban areas. We do not support the wars, but we do support our troops and their families, so we can not rise up against it. There is unrest, and injustice running rampant in our land. The imbalance has not stopped, no chart, no maps.......but we are still stong and retain hope and drive, it is who we are.

Happy buds folks
