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4K Original Diesel RDWC Scrog


Greetings everyone!

Been a long time since I've posted pics of the gardens but I've been a long time lurker here so figured I should share something.

Here is my 4K Original Diesel Scrog. Vegging for about 3.5weeks and getting the flip this Friday (7-30-10)

Quick run down...16 buckets, 4 per light, Co2, 1/4 HP chiller, AC, Dehuey... All the usual suspects. She'll be going 70-75 days. Enjoy.















How are you liking that co2 generator? Thats the miniGen correct or HydroGen, I forget the exact name. Definitely a good size, being nice and slim. How are you running it? Drain to waste, recirc w/ chiller? Looking fuckin great, clean as hell man.


Thanks for the comments guys.

Unta- It's the HydroGen not the mini. The unit has been working pretty well for me without any real issues. I run her drain to waste off my main cold water line and drained into the worksink. My only qualm with this unit is that if the ignitor doesnt catch a flame when the unit attempts to start, the valve stays open and runs the water constantly which in turn drains my well dry. There is nothing that tells the unit..."well co2 is not being added, even though the water is rolling...why is this?" This has been a minor issue though.

This would be the only item I would purchase from Hydro Innovations though as I've recently had the displeasure of faulty equipment/shitty customer service for their water cooling systems.

So yea dude, long story short the genny works well for me...I used to spend 25 a week on a bottle...now I spend 12 a month on a 20LB propane tank. My only real advice is if your trying to supplement a room that is smaller than a 10x10..to really go with the minigen. The HydroGen will produce to much co2 to quickly and I found will seriously overshoot your room.

Although I don't even know if I can honestly tell you to buy their shit, just based on the CS alone. I would not support them myself again.


Strain Whore Extraordinaire!
Very nice man,clean set up sorta my ideal grow,not too big not too small just right.

4k+rdwc+scrog+Co2+diesel=Fat dank buds to inhale .


Great looking room man! Look forward to watching this run progress.

Those HydroGen units are so cool (pun intended) but I've heard exactly what you said too many times. I can't understand why a company would let a reputation like that continue. It's too bad, they have some cool stuff and the concept is great. Sounds like the people are what suck.

Good luck and keep the updates flowin!


Nice to have you guys on board!

I agree DevilWeed. Hydro Innovations/Chill King is one big imbred mess and a PITA to deal with. Cool guys if the products work. Once you have an issue with a $3,000.00 chiller...the story changes completely. Although honestly, it's myself I want to kick in the ass. Why I would purchase a unit that is designed to last for 10-15 years and is only under warranty for 90 days? That in itself shows how much faith the company has in its own products.

:biglaugh: :bashhead: :dunno:

Thanks for the compliments man.

NHG- The room is at 1200-1500 ppm when the lights are on. I hit the button on the HLC-2e.That unit protects the ballasts and bulbs in case of a power outage and starts a 15 min delay before repowering so the ballast and bulbs don't refire hot. It turned the lights out for 15 min's so I could snap a few pics :) The co2 controller is hooked up to a Daytime photosensor to turn the co2 on only when lights are on.

Flipped the garden last night. I'll post a start picture tonight and then update the thread again in about a week to see where we are.

Again, thanks for tagging along everyone.


what the

Nice work.

Tip for future builds: For the cost of all those shark bite connections you could buy a PEX crimper and use the far less expensive crimp fittings.


Week 1 Flower

Week 1 Flower

Update. Pictures here are from 3 days after flip. One girl on the left was not establishing itself well and was very much the runt of the group. Culled her out and I believe the rest of the plants should still fill in her space nicely.

Trimmed up the bottom growth beneath the screen and topped off the controller. Need to do a bit of leaf removal up top but will wait until the begining of next week to let them recoup from the removal of all the lower growth. Going out of town for a week and will update after I return for the begining of week 2.

Right Side


Left Side




Lots of below screen growth removed


Left underside


Right underside


Until next week....





i like how you cleaned up the underside
would you mind throwing up a pic of the roots next time around


Active member
This looks interesting, dont think i have seen a scrog this size before.
May I ask, what kind of yields are you getting with this setup?
I scrog too, under 2x600w with RDWC, just 2 plant in a 3'4" x 5' "room"


Week 4

Week 4

Hello there! Sorry for the lack of updates. Was gone for longer than I expected work wise.

So, I left in my opinion, as the worst time I could have wished for,as its the stetch time and time to get things in settled as I would have liked. One oversight was that my lady who was looking after things, did a great job topping off...but is terrified of topping and training and "hurting" the girls hehe...so I can say I came back to a healthy garden...but WHOA OVERGROWN!

Had I actually been around to train them properly and clean things up fan leaf wise I could have made a much better,spaced out canopy. But basically I was able to leave the grow, have my girl take care of the topping off and general maintenence shit, and come back 4 weeks later to a still solid running room, so I'm happy none the less..

Here is what I came into after I nervously opened the doors!





Not much room to work or walk!


So I was quite surprised to say the least...and had to get in there to do some serious training and deleafing if this project is still to be successful. So here at the plants after some love and care. I still need to do more deleafing but wanted to give them some time to recover in between. Updates again soon...










Peace peace!


Active member
Hello Blowstrees, Lookin good bro. Damn they shot up. Thats alot of work, but it will be forgiving. I as well flipped on 7/30/2010.

1000watt total air cooled in a 4.5X4.5X6.5ft. tent 4foot Botanicare EBB & Flow. Nutes: GH Series (Lucas formula), Fox Farm Cha-Ching, and AN Bud Candy. Running White Widow, Super Sliver Haze, Diesel, Sour Diesel, and Island Sweet Skunk.

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