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How old are we?

How old are we?

  • 30-40 years old

    Votes: 68 36.0%
  • 41-50 years old

    Votes: 54 28.6%
  • 51-60 years old

    Votes: 48 25.4%
  • Over 60 years old

    Votes: 19 10.1%

  • Total voters


Active member
*edit*(shit, i didn't realize it was the old stoners crash pad, MY BAD it was on new posts. ) im 20. been growing for 6 years thanks to overgrow and then icmag. lol overgrow was my bible when i was 14-15 yee :wave: ever since i saw the movie How High with method man and redman when i was 11 years old i was fascinated by weed and wanted to try it so bad, didn't happen until freshman year.


Active member
I know some old mofos in here that are not voting. They like to hang with the younger kids, dress like them and pretend to be young. It is not a crime to be old, just being in denial about it.

Wait until you get here before you judge!

I'm 50 yet in my mind...I'm still a kid.


stone fool
dis****, I like that spelling, and I ain't sayin xactly how old I am but I get mail from aarp.


Active member
39 here.. am i not old enough to post in here?
if so.. i'm happy to be not old enough for something again!! :D


Active member
Going on 51 but I still feel like 25...19...13and some mornings like 82! I still make it to the gym though and I enjoy looking at younger women but not too young though LOL!


Active member
Does This mean im getting Old? 37, shit im getting there! wont be long til i get my bus pass!

BTW, the poll should read, 'Years Young' not 'Years Old'
I can say out of all the years Ive been alive, so far, 30 is the worst...lol.. I can see myself growing old, right in front of me eyes....AGING SUCKS! Its the worst part about life, no?


61 next month.......my mind feels younger but my poor old body has been through a lot over the yrs......These days I always say "thank you" when my feet hit the floor in the morning.But all in all I am much happier in my life then I,ve ever been...I don,t need to rush as much as I use to and some ppl. actually hold the door open for me......
To all you yung-in,s enjoy it while you are able....the time sure flies...good luck to anyone whetehr you are 9 or 90