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Cool Tube(s) for 4 x 600 watters - ceiling to floor


hey all :wave:

I'm getting towards the end of getting my DIY octagon setup and I'm trying to figure out how to manage the heat of 4 x 600w HPS bulbs in an 11x13 room with 8' 8" ceilings ...

After checking out the calculations for an A/C (i'd need one OVER 15k btu) I figured i'd build myself some cool tubes ( or A single tube ) for my 4 x 600's.

After checking out this glass tube link here:

It seems to me i'd have to have them cut that 5 foot length into 4 x 16" lengths , roughly.

The thing is with the HPS bulb and socket attached they measure at about 14.5 inches in length ... leaving about 3/4 of an inch for the top and bottom , roughly.

Would I just hang my lights ... then measure out lengths of ducting to tape to the glass ? basically just letting the ducting/tape/glass hang in the proper position for the lights ??

Do you guys think this will be enough ??

Will it dramatically cut down my light exposure ??

Is the borosilicate glass clear enough for the light ??

anything helps :tiphat:

thank you


I think that 4x600 watt HPS stacked can cover 10-14 ft easy. Your ceiling is almost 9ft high. 3 600watt HPS should be enough and will also give you less heat.
The other thing is that working with plants that are situated much taller than you, can be a problem. Watering is harder, removing dead leaves, foliage, and checking for bugs etc... Better figure out how tall your plants will get and calculate your light coverage around that. Start from the top shelf and work your way down.

I would use bare bulbs with a fan on the bottom pushing air up. I will also place a 1000+ CFM fan on top, pulling hot air out. Or... get a heavy duty A/C and seal the room. I use cooltubes in a stacked configuration now and they do get very dirty and somewhat hot. I am planning on removing the cool tubes and running bare.



thanks for opening my mind mg !!

The highest shelf sits roughly about head level (i'm over 6 foot in height) so I dont image them being too tough to deal with ...

After reading through another thread I reconsidered getting an A/C and you've pretty much tipped the scale.

So 3 bare bulbs is all i'll need huh ??

Thats a relief for all reasons ...

I'm basically going to attempt an SOG in a vert setup and flip them as soon as they're around 8-10" ... problem is that i've got 4 different i've never flowered out:

Nirvana White Rhino
Nirvana bubblicious

chimera C4 (2 similar pheno's)
REZ Williams Wonder IX-1 (3 different pheno's)

its gonna be a wild ride... i'm not sure what i'm in for ... this is my first flower as well so any advice on riding this baby is appreciated


Thanks for the link to Winship. I currently run 2 x 1kw Hps bare bulb. I'm expanding the garden 1 step at a time, from 1 circle around a bulb

to 2 circles.

Next I plan to add shelves and stack another layer on.

Bare bulbs are the optimium way to go, but I can't live with the heat, 5' cooltubes are just what I've been looking for!

Instead of buying 3 regular cooltubes for about $115 each (I've already got 1 regular tube). I can get 2 x 6" x 5'tall for $72 plus shipping.

I live in SoCal, growroom in the garage, I couldn't surive the summer without cooltubes....and A/C. I'm currently installing a mini-split, 24K BTU.

The room is vented now, but later this year I'll add Co2.

I need to look into the qualities of Borosilicate glass.

Good Luck, Much Respect


New member
rino n bubbalish can strech 3 fold in first two weeks of 12/12 as i have jus learned also bubba dont like the heat ,need to b touch further from bulb than rino, let uz no how u get on im on last two week flower and im leaning toward stadium for my nxt set