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Why growing with partners wont work...let's hear your opinion


love machine
ICMag Donor
Wow, a lot of negatives about having partners with grows ... I am also a victim of growing partners lol, only if i had a choice. He set up every eletrical, lights and everything else, he cant grow and i can.

He said every thing should be split 60/40 since he DID all the work to grow, then we have connections that pick up what we can pump out every other month, the fucking guy stood those people up and sold the stuff for 200 bucks more per oz. fucking greedy piece of crap,,, made both of us loose so much reps .. That was it for me .... i had it....

But the thing is, growing with partners could be the best thing in the world if you're both on the same page, yes it is very very very hard to find a person that compatble with you and do all that shit .... NOW if you're just a reg OP or a little bigger like 10k you can do it yourself, but if you're talking about 20 - 50k, there is no way in hell you want to do this yourself,

I would love to grow with a partner, i dont need to get all the money all the time,,, its about living comfortable ... a partner will help you feed all those plants, anything goes wrong and you're not there he could take care of it ( a bulb goes out, c02 tank out, new ballast, more nutes, more rockwools or rabbit rooters, there are tons and tons of chores when you go big, every bills split in half, vacations possible, and if you both get busted, at least you'll have a friend in jail with you :) a partner is better to take care of your things than to hire someone to do it, because after all half the shit is his anyway ...

Its hard to find a good partner but i know they're out there, i have to look harder.... in the mean time im happy to do it alone, for now...


Classic Seeds

unless you can not do it all your self pardners never work out unless it family and 2 people who are not ,will there are to many unknowns like can they keep a secret,are they going to do half the work pay half the exspense to me the answer is simple why go through the hassle and worry if you do not need to otherwise call them part time help and pay them a wage or your only screwing your self .i have seen to many people loose it over growing and who gets what so screw pardners till they have been a good employee for a while


love machine
ICMag Donor
I could not do it with out my wife. I could, but I enjoy it much more when she is involved. It takes some of the load off. She just does what i ask her to do, and she chalks it up to getting to smoke as much as she can. She smokes a lot. She can trim like a motherfucker too. She will trim for hours, and not bitch once. As long as I keep her wine full, her bowl full, and the music going she will just keep on trimming. If I am out of town she can handle things while i am gone. She asks a lot of questions, and I give a lot of answers. She quite complaing about me spending so much time online reading after the results have just gotten better and better. I can spend 6 hours reading grow books, magazines, forums, and she will just ask what I am learning. I love that woman! Sorry for everyone elses troubles with their partners. I hope this can atleast put a smile on some of your faces.:)

P.S. I have a really low tolerance, and my wife can smoke hash all day everyday, and have some edibles, and just keep on going like it's nothing. She is my tester. If she says the smoke is good then I know for a fact it is great. She always gives me a 1-10 . I have only gotten to an 8.5. I think this is great because she has never rated any other that she has had over a 7. Again I love that woman!


baby if you're reading this you know im just kidding

I had a partner with my last grow. Doesnt work for shit. He was supposed to be paying me $250/oz, that ended up more around $200 because "he could only sell an o for 400" even though I know for a fact he grammed those bitches out. I harvested close to 200 grams every other week for 2 months before I dug deeper into his "sales". A week later my neighbor suspects a grow because they seem him bringing a res and exhaust fan into the garage apartment IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY. I took down the grow a day or two after that. Local cops and DEA raid my house, treat me like a villian, and find JACK SHIT!

Partners arent a good idea unless you are running a collective. One person grows the plants, one person knows the plants.


Overkill is under-rated.
Ooh this is gonna be a good thread, I'll post then go back and read mroe:

So here's my two cents, if you have anything less than an 8K do it yourself. Yeah you may need a spare pair of hands to trim (or buy a trimmer) but you should be able to do it all yourself in your spare time.

I run a 16kw and work full time and have lots of hobbies and chores to do. I spend about 8-10 hours a week at my grow, an onsite CARETAKER (not partner) checks on things 2-3X a day and fixes small issues, waters wilting plants, and adds ph down to the res. Lets me know if something needs attention 24X7, as it should be. I could manage the entire thing alone if I didn't have a regular job, with time to spare. Automate everything that can be, and you'll need partners and helpers less and less.

In return the caretaker gets what I give them after each crop, depending on how good the crop was and how much work they did. Usually between 500-1000 a month as a big thank you. But that's basically just a bonus, I wouldn't take them on for a percentage or even a fixed monthly rate.

Loose lips sink ships, but another thing I would advise is NEVER grow in one spot for very long. A year is about all I do, two if things are VERY VERY quiet and secure. But moving the op every year is best.


Very simple, People get Jealous & Greedy.
Jealousy & Greed can't be trusted.
I could not do it with out my wife. I could, but I enjoy it much more when she is involved. It takes some of the load off. She just does what i ask her to do, and she chalks it up to getting to smoke as much as she can. She smokes a lot. She can trim like a motherfucker too. She will trim for hours, and not bitch once. As long as I keep her wine full, her bowl full, and the music going she will just keep on trimming. If I am out of town she can handle things while i am gone. She asks a lot of questions, and I give a lot of answers. She quite complaing about me spending so much time online reading after the results have just gotten better and better. I can spend 6 hours reading grow books, magazines, forums, and she will just ask what I am learning. I love that woman! Sorry for everyone elses troubles with their partners. I hope this can atleast put a smile on some of your faces.:)

P.S. I have a really low tolerance, and my wife can smoke hash all day everyday, and have some edibles, and just keep on going like it's nothing. She is my tester. If she says the smoke is good then I know for a fact it is great. She always gives me a 1-10 . I have only gotten to an 8.5. I think this is great because she has never rated any other that she has had over a 7. Again I love that woman!

right on i 2nd this .... my wife helps me out in the grow room also and only does what i ask of her .... my wife also loves to fish, hunt drag race, mudd in her 4x4 and more some of us are lucky to have such a great lady


Strain Whore Extraordinaire!
I could not do it with out my wife. I could, but I enjoy it much more when she is involved. It takes some of the load off. She just does what i ask her to do, and she chalks it up to getting to smoke as much as she can. She smokes a lot. She can trim like a motherfucker too. She will trim for hours, and not bitch once. As long as I keep her wine full, her bowl full, and the music going she will just keep on trimming. If I am out of town she can handle things while i am gone. She asks a lot of questions, and I give a lot of answers. She quite complaing about me spending so much time online reading after the results have just gotten better and better. I can spend 6 hours reading grow books, magazines, forums, and she will just ask what I am learning. I love that woman! Sorry for everyone elses troubles with their partners. I hope this can atleast put a smile on some of your faces.:)

WOW DUDE!!! Took the words right out of my mouth,my gals the exact same way. shes happy because i grow the best around town here and she gets it free.

Cant relate to the trimming tho she hates it with a passion it sucks,i usually have to trim solo while she smokes.

But thats cool dude,glad to hear someone with a cool chick like mine.

Its a good feeling to have a tru partner for life,and partner in crime willing to ride with you til the bitter ol end.

as for other partners,I think there just has to be that right vibe and chemistery between you and the partner for things to run kosher,like same exact views,methods,learning curve and just same thought process entirely which is very very rare.

Closet Funk

CeRtIfIeD OrGaNiC!
The best way to grow safely is to do it yourself and stay low key as possible. Partnership is a waste of time. I've even tried it myself at first helping friends and family out and it just doesn't work. I don't know about you but I work best alone not with someone else reeping half of the crop or trying to tell you what to do. It does cost some dough to get started and alof of people go 50/50 on supplies and other needed equipment. One may supply the light while other supplies the genetics. Some pay half of the electric bill and some just collect and don't do nothing. Family will be the first to ram it in hard if you let them, and next comes so called friends. When it comes to growing people can change real quick. It can even lead to hating people you once liked or loved. When it comes to your security nothing is more important then yourself. When you have a partner they tend to brag alittle and sometimes even invite to show. I've seen it happen! and that's the dagger! showing your grow is like sticking the knife in. When you have a partner you already broke the rule of showing and people knowing. Before long everyone knows you got a crop of White Widow in your basement. Then comes time to chop the crop. This should be a fun day harvesting your fruits of labor but now you have to give half of it away. Then you realize that your partner is worried about collecting and hasn't put in what he or she should. What happend to half of the electric being paid? What happend to half on supplies? Very seldom does someone really split it 50/50 on the real. There is always some snake shit going on. From what I learned is I'll never have a partner in my life again. I'll share my genetics and give people tips but I won't partner up. I think if I keep it that way I shouldn't have any problems.

If you do partner up someone make sure you can 100% trust them and make sure they put in their share. I would just stick to myself and do it on my own but that's my opinion.

Family will be the first to hate! trust me!


I am dealing with the non working partner right now. He is supposed to prep stuff that takes 4 days to do as I take the material in and continue the process. I also have 4 days of work with the same materiel but somehow its 14-16 hours and taking me 6 days a week to his 2-3days and 4 hours a day. He does bare minimum and I take over his job because it needs to get done thinking he will do more later but now it turned in to me doing 75-80%. He does just the outside set up then runs. It did not even work for one weekend and it was supposed to be every week for four weeks then a few off. FFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. The deal was 30% finished product because I figured I could scale up and end up with 400%product more if I had someone do some dirty work while I stayed clean. I am scaled back down already. But he does not know that he has already worked his last few hours and is getting his last payday this week. He was supposed to ship in for a few things too seeing as I was getting stretched pretty thin on stuff like cleaning supplies and other needed goods but when I asked for 30 bucks its like I asked his blood type. come on 30 bucks. And he spends 500 on roids no problem
Great reading here... lots of info

I've been there myself too.. actually tried to start up over 4 grow ops with 6 diff people. (its complicated) but my plan was to always "test" everyone first.
I would get to know them a bit more, have a few beers, hang out and talk about the new grow. This would go on for about a couple weeks... then the test, which they already agreed too! Invest their share of the cash to the place/equipment/whatever. Usually it was from $1k to $3k depending on what they said they could handle.

guess what.. not a damn one them would put up the cash. It seems so real and true, but it was all shit talk.. pure shit talk to try and rip things off later.

So always remember to "test" someone (in a respectful way) you think you trust before you invest cash and risk in the deal. That's if you really need a partner or someone to help out.

I will never grow with anyone again.. the only exception I see, is having a wife.. then control is just an illusion to you anyway.
Thinking about having a partner?


I tried it twice and a guy I know tried it once. Never worked out well.

The guy I tried it with wanted to harvest an outdoor grow about a week or two before I thought we should. he reluctantly agreed. When it was time to harvest...someone stole them! The partner was PISSED and blamed me because I talked him out of harvesting a week prior.

We tried to start a second grow, but after talking about it for about 15 minutes, we came to the realization it just wouldn't work.

Having a partner is fucking stupid. If you have a grow which absolutely requires an extra pair of hands, HIRE A HELPER, not enlist a partner.


So everyone has these bad experiences with partners right? So how do the cartels get guys to take care of 20,000 plants in a national forest? The only thing i can think is that they threaten their family, or the reward is just so much that they take the chance. Every Mexican person i know is super loyal though. Just a thought.
Woo drug cartels are a different story.. your talking about very poorly or not educated at all people.. who are forced into the life because it's the only way they can make money to provide for their families.
I have read many stories about these poor people.. their families are held hostage, live in controlled communities and forced to work for the drug lords. And in the end the poor workers turn around and thank their drug lords for providing them with the oppurtunity to provide for themselves... it's mind blowing stuff that goes on in other countries.
And that's that good life for cartel workers... others work on farms for unknown leaders that pay them highly, but they can be attacked and killed any day at anytime by the big drug lords fighting to get their turf back.

I'm just sayin.. it's a whole different world compared to us and how/why we grow.
People trade labor on the illegal state/national park grows for entry into the United States. Or the cartels take their money to smuggle them in and then hold them hostage to tend the garden until the crop is done. It's really bad. Lots of news articles about it lately.


The only thing I can imagine worst than having a gro-partner is needing a gro-partner.

never had one. But friends always wanna say "LETTSS GGROWW!" ect so I'd say "get some plants started and first find a spot" (and I'll help out and take half your fucking loot).

of course nothing has ever come of it :laughing:


i said in a earlir post my pa helps me, and we get along perfect and agree on everything. but i read about a couple guys wives helping them, well next year my girlfriend will be helping us...she has the same passion for it i do and she likes to hunt, fish, trap and mud on the bikes too! hell she even likes trimmin 30 pound just takin time off to eat and sleep!! she's just as infatuated with weed and dedicated to the game as i am!! only she smokes weed which is good cause she can tell me how it is ;) anyway i trust her with my life and i don't care what anybody sais i know she'll never fuck me over or skimp out on helping, she eager to learn and willing to give whats needed!! were hopin to grow enough next year to buy our little house we got picked out and start a family!!...anyway ill let you guys back to it have a good day!!