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need help lowering humidity



hi i have a secret jardin dr120 6ins vent fan & passive intake 2 x 400watt hps ebb and flood table temps are 25c but humidty is 73% and i am 9 days into flower can anyone help cheers shogun


what is the RH outside the tent? If its high, then you need a DH. Otherwise you need to exchange the air faster


hi dtfsux the RH is the same outside the tent as it is in the tent i havent got my intake fan set up!! if i set it up you think this would help?? atb shogun


if the humidity outside the tent is 70+ and you pull that into the tent, how do you expect to lower RH?

You need to pull from somewhere where the RH is much lower. Also keep in mind if you pull from the house or a room, and you exhaust into the same room, the RH will go up eventually.

You probably need a dehumidifier in the tent, or in the room you are pulling from.


alright m8 your right i am in a bit of a panic...as i bought a dehumidifier for 140pounds but its only taking the humidty down
to 60% so its still to high and the buds will defos get mold..i dont no what to do keep growing and see what happens or shut down now!!
cheers shogun...


thanx sparkjumper but i am all out of cash,after buying the tent,ph meter,ec meter,in and out fans,nutrients and i just bought a dehumidifier but its too small..so i think i will cut em down until i get a larger dehumidifier...thanx everyone for the help shogun

what the

thanx sparkjumper but i am all out of cash,after buying the tent,ph meter,ec meter,in and out fans,nutrients and i just bought a dehumidifier but its too small..so i think i will cut em down until i get a larger dehumidifier...thanx everyone for the help shogun

six days into flower? It might be a while before you see any mold. depends at 60%. I think it's a bit hasty to chop them down when they don't have any problems. I can't imagine you need much dehum for a tent that small.

I concur that you are panicking. Take a deep breath (preferably from a bong) and relax. I think I'd first try running the dehum in the room you're pulling air from not much room in that tent.


I wouldn't cut them down. I would grow them out and see what happens. Maybe try to get smaller nugs and get an oscillating fan in there.

I would give it a shot versus sitting there with nothing


The cat that loves cannabis
Takes a DH a couple days to get a grip on things if the RH was high when you started it.
Let it run continuously on the highest setting for a couple days and see where your at.


hi everyone thanx for the info...shogun

@ dtfsux i have 2 12ins oscillating fans in the tent...

@ Kalicokitty & what the.... the dehum is in the tent and on the highest
setting it is now down to 60%...and i am going to keep them going and see what happens...atb shogun...


hi what the i hang the 12ins fans from the roof of the tent & the humidifier goes at the side of the ebb and flood table which is 100cms & i have 11 plants in the table...simples:dance013:hope this helps atb shogun


alright m8 your right i am in a bit of a panic...as i bought a dehumidifier for 140pounds but its only taking the humidty down
to 60% so its still to high and the buds will defos get mold..i dont no what to do keep growing and see what happens or shut down now!!
cheers shogun...

60% if fine
Just add a small fan that will move the air in the tent


70% RH is needed for explosive growth all the way through the end of stretch shogun , so you`ll be fine for a couple more weeks till major budset and swellage begins......

Stretch is 40% of a plant`s flower cycle , so if it`s a 10 week strain , it`ll stretch for 4 weeks for example......I live in Hell with RH well over 80 % regularly , and found out a long time ago that exchanging your room`s air twice per minute as well as having the oscillating fans moving air around as fast as possible creating a vortex if you will, helps keep RH in check..........

Do not let the fans blow directly on your plants , but rather above and below for max circulation.....Fans blowing directly on plants makes em transpire/sweat too much creating an imbalance in nutrient uptake and affecting bottom line yields.....

Your dehuey will fight your ambient temps in such a small area , so maybe once you`re in full blown bloomage , run it outside the tent and have conditioned air circulated in and back out of the tent constantly......

Good luck and take care........DHF.......

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