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Light Protection (power outtage)


Recently i've been having many rain storms. The past 3 have caused electricity failures... this time with my light on tho. I know hot starts are bad. Are there any timers or surge protectors that have like a 10-20 min delayed restart or anything? Should i really be worried or am i freaking out?

Side note - Getting my hands on some Hindu Kush cuts :D


plant pimp
You can always get some candles and battery powered bicycle lights. If your power goes out during the lights on u can light the candles and run those bicycle lights. While the candles and lights don`t have enough light for the plant to make sugars it can keep the light schedule going(would be equal to growing outside and it being a cloudy day with no sunshine). No worries about missing hours of light or plants freaking out on ya. Those little bicycle lights are relatively cheap and some of them run upwards of 18 hours before the batteries need changed. Just a thought! Hope I could be of some help, Keep It GreeN and Safe!


Im not worried about light loss... I want a timer/protector that keeps my light off for at least 20 min so i dont have to deal with Hot Starts. I'd like my bulb not to blow up...


You are looking for a "Delay Start" switch of some type.

Hydro industry has had them packaged and branded. DIY components and modules can be had from some industrial suppliers.

Here's eBay for an idea on components.


Awesome idea... fantastic! Thanks a bunch!!! My friend works at an electrical supply house - I can get most anything at cost.

Ok... after a bit of thought (trying to decide how the relay should work) i've ran into a problem i dont think will make this easy.

Say i get a "20min delay start" relay... well, my ignition is then going to be 20 min delayed. Unless i can find one otherwise... but i dont see it possible without programming of some sort. Not saying it wont work - but i think that might be a rough route...


So after you cleared things up for me... http://cgi.ebay.com/C-A-P-HLC-2E-15...tem&pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item5ad91b98d8 Thats what i need - but not for freakin $80... its almost that much just for a new light.

Found the relay i need for $10. Just have to make sure its a "Delay ON BREAK" timer not "Delay on" timer. An ICM203B looks like my culprit. Cant find a 15 min version, 10 is the highest i see... at least its better then a instant re-fire!

I will probably be ordering this soon and putting up a pic how to... Thanks a ton City Twin!


I was going to suggest a time delay contactor. With a little knowledge it wont be hard to wire up.

Indeed. I even found a way to wire two of them up to make the 15 min if i cant find one (but they are rumored to exist).


And thankfully i have a nug friendly master electrician uncle, and my friend. Hopefully i can figure this out with not much struggle. Then after this, my next project is a DIY repeat timer for aero tables. Im also prototyping a lightproof vent... if school will let me hehehe.

Pretty freaked about last nights hot start, so i'll hopefully have this done today. lol. Thanks again for ideas guys!

EDIT: Thoughts on before or after timer? Im curious as to if the timer will set the relay off...


From what I read, it is based on when the coils loose power and that is controlled by the timer. It will have to be after the timer. you will probably want the timer to turn on earlier at lights on

For the larger growers who use contactors the cool thing is you only need one to protect all the ballasts. even the CAP one can be used to protect multiple ballasts.

Dont sweat the hot starts, I never lost a bulb because of it.


I never lost a bulb because of it.

Its not the loss of the bulb as much as the fear of it exploding. I'd hate to be one of those bad examples cops like to flaunt so much. And with it only looking like maybe $20 to set up... i can deal with that for safety. Call me crazy, but i just cant assume 3 hot starts in 20 min could be good for it.

And the fact that it'll be 15 min works cause my timer is 15 min intervals. Thats what made me think about putting it in front of the timer as well tho - that way after the surge protector pops it will trip the relays, but not get affected by the timer. Then also if i can find a decently priced 12/12 relay i could box it all up in a pretty container and look all cool and snazzy :pimp3:

City Twin

A “Nug friendly uncle electrician”! Bitchin.

The hydro store units are 15 min delay usually.

I could be needing one soon. Let you know what I find.

Peace and Safety

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