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Why growing with partners wont work...let's hear your opinion

big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
Well I've tried growing with 3 partners in the past and each one either ripped apart our friendship or made me never want to speak to the other person again. I've tried with family, best friends and people who i thought were open to new ideas. Usually family can be the worst and the best mainly because of your close relationship.

Its hard growing with another person when you have conflicting ideas. Each individual may not say it, but they want to run their garden even if they are less experienced. I've always seen this happen regardless of the situation.

I believe its possible to grow with partners no problems but there have to be guidelines and even than may just make it more stressful. The only way to truly grow with a a partner i believe is to setup your own grow area where you are the boss and can pick and choose what you want. Be partners in the same grow area, but try not to share plants per say.

Most of the problems dont only come from yield in the end, but each person has different ideas set of what a grow should be. If this wasn't true we wouldn't have all of these growers subforums.

I want to hear your experience bad or good. This way people getting into these can help minimize the stress. As of yesterday i found out one of my setups is being run without a carbon filter, and being pushed into the neighborhood.
This is a person of very close relation to me and all they could say to me is its not cool that i texted him to "be smart and use a filter." which couldve been held in regards to anything. Maybe i was wrong but how else do you make sure someone who doesn't talk to you can know.

Grow big everyone, dont let a partnership ruin it, make it work or switch it up:watchplant::smokeit:...


The only partners I would grow with are my dad and brother, when I do weed growing related stuff with them I usually don't have to worry about conflict because they know I'm the one with the growing knowledge :)

I would imagine it can be a very stressful experience to grow with people who aren't very closely related too you, heck its pretty stressful with close relatives sometimes.

Mr. Greengenes

Re-incarnated Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Big differences of opinion are much more common with beginner growers. When growers get a decade or two of experience under their belt, they're going to be more open minded about various methods, because by then they've realized that....hey, it's just horticulture!


Active member
My broker would like to become my partner, but I could already see the writing on the wall.

They think its super easy, because they see you do it on a certain level. They have no idea really just how big of a pain it can be.

Let's just say, you really have to have a passion for it.


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
partners dont work...

1.They do nothing
2.They want 1/2
3. They do nothing.
4. Theres not enough work for 2 people
5. They rip you off
6. They do nothing
7.They rip you off more.
8. They do nothing.
9. They rip you off again.
10. Something happens and they snitch on you.
11. They have a big mouth
12. They dont know nothing
13. They are useless
14. They are pointless
15. They steal from you
16. They want to do stupid shit thats pointless
17. They do nothing
18. They want half.
19. Snitch on y ou

20 was more of a comment then why partners suck.... lol i hope this helps

21. They think they know shit when they know NOTHING
22. They switch around the room and makes things worse.
23. It like having a girl that you cant ram (whats the point)
24. Babysit partners.
25. Cant tell how many times ive heard of people getting busted becasue there "partner" did something stupid totally UNRELATED to weed but in the end you get busted for weed.
26. Partner spouse... You may be able to control yours... But a partners girl is unpredictable and if he dont have one who knows how much he talks to get girls into bed..
27.Imagine giving someone half your crop for doing dog shit.
28. THeres many more but damn im tired...

haha gl bro

big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
i couldnt of said it any better myself poopy. I just want people to be careful when they get involved. Some people just want to grow so bad that they have to settle with a partner than things go downhill. Next thing you have to do is just cut your losses with someone who did nothing the whole grow.

Greengenes- Thanks for popping in. I think you have a very good point. I think i could probably work with someone on the same level as me who is open to ideas, but its just so difficult to find someone that its not worth it.

Just so everyone else knows. Some of the worse partners have been my immediate family. My mom wanted me to grow until one day she decided she didn't like the flowering time on the sativa so i had to chop everything and get out of the house or she was gonna call the cops. My sisters an alcoholic and tals way more than she should so problems come quick. Now the only one who does anything or knows anything is just me.

So unless your ready for the worst to come, no partners!


I just never understood the point of a growing partner, if you're going to give away half of the bounty why not just have a grow half of the size.
I've known peeps that have partnered up on a 1K grow, this just seems fucking retarded.


i agree. my friend wants to be a partner on my new grow, and the only way ill even try it is if we just split the grow area, and he does his shit to his plants, and i do mine to mine. in the end whatever he yields is his and whatever i get is mine.

but after poopyteabags rant it got me thinking...maybe its a bad idea.


Partners are not always a bad idea. I have no choice because I have a roommate. He does not have a clue about growing, I know how to do it so I do it all.
He is 50% of the money invested in the grow, 50% of the bills at the house, does 50% of the labor, but its my grow, my buyers, so lets say he is not getting 50%.

I do not have any grows in progress right this second but soon enough


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
I think the only reason a grower wants to partner is to be able to "Share" in the fun of the grow itself versus not being able to tell anyone. The issue whether it is a friend or family member is, just like business... it always ends up bad.

Someone takes advantage of the other, the other feels they can't say shit because hey "it's your homie" and then if you do feel you need to talk to them you worry about the what ifs like, they get pissed and rat you out, they tell the wrong person about it and ends up getting you nabbed.

Grow your own and if a partner wants to do a co-op then FIRST have them prove that they can GROW THEIR OWN and afford the entire supply setup. You are proving your skills and a partner should be able to offer AT LEAST half the skills OR if they can't accomplish that then they are not ready .
if you are doin a lot of guerilla shit a partner is needed for like pickups and drop offs at your spots but if your indoors no partner is needed.because the only reason a partner is needed is for company its a bad idea! friends turn into partners at first when things are good partners turn back into friends when things go bad such as stolen, cops,or even jaelosy partners and friends turn into enemys that know to much. paranoia here we come!!!!!!!!!!


Active member
Partnerships are almost never 50/50 in my experience. Somebody always put in more (me), and gets less (me). I keep business associates now. Now I don't see the harm in sharing a space with a roommate, but can your roommate keep their mouth shut? Robbery is still an issue.

Mary Jane is my partner. I haven't told anyone, and neither has she.


i've known someone who has split a 1k with a partner and holy shit did it seem pointless! the only reason i could see "sharing" a grow as something useful is if you were just splitting space ( like building two separate 4k rooms in one warehouse space) but even then you risk their judgment skills on how and when to dispose of trash, who to bring in, sources of clones and the bugs and viruses that come with them....ect. considering all things, it doesnt seem like its worth it


Partners don`t work IMO.


This year i`ve gave 10 seeds of mex sativa to one of my pals..he said: got ground outside the town, car, i know what`s about etc.

Few days ago he`s saying: " i`v got only two seeds germinated& don`t know where choose place to give them .

Car, place, lot of time...and in the beginnig of august he don`t know what to do.

My fault, now i know, anyway partners don`t wor, at all IMVHO

PS:Sorry for my poor english.



Bush Dr

Painting the picture of Dorian Gray
Equal partnerships never work .... done it often enough to realise either you are the top man and the other person knows it, or you sit back and only join in when you want to ...

Either way they'll piss you off soon enough with their laziness/incompetence/greed ....... IMHO


I do my outdoor with a partner(my uncle) so far we are totally happy with out situation. 12 plants, he has the land and I have the know how. we split the bills as best/even as we can, and the deal is a 50/50 harvest. I do 95% of the labor because I like it, and without expectation of compensation. He recognizes it by bumping up his end of the financial contributions (jacked up back and he's an old fart). I take it in the butt a bit on my end during the grow but thats fine with me, he gets it back come trim time when he sits there for hours after everyone goes home for the night and keeps on snipping. Trust is 100% the key in the equation. I trust him completely and he does the same with me. Its just a plant and we are old enough and wise enough to know not to let it ruin our relationship beyond the weed world.

It wouldnt work indoor, not for long anyways, He's a very OCD indoor guy, Im not..

memphis man

partnerships only work as long as the people partnerin up have a clear cut set of rules on how shit is to be run. most guys who grow outdoors in states where it is a big no no have got to have someone to drop them at the spot so they dont leave there vehicle on the side of the road drawing attention. as long as you have a partner that knows what his cut is from the jump and is trustworthy you really cant beat having a partner. you can share the talk of mystical plants with someone who has the same hands on expierance you do and you just cant share that with anyone.

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