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Do you consume as much Cannabis as you would like to?


Seems like some people on here grow a shit ton of weed.. I wonder if these dudes have enough to satisfy their own smoking habits? As for myself I honestly don't have as much as I would like to. I am grateful for the times I do get to smoke but since my grow has been on the backburner for the past few months I've been lucky if I get to smoke once a month :( I'm kicking it back into full gear soon, but damn I miss my sweet mary jane..


I do, I'm more hooked on the growing part more so than the smoking and I still have weed from 2 years ago sitting waiting to be smoked. :D


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
this couldve been a poll? ;)

for the most part I smoke as much as I want to... there's the odd week where I have to make things stretch between supplies ...

having to ditch my grow back in april didnt help with things this summer though, thats for sure...

hard rain

I smoke as much as I want to, which is much much less than I used to.


ive alrdy gone thru a pound this yr, and i feel like I could smoke another 3 pounds befor the year is up, Buying weed is terrible in my opinion, so i try to grow evetything i smoke, i will have a ton of smoke soon tho, my grow is doin alrite!! (knock on wood).. 2 more months till another p of chem 4 comes crashin thru this windpipe

i am dry right now, but for once in my life, i am appreciating my sobriety, even tho casey jones did me intoday, i wouldnt stop eating for like 2 hours and then i passed out like a hibernating bear


Active member
Seems like some people on here grow a shit ton of weed.. I wonder if these dudes have enough to satisfy their own smoking habits? As for myself I honestly don't have as much as I would like to. I am grateful for the times I do get to smoke but since my grow has been on the backburner for the past few months I've been lucky if I get to smoke once a month :( I'm kicking it back into full gear soon, but damn I miss my sweet mary jane..

Right where you are man.....like exactly.

We'll be smoking good again soon....:comfort:


I grow enough that for 10 years I havent wanted for any erb.Actually I havent wanted for many things I just cant go out and buy.I'm honestly not bragging,just counting my lucky stars and saying you can do it too.Growing has been incredibly good to me but I do have the perfect situation.Single with few close friends,living with a german shephard,having my own house complete with vegroom flowerroom and dry/cure room.I'm not near a school or church and my neighbors keep to themselves.And last and IMO one of the most important,I have no girlfriend.10 years ago I died and went to cannaheaven


Active member
even with a 250 watt grow a person should be able to grow more than a single person can smoke before the next harvest is done.


Drip King
I smoke far, far more herb than I should.
Oh well..................................................................



stone fool
I smoke exactly enough weed, and eat enough weed, it's hash I am slacking off on, stuffs piling up.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
even with a 250 watt grow a person should be able to grow more than a single person can smoke before the next harvest is done.

250 assuming I got 1gpw and vegged for a full size plant (4weeks) amounts to little over 2.5g per day over a 3 month cycle (8 weeks flower)...


Lover of Life
these days I'm not smoking much since proabtion came about...I think since April I've smoked about a whole 1/4 ounce or so of Nugget.

Since yesterday I've smoked more than I have in 3 1/2 months though...like a whole gram, Oh my!

So no, I don't smoke as much as I would like, but that will all change come December 1, 2010. I do appreciate being sober as well most of the time though, it makes me appreciate the high times a little more and they come so naturally now, not forced as in "I have to smoke today just because I can." It's more like "I feel like visiting my old friend Mary Jane today because I haven't seen her in a while now."

here is a quote from Steve Martin that reminds me of my hay day of smoking the Holy Herb back in like 2001 thru 2004 when I would regularly go through 1/4th a day...granted, most of the time it was schwag, but there was the occasional 8th, 1/2 oz or 1 oz bag of Nugget that lasted a week or two around the old apartment and my old ex lady.

"I used to smoke marijuana. But I'll tell you something: I would only smoke it in the late evening. Oh, occasionally the early evening, but usually the late evening - or the mid-evening. Just the early evening, mid-evening and late evening. Occasionally, early afternoon, early mid-afternoon, or perhaps the late-mid-afternoon. Oh, sometimes the early-mid-late-early morning. . . . ...But never at dusk."
- Steve Martin quote on Marijuana

Keep Smoking that Holy Herb
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i am a novice grower, whit two grows under my belt. and i would say that i do smoke as much weed as i like. but i will probably run out before next harvest, but it is due to hand outs so i don't mind.
GF is like: KS are you not having a joint?, should i get a bar of schocolat? a glass of wine?, snacking salami?, stash box, and a snack? omg that one has spoiled me rotten.


More than enough to smoke. Always have a lot of ISO Hash as well. Even with sharing with close friends all of the time there is never a shortage of what the gardens provide.