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Driver Kills Teacher While Stoned


Active member
Oh and I fuggin hate the scooter people as well,if you cannot do the speed limit stay the hell in town,we took your license for a reason :)

My Penny

You know what really gets me...these people that drive a Prius and go 50 in the fast lane. GTFOVER!


Active member

Officer Tony Nunes said Flores displayed objective symptoms of being under the influence of the sour. "He also reeked of the sour diesel or possibly a kush. Officer Nunes and his boys are currently sampling the evidence."

nunes knows his shit


no offense to the deceased, but i hate these people that jog/bike down the highway. where i'm at bicycling is huge, and it's fucking annoying going up over mountain passes and there is 3 cyclist side by side going down the highway like they are a car. get the fuck off the fucking road you fucking idiots.

I can relate in so many ways. I spent 25 years in oregon. They think they are cars. They bike down the middle of main roads. they don't weigh more them the axle on any car. Its ok to bike but grow a brain will ya. I like to ride bikes but i dont play in the high way.


Idk about where you live, but where I live, those IDIOTS on bikes have the RIGHT OF WAY. I hate those arrogant drivers who think they have the right to do what they want on the road, you sound like one of them.

You have the right of way every where you go. So ride on the interstate at your own risk. Just because i have never caused a crash does not mean the 3 i have been in where enjoyable.

Now when that drunk smashes into you and your bike at 30 mph. You and your bike that don't weigh more then 200 combined, I hope the fact that you had the right of way makes your spine regrow.


Patient Grower
I woke up one morning with a green tongue...



no. the lady that said his tongue was green is full shit, or he was eating something with green syrup or sugar in it. I have had to down a sack before and my tongue never turned green. Also never once has my tongue turned green while ingesting canna food.

these are the kind of ass holes love tragedies like this, it gives them a chance to spread all the propaganda they can.

and fuck the news paper that reports that shit too. how about they just say what they know happened and not some bull shit biased propaganda.

I wouldn't even be surprised if it is 100% fabricated, his tounge was green? bull fucking shit.

lets shut these people up for good. vote yes on prop 19

He might of had consumed those thc infused breath strips that you put on your tongue, could explain the green tongue...

Totah Sam

you can actually be a safer driver after a joint... but the authorities will never admit to it. the dog may well have caused the accident and they will rape the poor bastard for the dui bullshit.

He has a previous conviction. It's not like HE HAS NEVER DONE THIS BEFORE. Come on folks. He fucked up. Now he has to pay the piper. He took a human life. The family of the woman he killed has to live with that for the rest of THEIR lives. The way you all are acting it feels like you'd blame a rape victim for getting raped. Show a little compassion for God's sake.


Patient Grower
Frankly I don't see a difference between getting behind the wheel impaired on whatever and causing the accident by failure to secure his cargo.

I recall perhaps 4 or 5 years ago this woman in NV stayed awake tripping on x-ta-see and smoking a large quantity of cannabis. She then ran into a group of people working off their 'community service'. I can't recall exactly but more than one died and there were perhaps as many as 10 very serious injuries. Her defense was that the drugs had worn off by the time of the accident and that she had fallen asleep behind the wheel. Had I been on the jury I would have convicted her based on her confession that she chose to drive while impaired by lack of sleep. I just don't see a difference between the two situations, and the victims were just as dead and injured either way. IIRC this may have been the first accident with death subsequent to Nevada's instituting so called per se rules measuring the waste metabolites of drugs other than alcohol, and that's why it got so much play in various media.


Patient Grower
Well I found it. It was Jessica Williams, the incident happened in 2000, and there were 6 dead as a result of her incompetence. Apparently she was granted a new trial in 2003 but it couldn't have gone well for her as I see a relatively recent account of another accident involving a Nevada State Trooper getting arrested for DUI cannabis in 2008, and she's currently doing 18 to 48 in the penitentiary.


Here's the story about the 2008 state trooper getting charged with DUI-cannabis: http://www.lvrj.com/opinion/25662724.html
Moral of the story is you wouldn't drink and drive why toke and drive...It's the same thing,If i burn i do not drive Period. Prayers to the family.


Well-known member
in this state, it is illegal to walk or jog with YOUR BACK TO ONCOMING TRAFFIC. this is for your own safety, as you will at least have a chance to see the car/truck coming if something goes wrong. so here, at least, she would have legally contributed to her own demise.


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
Moral of the story is you wouldn't drink and drive why toke and drive...It's the same thing,If i burn i do not drive Period. Prayers to the family.

Yes but here in lies the problem with this. MJ stays in your system for an average of 28 days.

So if we burn a big ole doobie of kush today and 24 days from now we get tested for be under the influence we can (and many have)been found guilty of driving under the influence.

Alcohol is an average of 1 hour for every ounce. With many states going in the hole with having no money I feel many will take a shot at adding a dui to any and all traffic stops where as said driver is in possession of MJ and driving.

Dui's are huge money for state coffers and time will tell if I'm correct and in many alcohol dui's are the same as MJ dui's.

My Penny


The cat that loves cannabis
When I was a kid, if you were walking/biking/jogging down the street and you heard/saw a car coming, you got the fuck out of the road fast.
It's been getting a little worse each year with the bikes.

Almost got in a fight about it last summer.
Driving home down a 35mph road and here's two bikes riding side by side down the middle of the lane like they think they are a car, doing about 10mph.
I follow for a while, they know I'm there and don't care, so I honk, guy whips his head around all indignant, I wave my hand towards the side of the road, he slowly gets partially over and I get along side him and he says what do you want me to do, all pissy, I said get out of the way of the cars that you're doing 1/3 of the speed of, fucker flips me off, I did a fake mini swipe at him with my jeep, he makes like he's going to kick my door, I slow down and say do it (yeah yeah, juvenile and petty I know) he's thinking about it, but is not sure if he can escape if he does or not, they end up turning down a side street and we say fuck you to each other and that's it.
Man I wanted to beat his ass and throw his bike off the railroad bridge so bad though.
The other biker moved and stayed out of it, only one was a dick.

Guys like that would have been run over when I was a kid, because everyone instantly moved for cars, and all cars just assumed you were going to move, and didn't slow down.

I'm all for green transportation, and I like biking, but don't be an ass about it, you're not a car, so GTFO when one comes.

Sounds like it was the dogs who were high, and getting all crazy in the car.


Active member
Hate those fuckers who ride in the middle like a car, I passed one and he got so pissed at me for driving too close to him, guy had about 3 feet to his left but he wanted to ride in the middle.


The cat that loves cannabis
Hate those fuckers who ride in the middle like a car, I passed one and he got so pissed at me for driving too close to him, guy had about 3 feet to his left but he wanted to ride in the middle.
They are all over here.
They will even get into the left turn lane at the light and wait in the middle of the road like they are a car, and because they can't accelerate fast, 2-3 cars in the back of the line for the light get screwed out of their turn.

The only place I can drive is the street, you can ride your bike on the sidewalk, shoulder, bike lane, etc...
GTFO of the middle of the road.

If you're biking/jogging on the sidewalk, I would think your chances of getting run over would go way down, hmmmm.

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