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Human "overpopulation" is an invalid theory, we have been overpopulated since day 1



Human "overpopulation" is an invalid theory, we have been overpopulated since day 1

Since the moment of the creation of the universe, exponential growth has cursed and nurtured us, its the way of the universe. Many people on these forums became rich exponentially increasing their grow setups... Going from a single 1000w grow to a 100 light hydro warehouse in a 10 year period could be seen as a 100 percent gain a year.

We originally thought that human life will become so abundant on earth that great tragedy can arise from people being born without a promise of food.

Well here is something to chew on, Some1 has to pick the apple of life, in order to feed it to a mother, to nurture her unborn child. If no one picked the apple, no one would have been able to reproduce. What I am trying to say is that humans are not perpetual motion machines, we take resources in order to propagate. Without the resources we cannot propagate, and i am putting forth a hypothesis, that human beings have a relationship with food, that is like a plants relationships with it's roots... if the roots die off, it's because something happened, an event, and a corresponding amount of above-ground plant matter dies.

So, what I am saying is that It would impossible to propagate ourselves beyond our means, but it is not impossible to get caught off-guard by a famine of un/natural origin. We don't need to worry about our population getting "out of control", because the laws of the universe state that human life cannot be generated without food and resources. Life is taken away, only because a resource that was once there, has now vanished. Our biggest fear should be natural and unnatural disasters... If our nutrient source gets cut-off, not only will people die, but people will not propagate... the size of our population cannot outgrow our food source, just like a plant can't keep growing if the hydro res gets imbalanced. I am beginning to think that human beings are like blind moles in the universe, and that our brains won't facilitate the visualization of correct "big pictures" at this time. It's like no one can really see the big picture here, even the brightest, most mature scholars merely speculate about what could be.

we need to stop worrying about overpopulation, because mother earth will keep us in check. If humans want to propagate all over the universe, we may have to change form, into a being that can think like us, but is not human, and can survive in extreme deep-space climates with little or no resources. A disaster would be to run out of plant food, while ur plant is starting to flower... but is it a disaster when your next grow is limited to two plants because you only have enough resources for 2 plants? It could be, point is, we can't overpopulate earth, earth CAN cut as back at any moment though, as seen with the earthquakes, floods, and droughts

:jump: if overpopulation simply means that not everyone can have what they need all the time, then we have been overpopulated since day 1

this women has great data to back up her stuff, 50 min UC lecture


Green Mujaheed
I don't know...

Would everyone on the planet have the same life-style, then yes, there would be a looong way before we reach some over population.

But not everyone has the same life-style, which has same effects as overpopulation would have.
The Western civilization is based on waste. Everything we can waste, we do it happily, even more so with food. Especially with food. We throw away millions of tons of food every year, millions ! Would we abstain from this dubious cultural practice, there wouldn't be starvation regularly hitting some poor populations.

Over populations are rather local or regional phenomenom. When a population grows enough so as its natural environment cannot regenerate from the human pressure and eventually gets destroyed and thus incapable of producing the food needed by the human population, that is overpopulation and it happens in many places around the world.
Look at China, they have grown so big that their arable land have shrinked to a point (through urbanization, pollution, desertification) where it can't produce all the food the population needs.
So what they do ? They go abroad, especially to Africa, and buy arable land where they can produce plant food for China. Countries which already have difficulties to ensure their food production are getting ripped off even more good land, and thus of more food. Suddenly there's gonna be too many people for what the local-owned lands can produce. And not only China does it. Korea, Saudi Arabie, UAE, India, Turkey do it too. Their own local over population is going to create other occurences in other countries.

if overpopulation simply means that not everyone can have what they need all the time, then we have been overpopulated since day 1

No, overpopulation isn't that simple I think. In our world, some can have whatever they need or want, whenever they want, where as those living out of nothing can rarely get what they need when they need it.

Irie !


Active member
So...let me get this straight... You want to get to the point where everyone is hunting and fighting over food? Because that's exactly what happens at that "balance point". There is X amount of food and Y number of people wanting it. There is JUST enough for each person to SURVIVE to populate...we're talking skinny...ribs showing. Like wild dogs...sometimes someone goes hungry. The weak are history. Charity is history. Survival of the fittest. The toughest, meanest.

I'd much prefer an over abundance myself.

You are correct of course...we can't populate beyond the food supply...but when you get close to that point...things become "unpleasant".

As for the "big picture"...there is no "grand plan" if that's what you mean. We're not here to fulfill some destiny.

People on earth have no more significance than an ant hill on an island. We go about doing what we do, just as the ants do. We're just another life form...not any more "special" than the ants. In some ways we're smarter, in others, we're not. We just chug along like all the other life...our only "job" to reproduce...pass on our genes. In fact...sex...is the grand plan...the most important thing you'll do.

Of course...this is merely my opinion.
Via Hydroponics and Aquaculture using 10 times less water
a man was able to grow 1 million pounds of food on 3 acres.


An area the size of virginia could provide 2lbs of food per day for 7 billion people.

The problem isn't over-population, it's that the population is ruled/controlled by people that don't want us to prosper, don't want us to thrive, don't want us to have fun or make good livings...

Why the hell else would cannabis/hemp still be illegal in america, the 'land of the free' ?
Wouldn't you say all the benefits of hemp and even just of getting high far outweigh any negatives?

What about energy sources? Nikola Tesla a hundred years ago? Who do you think suppressed his technology/writings? The general population?
No, it was the relatively few people that control/rule the planet.

Are kids getting dumber because our brains are just evolving to be more stupid, or could it have to do with the governments spending progressively smaller fractions of the "defense budgets" [war funding] on education systems?

Anyone saying that "overpopulation" is "the problem" needs to either brain up, or practice what they preach and kill themselves...


Via Hydroponics and Aquaculture using 10 times less water
a man was able to grow 1 million pounds of food on 3 acres.


An area the size of virginia could provide 2lbs of food per day for 7 billion people.

The problem isn't over-population, it's that the population is ruled/controlled by people that don't want us to prosper, don't want us to thrive, don't want us to have fun or make good livings...

Why the hell else would cannabis/hemp still be illegal in america, the 'land of the free' ?
Wouldn't you say all the benefits of hemp and even just of getting high far outweigh any negatives?

What about energy sources? Nikola Tesla a hundred years ago? Who do you think suppressed his technology/writings? The general population?
No, it was the relatively few people that control/rule the planet.

Are kids getting dumber because our brains are just evolving to be more stupid, or could it have to do with the governments spending progressively smaller fractions of the "defense budgets" [war funding] on education systems?

Anyone saying that "overpopulation" is "the problem" needs to either brain up, or practice what they preach and kill themselves...


its predicted that the world population is going to cap and start decreasing sometime in the not too far off future


Active member
if overpopulation simply means that not everyone can have what they need all the time, then we have been overpopulated since day 1

But this isn't day one. If this was day one people would be dying of small pox and we'd only live to about 40 years old.

The real problem with over-population is that we can't expect the have-nots to take it bending over forever, someday they will rise up and kill the haves. It's about management.


I think we are more similar to what Agent Smith said "you're like a virus"

ebb and flow, inflate and collapse. IMO, these are things to be concerned about if
you happen to be in the collapse phase.

I look up at night and see stars so numerous. Hubble telescope images expose a
universe teeming with life. I see earthlings as cosmic beings inhabiting earth.
Respect the earth! She doesn't need us, but we need her.
How many of us living here with no regard for her whatsoever can she tolerate?
I don't want to be around when she decides to scrub her infection. She sees a
far bigger picture of life in the universe than we do.

We suffer the whims of each other, our governments, the earth, and the universe.
Any one of which could do us in at any time, and thus, life is precious.


I agree with ibjamming. We are no more significant than ants.


I think this is an important subject, because when people freak out about over population in a bad way... in a bloodshed type of way... We need to understand that we have plenty to eat, so much so that we should be helping the hungry out... that hybrid aquaculture / hydroponic system is brilliant, people with money could be helping poor countries out by setting stuff like this up... All it takes to make a farm is plastic, hands, hard work, water and electricity, i think under developed and poor nations could use this type of farm for sustenance...


Green Mujaheed
We need to understand that we have plenty to eat, so much so that we should be helping the hungry out... that hybrid aquaculture / hydroponic system is brilliant, people with money could be helping poor countries out by setting stuff like this up... All it takes to make a farm is plastic, hands, hard work, water and electricity, i think under developed and poor nations could use this type of farm for sustenance...

Overpopulation is not only availalbitlity of food, it is also about pressure on the environment.

Irie !
If anyone wants to know what overpopulation really is...

Overpopulation does not depend only on the size or density of the population, but on the ratio of population to available sustainable resources.

We haven't been overpopulated since day 1, because the earth has been able to absorb our impact in a sustainable way without serious changes to its environment until lately in human species' existence!


By the Number, they don't lie..

By the Number, they don't lie..

You can fit the entire worlds population in one county in Florida.

Palm Beach Fla. 2578 sq miles=71,870,515,200 sq feet
World population =6,697,254,041

71,870,515,200 sq foot divided by 6,697,254,041 Wld pop.

10.73 sq foot for each person to stand in.

Thats just one county in Florida.

I'd hate to live there.

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