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Criminals to be weeded out of medical marijuana centers


Puttin flame to fire
ICMag Donor

The DEA says 18 percent of medical marijuana center owners have been convicted of felonies.
"This business seems to have an inappropriate number of people with criminal backgrounds involved as business owners," Kevin Merrill, assistant special agent in charge for the Denver field division of the DEA, said. "I would be hard-pressed to find any other business group where their members have so many criminal violations, arrests and convictions."
Here's a nice list to edify Mr. Merrill: **edit, I guess he is right because most of these transgressions are over-looked by out CorpGov therefore there aren't many arrests and convictions.

Mortgage/Banking/Credit Card
Ag/Crop Seed Production
COPS/Law Enforcement

Here's a few recent examples:



BP - Do you really need a link?


I could add links all fucking day...
Haha, and maybe it's because it's been illegal for so long. How the fuck do they think it's supposed to be? Bunch of newbs with no experience gowin meds cause now it's legal? Thanks alot for that felony, assholes.
Just a good example of people in power manipulating statistics to try to bend opinion.
It seems obvious to us, but joe sixpack reads something like this and thinks it's significant. I assure you.


lol, their business hasn't changed any. It is the DEA who made them the criminals in the first place. It is the DEA who considers them criminals. Not the people who smoke pot. DEA are a bunch of idiots lacking common sense. They need to give it a break and mind their own business. The dea can take the felony charge they gave me and stick it up their ass.

Once legal, theres no legit law preventing me from keeping my business going. Did they say the same kind of things about the alcohol runners during prohibition? Did they ban all those illegal booze runners from starting some of the largest beer distributors in the country? No they did not, so why the double standard when it comes to marijuana?
The other side of this is that there are a lot of people with non-marijuana related felonies that probably shouldn't be in a business with access to patient medical info, etc.
lol, their business hasn't changed any. It is the DEA who made them the criminals in the first place. It is the DEA who considers them criminals. Not the people who smoke pot. DEA are a bunch of idiots lacking common sense. They need to give it a break and mind their own business. The dea can take the felony charge they gave me and stick it up their ass.

Once legal, theres no legit law preventing me from keeping my business going. Did they say the same kind of things about the alcohol runners during prohibition? Did they ban all those illegal booze runners from starting some of the largest beer distributors in the country? No they did not, so why the double standard when it comes to marijuana?

Actually in Colorado a convicted felon can't hold a liquor license.

I just had to sell my share in a Dispensary we haven't even opened yet in order to allow my partner to go forward, no sense dragging everyone down. I have a 23 year old drug felony. So, yes, they can and will force you out. Sad, but life isn't fair.


Actually in Colorado a convicted felon can't hold a liquor license.

I just had to sell my share in a Dispensary we haven't even opened yet in order to allow my partner to go forward, no sense dragging everyone down. I have a 23 year old drug felony. So, yes, they can and will force you out. Sad, but life isn't fair.

Yeah I get it... whatever fuck felons. Fuck you, fuck me, fuck half of ICMAG.
The other side of this is that there are a lot of people with non-marijuana related felonies that probably shouldn't be in a business with access to patient medical info, etc.

So true! The funny thing with the lifetime ban on substance abuse felons is that there's no ban on Dispensary owners using Medical Cannabis, so why pick on substance abuse felons? It's obvious they aren't concerned with the owner's smoking the stash!!!!

There ought to be a lifetime ban on Murders, Rapists, Burglers, etc.... what the fuck is wrong with our society when they think someone who got caught with a large bag of weed 20 some years ago is less priviledged then a rapist?

I guess I should have raped someone, instead. Society would be okay with that! (Sarcasm, obviously)
And I really worry about people who have committed fraud, con men, etc. We always tell people to black out the first five of their SSN because with so many centers changing hands, you never know whose hands your rec might end up in.


Long haired country boy

sorry if this offended anyone, but this is how I feel about our country right now
I am still trying to figure out why being a felon is such a big thing. If a person becomes a felon for making a bad choice or choices in life, they should be ousted for ever in society and never try to work their way back in somehow. If not cannabis where? I believe Yahoo just posted on their front page a few weeks ago that companies are just telling people to not bother applying. Oh yeah theres a booming economy that wants felons when they can have a bunch of other folks not working who are not felons. This stigma is just as bad as cannabis' it's self. And last nobody grows as good as a felon...hahaha! jk. Really we have been risking it for yrs in some form or another just to get where we are today and we are expected to not take part and just hand it all over to greenhorns......FUCK YOU GOVERNMET!


i agree, a persons future should not be totally judged from his past., i think mistakes are made from even the best of human beings.


I don't know about that...there's a lot of and I mean a lot of people I've met who I would judge because of their past. Yes, many of us people have made innocent mistakes, but the majority commit felonous acts intentionally. Come on, you can't turn a blind eye and say it's not true because no matter how you try to argue the point, We/they made a choice and got in trouble, even me I got popped over 10yrs ago, but those others, that majority, they just keep on f.cking us all over doing what they do.
It's the many who ruin it for the few. always has been always will.
We fight the good fight

Grass Lands

I look at it this way...at least they are not on welfare mooching off the gov and adding to the deficit..leave it to the gov to take taxes away from themselves and then blame us...


If you work at a MMC, you work for the government. The government doesnt want felons working for it, because they know that felons hate the goverment. I dont understand why someone with a felony would want to work FOR the same government that fucked them over. I think we should just start a co-op of convicted felons. Let the government have the dispensaries, the real heads will just have to use the caregiver/patient model. The United States government is 2 years away from total collapse anyway. Cant wait to watch it burn.


The whole reason they even have to define a felon is to strip you of your rights. The more of us that they can take our rights and privileges away. Once you are a felon, you can't vote, and therefore, you aren't even really a citizen anymore, so you have no input. This is how they have kept legalization in the box for so long. And as we all know, this policy is rooted in racism, keep the blacks and mexicans from having their voice heard, since it was mostly them smoking pot 70 years ago when all these laws were first pieced together.


The whole reason they even have to define a felon is to strip you of your rights. The more of us that they can take our rights and privileges away. Once you are a felon, you can't vote, and therefore, you aren't even really a citizen anymore, so you have no input. This is how they have kept legalization in the box for so long. And as we all know, this policy is rooted in racism, keep the blacks and mexicans from having their voice heard, since it was mostly them smoking pot 70 years ago when all these laws were first pieced together.

This is wholeheartedly true... sad & scary... but true.

We jail more of our populace than China... a country accountable for pretty harsh prison conditions... including summary execution in order to harvest body organs... tanks @ tiananmen... tibet... and more.

I won't go off here about the US in particular (imagine where that would go ;-)), but factions of this gov't have committed horrible transgressions on our population as well... we just don't see it or call it... kinda like a frog in boiling water!

Jailing our people is but one small element of power & control.

This shit is scary... U can defend yourself against a criminal w a gun... but against the gov't... dead before ya began.

Felons don't concern me near as much as an oppressive gov't... esp one that fights under freedom & rights & God... twisted & contorted.

Sorry, mornin high & all... tend to soap box... ;-)