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NL X BB vs. Papaya


NICE sleepy.. cant wait to see the finished products and see how they compare.. including the GOD BUD... so what differences have you noticed


Active member


>>nycnoob, thanks for tuning in...the differences are:

Very Berry..3 distinct different sizes...

NL x BB...Very uniform!! if this is any indication of how they are supposed to grow, i would STRONGLY RECOMMEND THESE TO ANYONE. simply based on ease of growth/care.

Papaya...seems i have 2 variations, 1 shorter than the other 2. all a little wispy at this point.

GodBud...All females very uniform.

>>chuckyoufarley, thanks for the high praise! your cousin could even grow these NL x BB no prob...all you have to do is let them be. hehe :yoinks:



Active member
Good morning Sleepy, whats up dude! :wave: Sauteed swine flesh and chicken embryos, my favorite! :woohoo: Everything looks real good man, you got alot of girlies to work with :woohoo: . Where did you get your NL x BB?


bonz :wave:


Active member
bONZ!!!!!...hehehe Beldar the conehead!!


thanks, man!

believe it or not, these NL x BB seeds were from my FIRST seedsdirect order. i think i got them in january...

for those of us without access to clones, these seeds sure make it easy for us!! 4 seeds planted, 4 female plants.

a real no brainer!

thanks for the kind words. :woohoo:


Active member
Oh thats cool dude! Female seeds huh? Defenitly gonna keep an eye on em. 4 FOR 4 eh. Not too shabby!




Active member
yeah i'm kinda surprised by my m/f ratio as well:

*4 Nirvana Papaya planted, 3 female

*4 NL x BB planted, 4 female (female seeds)

*10 Very Berry Surprise planted, 6 female

*10 GodBud palnted, 7 female...

so i'm 20 for 28(71%) this go round... :woohoo: :sasmokin:

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
sleepy - in a squackbox voice - u will consume mass quantities of many colored chlorophyl stalks topped with large knots of unfertilised colored female flowers - u will it enjoy it... :biglaugh:

Man - I just love that movie.

Looks like you got major XX mojo my friend - lotsa fine looking girls in your stable! Strong start! :yes:
Hey they look very very nice :wave: I'm really looking forward to see some beautiful buds of those. I'm actually growing some Papaya too but not indoor. Nice updates and big garden. take care :wave:


Active member
anubis_player, thank you for the kudos!!
my papaya are a bit wispy with long spacing of the nodes, are yours doing the same?? are yours Nirvana papaya, too??

the NLxBB are just the opposite, tight spacing of the nodes, squat compact plants...

My Man, Mr GreenJeans!! i know its been said a lot, but its hard to notice any difference day to day...but yes, they are growing rather quickly!!!

thanks for the MOJO!!! :woohoo:
Yeah my Papaya is from seedsdirect- Nirvana. Sorry but I might don'r udenstand some words ( not English , American , just learning :D ) What are those nodes ? I might know but not 100 % sure :wave:
Hmm :D see for yourself. Few shots, taken a week ago:

Something not going to well , but they will live :yummy:


Active member
hey, that is a beautiful plant! looks like something is enjoying it! :yummy:

...by spacing, i am referring to the space on the main stalk between sets of branches...yours are a lot tighter than mine. (that's good)...

lots of space...wispy:

tight spacing of nodes, compact:

NL x BB...compact:
Ah I get it now. Yeah that is a lot of space between them. Guess it's going to be good anyway. I'm not too much used to seeing indoor gardens , wasn't really interested in them ' cause I don't have a room. But when I saw that your growing Papaya I thought that this will be very interesting because of comparison of indoor and outdoor. The yield etc. you know :D


Active member
that's great, anubis_player!!!

here, take my recliner...r.e.l.a.x.......zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

hey, pass the vaporizer back to me!! :sasmokin: hehehe

no, seriously, hang out, we'll both learn something!

looks like a nice area you planted outside...do you have any spray for the bugs?? :bat:


Active member
Hey Sleepy dude! :wave: Do you really have a recliner? I really want one of those. Have to keep my eye out for one at the second hand store! :D


bONZ :wave:

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