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New contaminated cannabis?!



let me do some quick math

2 packs of 10 beans.

lets say some mr nice ssh. £100 each pack. thats £200

running a 400w (small power) for a couple of weeks to get the seeds up. and then 3 weeks of veg. followed by 10 weeks of flower. now i dont know the cost of electric, but lets say its £5 a week as an average. so that 15 x 5 = £75

then theres water. feed, soil. im sure that lot would eat 4 bags of soil minimum. at 12.50 a bag comes to £50

so just soil and electric, and the cost of some good genetics cost £325.

if out of the 20 beans you find 10 females that produce an o each that = 10 o's.

so thats 32.50 an o to grow your own. that was all worked out as a minimum. and i left stuff out. i would say its nearer to £40 an o, plus a whole heap of work, and hoping things run smoothly. plus theres the cost of equipment which at least it gets re-used, though bulbs do blow, and filters need changing. fan resisters go wrong, so on, and so on.

so "IF" i was to sell 10 o's at 200 quid each that = 2000. minus the 325-400 and that makes 1600-1675. for the 4 months work.

in my eyes, thats a lot of work, and risk involved to make a measly 400 a month? if you check on your plants every day that would work out to £15 quid a day.

that is why i dont sell. to make 15 quid a day. bigger scale it would work out. but im not that kinda guy. i could never take a risk of going to jail, and leaving my family for any given time. they need me.


What the hell ? icmag got a serious bug or something, none of the forums have updated and they all seem to be frozen in time .


Far as i'm concerned no-one can ever justify charging more than £150 for an ounce of bud , not unless you get a free holiday thrown in or something! .

£280 for an ounce is just ridiculous which ever way you look at it .

As for the cost of growing it we all know that the cost gets less after you have bought all the equipment and seeds and everything else . On the second run the only costs you have are electric and nutes ,and nutes can be bought in bulk for a fraction of the price of buying single bottles .

When you think a kilo could be getting you upto £5k at £140 an ounce, the cost of growing really is negligible, it would'nt even make a dent.

The prices have snowballed , one man charges £160 an ounce so then that has a knock on effect the next man charges £170 then the next man thinks "fook this i'm charging £180 an ounce now " and so it goes on till we get to these stupid prices people are charging now. Greedy bastards IMO.


Active member
Major quality differences about too, just cause one man sell some bangin Bud at 250, because it took 15 week to bloom out & the add's he bought came to 200 on their own & then he was running 4 600 watters & loads of other electricals(spinnin the meter), he had to get his money back somehow, OK, like i said it was special Bud for sure(give anything in Holland a run for its money-type stuff!). But then the next man come along with his 7 week flowering strain & its a loads of crap & mostly leaf & he think he can still sell this bollocks for over £200 an Oscar, makes me laugh, what a joke, but it happens all the time. Quote: Whats it like, - Oh Yeah its bangin , great, the best ever, lol, in reality its a load of leaf trim./shake with a few buds in it. & they want £10 a gram, See it all the time, i just laugh at them btw. No-fkin way im paying a tenner for a bag of shite!


if i could find a good home grown for 140-150 an o i wouldnt be growing my own shit

now i dont sell, but if i were theres no way i would sell for that money.

after asking the local dealer, he tells me that if i were to buy an o he would charge me £200-220. but he sells to others for £280. i personally think 200 is what i would call reasonable.

1 thing to remember guys, how much is a gram in the dam? a good ting must be 8-10 euro's a gram. others are probably 15.

if we say 8 (the cheaper stuff) euro's X 28g's = 224euro's. thats 200 an o in todays exchange rate (rough amount). but theres alot more supply out there, so of course its going to be more expensive here. also, for that money you would be getting the better things available, be it rhino, or cheese, or flavour of the month

you have to be realistic :)

if thats what you call reasonable mate, what the fuck do you call exspensive. 200 an oz is a joke.


Far as i'm concerned no-one can ever justify charging more than £150 for an ounce of bud , not unless you get a free holiday thrown in or something! .

£280 for an ounce is just ridiculous which ever way you look at it

yes, i agree 280 an o is ridiculous

As for the cost of growing it we all know that the cost gets less after you have bought all the equipment and seeds and everything else . On the second run the only costs you have are electric and nutes ,and nutes can be bought in bulk for a fraction of the price of buying single bottles .

When you think a kilo could be getting you upto £5k at £140 an ounce the cost of growing really is negligible, it would'nt even make a dent.

The prices have snowballed , one man charges £160 an ounce so then that has a knock on effect the next man charges £170 then the next man thinks "fook this i'm charging £180 an ounce now " and so it goes on till we get to these stupid prices people are charging now. Greedy bastards IMO.
i myself, buy seeds all the time. though im not commercial, and i dont grow a key. i buy soil everytime and feeds (the expensive weed taxed type)

1 thing i note is that if a particular grower is growing that much (or a few k's) then the risk must play a part in how much they sell for? and if commercial, then there is a cost of the place you are using, partners, and hand-outs to landlords, or people they are plotting up in their spot. also, if you spend time in your garden that is time your not earning whilst at work

im not bashing anybody here. i dont sell. heck, i dont buy. the politics is 1 of the reasons for this.

a swap. an o for an o??? maybe :)


if thats what you call reasonable mate, what the fuck do you call exspensive. 200 an oz is a joke.

hey biggs, we must live a long distance apart.

im a londoner

i dont say that proudly. this must be one of the reasons bud costs 10pounds a g round here. or even a 0.8 as some1 said earlier

if you guys can get me some real stinky bud for 150 or less, then please hit me up a pm.


hey biggs, we must live a long distance apart.

im a londoner

i dont say that proudly. this must be one of the reasons bud costs 10pounds a g round here. or even a 0.8 as some1 said earlier

if you guys can get me some real stinky bud for 150 or less, then please hit me up a pm.

i totally agree mate. weed goes for joke prices. but i'm talking scoring from a friend. thats the only way you'll get resonable prices. so £120-140, is resonable to me. i wouldn't pay any more. weed about 5-6 yrs ago went for that price. but as soon as all this contaminated weed showed up weed has gone through the roof. thats why i grow my own. fuck buying it for £200 i'd rather give up.


ICMag Donor

The cheaper the erb is,, then the quicker it runs out! The faster the turn-over the less weed available on the open market for cats to burn! As bad as it sounds,, we think it's time we stopped kids smoking it!!!

Logistically we've been studying the dynamics of the economics of the cannabis trade (in the UK and Europe) for many seasons now... with Adrian Jenson's 'Green Avalanche' theory being the most excepted economic module (in the Netherlands) to date. Whereby the profitability involved in decriminalizing cannabis lead to a compliance not to trade in harmfull products. Personally we think the Dutch have a f-up system,, and glass-weed can even be found in coffeeshops,, so in many respects the UK is still winging it for answers.

Grit weed:

A few years back down in Essex some blokes set fire to several 100kilos of contaminated cannabis in a field! Jah bless them! :bandit: This is probably the reason Dutch imports no-longer arrive in the UK as they used to! But still we dont need dem criminals,, now we breed our own,,, the UK's on its own snizzle!

Governments and Politicians and What-not ,, they don't give a **** about us,, because they are a bunch of ****s! So we (the cannabis community) have to work our own way out of this mess,, by discussing the subject openly on threads like this. Bless Gypsy for facilitating open mindful debate :yes:

No amount of legislation will prohibit the production of contaminated cannabis!

Peace n flowers

n.b. Interestingly, when "drug-pushers" moved into Christania (the free town) in Denmark,, the local community hounded them from the area because harmful narcotics were unwanted within their community :canabis:
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ICMag Donor

It doesnt take a genius to work out that the people spinning the buds are the people selling the waste product onto (other) criminals for the flowers to be sprayed with contaminants!!!!

It's not like they're spraying perfectly good weed ,, just for the laugh of it! Or growing hemp that needs spraying!! These shit-bags are just taking the widdle out of us!!! I n I say no more cause this subject gets me really angry!!

Please KEEP any solutions PEACEFUL!!!

'Violence begets Violence' [John Lennon]

sallyforthDeleted member 75382

2 days ago bought an eighth of Afghan Black. Did not question it as what we have been getting has been top notch and clean. However this deal was crap, smelled like good afghan but the texture and stickyness was not what we normally get. It was fairly hard and when rolled around in the fingers it felt gritty, broke up and was not squidgy leaving oils on your fingers.

I like Hash coffee, and when I put a gram in me milk it did not powder down, but stayed in the same state as when burned into the milk. Three hours later and still no effect, even after a few bowls of ice cream to aid digestion. Pissed off and went to bed.

Middle of the night woke to bad shits. In the morning my lungs felt heavy ( tried a bit also in a pipe ) and wheezing...I don't smoke tobacco.

Took the shit back to the dealer and told him and asked if anyone else is complaining. He tokk the half kilo back to where it came from....fair play. Replaced it with some so say Polm, this worked but funny enough there was a faint taste of soapbar. This went in the bin !

Now I go without till things are ready.

Just thought I'd share.


2 days ago bought an eighth of Afghan Black. Did not question it as what we have been getting has been top notch and clean. However this deal was crap, smelled like good afghan but the texture and stickyness was not what we normally get. It was fairly hard and when rolled around in the fingers it felt gritty, broke up and was not squidgy leaving oils on your fingers.

I like Hash coffee, and when I put a gram in me milk it did not powder down, but stayed in the same state as when burned into the milk. Three hours later and still no effect, even after a few bowls of ice cream to aid digestion. Pissed off and went to bed.

Middle of the night woke to bad shits. In the morning my lungs felt heavy ( tried a bit also in a pipe ) and wheezing...I don't smoke tobacco.

Took the shit back to the dealer and told him and asked if anyone else is complaining. He tokk the half kilo back to where it came from....fair play. Replaced it with some so say Polm, this worked but funny enough there was a faint taste of soapbar. This went in the bin !

Now I go without till things are ready.

Just thought I'd share.

Yep i noticed that a while ago a lot of stuff that goes around as "polm" is NOT polm but more like 50 percent soapbar mixed with 50 percent lowest grade moroccan polm...to try and confuse people because it aint a large lump of jet black shit like real soap, but this so called "polm" still has all the bad mental and physical effects of soapbar...it fuckin fries the brain, ive just finished a 3 hour rant to a mate about contamination in general, i think he thinks ive lost the plot and thinks its some conspiracy theory in my head because the lad is naive and was too young to remember when soapbar was fuckin everywhere.


ICMag Donor
Hi, thanks for sharing :wave:

It's never wise to eat cannabis (hashish or flowers) unless you know its direct source! Even good grade import may have been contaminated during the process or transportation (like diesel hash was).! ,, same with smoking cannabis (hashish or flowers) that you think might be contaminated!

A good way to test resin is:

1) bite a very small amount between your front teeth,, (like a soil scientist does) and listen / feel for the presence of sand /grit in your ear. Some samples are grittier than others! Good resin will stick straight to ya teeth :D

2) smear test the chewed up resin (dont eat it!) onto the back of your hand.. and smudge it in a line! Contaminated resin will smear leaving a lasting oily synthetic residue of green/red/brown/black on the back of your hand.. while clean resin will rub off easily and appear fawn in colour.

If in doubt,, try it with high grade bubble-hash first.. lol :canabis:

Hope this helps...



let me do some quick math

2 packs of 10 beans.

lets say some mr nice ssh. £100 each pack. thats £200

running a 400w (small power) for a couple of weeks to get the seeds up. and then 3 weeks of veg. followed by 10 weeks of flower. now i dont know the cost of electric, but lets say its £5 a week as an average. so that 15 x 5 = £75

then theres water. feed, soil. im sure that lot would eat 4 bags of soil minimum. at 12.50 a bag comes to £50

so just soil and electric, and the cost of some good genetics cost £325.

if out of the 20 beans you find 10 females that produce an o each that = 10 o's.

so thats 32.50 an o to grow your own. that was all worked out as a minimum. and i left stuff out. i would say its nearer to £40 an o, plus a whole heap of work, and hoping things run smoothly. plus theres the cost of equipment which at least it gets re-used, though bulbs do blow, and filters need changing. fan resisters go wrong, so on, and so on.

so "IF" i was to sell 10 o's at 200 quid each that = 2000. minus the 325-400 and that makes 1600-1675. for the 4 months work.

in my eyes, thats a lot of work, and risk involved to make a measly 400 a month? if you check on your plants every day that would work out to £15 quid a day.

that is why i dont sell. to make 15 quid a day. bigger scale it would work out. but im not that kinda guy. i could never take a risk of going to jail, and leaving my family for any given time. they need me.
nicely put:ying:


Today ive finally managed to get hold of some clean weed, its only thai import but its definitely not dipped, i noticed the thai has been wrapped with red string, and yellow string, may sound daft , but does this coloured string indicate its quality or grade? Just curious, its a nice old school type smoke.


Well-known member
Hey deathtosoapbar....I had some of that weed about 6 weeks ago. Defiantly Thai is it? In fact I just found some of it in me top draw, ain't had a smoke for a couple days. Nice find really, considering the crap thats about.

I get disappointed every time some young punk tells me it's high grade...Clueless absolutely clueless.

£150 tops for primo herb is a fair price to me.


yep, was talking other day about a time when we called soap bar diesel, and the rumour was it was brought over in a lorries petrol tank, hence the disgusting smell. We didnt' know then it was deliberately made this way.

That was a while ago, when you got it you considered yourself truly ripped off..Now people ask for it by name..Makes you feel sick just to be in the same room with it burning.

Yep i remember the good ol days when soapbar was starting to become known as shite and there was like you said bud that may not have been the best but was ALWAYS CLEAN, and yeah the guys should be hung who are selling this toxic crap but not until theyve been made to smoke at least 5 ounce of the contaminated weed they are selling