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Stop it people! Just STOP, dammit! 2 Arrested for Growing



If these guys were so tight and organized they would not have been busted.
Those 2 dumbshit's let Leo in their house.
Typical Bevis and Butthead move, stupid stoners.

anyone growing without a scrubber is stupid IMO


I've had two close encounters of the 'X-Factor' kind in the past year, two times when I was very close to LEO finding out what I was doing.

The first time, last year, police were all over my property for reasons unrelated to the grow. In addition to every LEO in the county, a special state police squad from the state's capitol city also showed up. Don't underestimate the 'X-Factor'. That time odor control served me well. Cops were in and around my driveway for hours, and never a suspicion of the grow a few yards away from them.

My current grow room setup is perfect, as long as a certain extremely unlikely event doesn't happen. The kind of event that has never before happened in my life. So I'm fine, right? Especially since it's a 100% legal medical grow.

Well, of course you know the rest of the story. That event happened last week....

I managed to avoid LEO because of other security measures, but NiteTiger's reminder here rang true for me.

Be careful out there!
Great post NiteTiger. Sometimes one thinks that they are the only one being as paranoid.
Glad to know I'm not alone.

I'm with Tokinafaty on those last paragraphs too.

People (myself included) forget what a tole this takes on you. Just the actions alone (planning, checking, the induced stress, etc...) are pretty heavy. It becomes such a part of your life and your person that you just start to accept that "this is the way I am".

I know I have everything in check from a security stand point. That doesn't change the stress of the X-factor. For me, it's akin to getting in a car: the more you do it, the more it increases your chances of getting into an accident. You could be the most careful grower in the world, but the more you do it, the more you increase your chance of getting proper fucked.

Doesn't help the fact that when your paranoid, you think EVERYTHING is about you: people staring, wondering if that cop is gonna turn around and follow you. EVERYTHING catches your eyes and ears.

It only took me two grows to realize I needed a scrubber, and I wasted no time in getting one. It's too simple of a solution to be dismissed so easily.

Stay safe everyone.


Growing without a scrubber: stupid and dangerous.


Maybe if you truly live out in the middle of no where, but still, I can't imagine even thinking of growing without one.


just cause you don't see the scrubber doesn't mean it isn't there.

And a cop driving by smelled it? please, its 90+ degrees outside. That cop had his windows closed and AC on.

If the smell was that bad, then neighbors snitched. or the cops already had a tip and came up with this BS.


I have the key, now i need to find the lock..
ok, so let me get this. since what we are doing is a felony, even having a legally registered weapon in the house will lead to another charge? i have a few rifles and two shotguns, all purchased and held legally, which i take to the range, and also go and shooting sporting clays often. should i remove these from the house, and keep them at a family members home? thanks for any advice people.


Overkill is under-rated.
Agreed, if you plan on growing weed, an oversized carbon scrubber should be bought before the lights. If you disagree, there are thousands of inmates who will tell you I'm right.

Fuckin county sheriff stopped by my spot this morning, BS "domestic violence call" but didn't see, smell or hear anything. Thanks to 4 big scrubbers and an airlock ozonator!


ok, so let me get this. since what we are doing is a felony, even having a legally registered weapon in the house will lead to another charge? i have a few rifles and two shotguns, all purchased and held legally, which i take to the range, and also go and shooting sporting clays often. should i remove these from the house, and keep them at a family members home? thanks for any advice people.

possession of a firearm while committing a felony or some other BS

I would take them elsewhere ASAP.

Damn Lazy, glad to hear that worked out


Active member
DUDE!!! theres a elementary school within 1000 feet of my house lol oh shit and i'm over my legal limits with around 60 plants deep, cop station quarter mile away, uh oh im trippin