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Best additive for roots in DWC?


I know you what you mean by additives but how about some friendly bacterias, they can add your root surface alot and enhance your growth better than just small can of ferts. Lot of work but its simple to install if you buy ready from the shop unit that can hold your bacterias. Example GHE Biofilter and its easy to set up if you got external res..

Mycorrhizal Fungi


I'm still a noob, only growing since 2010. But I have gone back and forth from beneficials to sterile, it seems that sterile for real reservoir\recirculating scenarios is a little better for me. The bene's are kool and can maybe help, but they grow their own extra crap that can clog stuff, and if you get a bad batch (with some bad bacteria or fungus in it), you can get weird black shit on the roots thats gnarly.

That being said, I go sterile now & use Dutch Master Zone. Like 1ml\gallon once a week. If you got bad yuck already, you can go 2 ml per gallon. The stuff really is gentle, I have superdosed it when I had crazy shit in there and the plants dont kook out, they start growing new white roots.


Hygrozyme maybe ?


Great for hydro or soil-based systems, Hygrozyme prevents the formation of pythium and algae in your growing media. Bacteria-free enzymes attack dead plant proteins and convert them into usable sugars. All-natural Hygrozyme is 100% effective guaranteed with an unlimited shelf life. OMRI Listed
More O2 into the root zone/rez.

What he said, I recently doubled my air supply and quit using those cheap ass stones at Wally World. Things took off. Using 2 gallon buckets now gonna hafta go to 5 gallons. Oh I quit using those cheap ass aquarium pumps from there too, bigger lines etc........Freakin buckets are churning now.........

I had just a wee problem with roots, hence the upgrades, dont know where it fits in exactly but I've started using 5ml hygrozyme too per gallon more as a preventive thing, maybe it helps, not sure, but no rot in 2 months. Its just what I've been doing, So, with a grain of salt...............