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Phototron info?


nycnoob, I do consider phototrons small for growning. Size is allways relative though. This grow is just my effort in growing in a modified tron. I'm new to all this.

JetsUsUp, thanks for wishing me good luck. I'll need it!


Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
Well mate, you got it for free, and with ur modificatons, as long as it does the job them thats what counts right...i bet with some tweaks you can make it work out nicely!


Thanks Harry. I think this might actually work out. Should know soon wether that last plant is female. I'll update you all soon.



Ok. Sorry for all the updates but I just confirmed my last plant is a bitch! It finally showed a pair of pistils! Looks like I'll be able to complete this grow. Made my day!



Good luck w/ the grow Hairy. Wheather it works out or not, valuable information is always learned w/ every grow...experience is priceless!


Still Growin'

Still Growin'

Jet, yep it was a good day. I was afraid it might have been a waste after that 3rd male.

MasterGrow, thanks. I've learned sooo much from other growers by just reading thier posts and now from actually growing. A lot to digest but it really helps to not micro manage a grow and start with an easy strain as I feel K2 is one of these.

So far this is working out very well IMHO. Pistels are now showing up all over the plant. No buds but that should come soon. Lots of branching and potental budsites. Plant seems very happy. I'm happy with things thus far. Here are the latest pics. Thanks all for sharing at this great site. It is appreciated!




Grow on , Hairy bass

Grow on , Hairy bass

Seeing the tron has made me think.:chin: Do I STILL have one of those things laying around? Need to house a mother soon....? Good luck with your lady there HairyBass. :joint:


Hi Hairy..nice looking plant! I shouldn't think quality would be an issue w/ all those lumens in such a small space, but I am curious (and admittedly a bit skeptical)about how much she yields in the PT. Regardless... a female K2? How can you lose?

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hi HB :wave:
I've been :lurk: , having a nostalgia for the Phototrons - never owned one but they had a lot of advertising when I was in college and a couple guys bought one. You've really supercharged it :abduct: , she looks really fine in there. That top shot is gorgeous! :yes:


Thanks PFCruz. If you do have one layin' around I'd be willing to take it off your hands. ;-)

Mastergrow, LOL, yep. The quality should be good unless I F*** this up! Yield, well, I'm with you. It won't be much. Yield is always relative of course but what I've read. I'd think the pot size, drainage, and size will limit it proportunatly. Perhaps a scrog would have been better in this grow chamber. This is a total learning grow. So all feel free to critique or offer constructive input. Like I said before this is just an attempt by a newbie.



Thanks Mr GreenJeans, phototrons have allways intriged me too. I guess it's all about what you need. I think this might supply my needs but we shall see. I tied her down once to keep her hieght down but the stem is now too thick to mess with. I love the braching though. A very easy and aggressive plant to grow. Hope the buds are as impressive!.



Active member
i was looking at the picture of the 250 mounted to the top... maybe you should rig up some kind of reflector above it instead of just having that black space up there... that might help some, could possibly use mylar... just a suggestion. Looking good though.


Neuronaut your right on! That has been bugging me since I did it! At the VERY least I should have painted it white. Thanks for suggesting Mylar. I'll look in to it. I'll most likely lay off mods until this grow is over but I love all the input and I'm logging it and it is appreciated!



New member
Tron on Steroids

Tron on Steroids

Hey Hairy, I built my veg box using some double pane glass windows I had laying around.The front and right side are glass and the left wall is against my flower box.The glass is the Low-E type stuff and I put the side that would face outside in.The box is 44" wide x 24" deep x 36" high.I hope it performs for me.We'll see.I used to see the adds for trons in HT years ago and always wanted one.Didn't know then what I know now.Should make a very good veg box though.If you can LST well you should do fine for a full grow though.I would think the 250 would need a cooltube.Just a thought.Keep on top of those temps and grow on.


Thanks tyborias. Good luck with your box. What kinda light you going to put in it? Now I'm going to show how green I am. What is LST? A training method I assume. You also mentioned a cooltube. Are ther cooler running HPS bulbs? What would be the trade offs?
Thanks again.
