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This Summers Outdoor Plans - GUERILLA BOG!!!! Feedback appreciated!!


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Here, the first pic shows my nicest/oldest BlueKush indoors, should be going outside in a week or 2. 2nd pic is another shot of the same BK from the side. 3rd pic shows the new 2 day old SourStrawberryKush seedlings. 4th pic shows 2 young SourBubble's in the back right hand side, and a young BK in the front-right.

So I have a total of 6 young BK's, 3 young SB's, 5 brand new SourStrawKush sprouts, a nice sized BK and SB just put outside, and 4 more SBbx4 seedlings with hardly any room inside to plant.. These seedlings need to hurry up and grow so they can get outside!! Pics of the plants that are outside soon :D


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Haven't been to my new spot where I put my SourBubble and BlueKush since they went outside, but did I mention that this new spot receives full sunlight pretty much all day?? :)
....Hopefully the 10 clones and 2 BOG plants are doing good, its been sunny everyday since..

The slugs are really doing a number on my outdoor bagseeds, one has succomed to the damage :(
I wish I could go get some protection but times are pretty bad right now and I'm very broke. My other BOG plants will be going outside within the next couple weeks


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Hey guys, I'm going out tommorow to the outdoor plants and I'll make SURE to get some pics!! :D
.... I haven't visited the nice big SourBubble and big BlueKush and those 10 clones I put outside since I put them outside a couple weeks ago!! I didn't give them any slug protection and put the 10 clones in the same hole temporarily, so I'm hoping I didn't lose too many clones to slugs, and I'm REALLLY hoping my SourBubble and BlueKush plants survived because those are my best 2!!

Theres only 3 bagseeds remaining after slug bug damage and hopefully they are doing good. Something keeps digging up the holes I put my plants in, could it be the MG POTTING Mix (6 month feed), or the Fox Farm nutes?? Spotted a fox near the spot

I'm going to try to get another couple BlueKushes and SourBubbles outside to this great new spot, pretty much full sunlight all day!! :bump:


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Still haven't been out to the spots since I planted the big BK, big SB, and 10 small clones out about 3 weeks ago.. Wouldn't doubt if a few clones died but I hope the BlueKush and SourBubble are doing well. I did check my bagseeds and gave them some Grow Big but one died from slugs and others had bag slug damage, leaving only 3 bagseed plants left.

Weather calls for sun ALL WEEK finally, I have 14 more plants that have to go out this week. I'll be sure to check the others within the next few days and get pics. I don't expect much more feedback without pics!! :D
...To go outside: 6 more Blue Kush, 3 more SourBubbles, and 5 small SourStrawberryKush plants. For some reason probably due to super low lighting a few BK and SBs are staying super small, one BK is a definate runt, but but the others are looking great!

I'll be getting some copper tape for the slugs tommorow and probably some bug reppellant. Considering none of my clones died (which I know is impossible), I will have 30 Plants out once I get these last 14 outside!! I'm hoping for around 10 females in the end including clones :)


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Don't expect much feedback til the good pics come. But does anybody have any clue what could be digging up the soil right under my plants? It killed a few and I notice the soil dug up again, I know somethings attracting them. I think its fox, but how do I keep them away?


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how bout some chicken wire around your plots? should prevent damage from all the smaller animals.

looks like a great show, i'll be lurking for more pics please!


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good advice thanks!! will some copper tape around the stems keep slugs and spittle bugs away? 3 more going outside tonight, the other 11 early next week.. should i bother putting runts outside? i guess why not, its all i have :)


*Stoned User*
Not sure if copper tape is very effective. Do you know how much copper is the tape? I have had great success with copper wire (<$10/spool) wrapped around/near the base(trunk) fo the plant. Just be sure not to wrap it too tight around the base too young. ;)
Runts?!? Hell yeah, kick them bitches outta the house.

Would love to see some field shots when ya can get them. :)


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Sorry for the lack of pics.. Just went out and put out 4 more BKs and 1 more SourBub. The BK and SB I put out a few weeks ago EXPLODED with growth!! :bump:
They got huge and bushed out nicely, I just supercropped one and topped the other.. And most of the 10 clones I planted together also grew a lot, only lost a couple, I separted a few into their own spots.

Outdoor pics in 3 days, for real. Just got a new digi cam! A chopper flew over me veryyy low when I was planting tonight, scaryyy!!


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I'll be sure to grab some copper wire.. My plants are growing so fast outside that they are outgrowing the slug damage!!


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PICS, the bigger ones

PICS, the bigger ones

I got a bunch of pics of my freshly outdoor-planted BOG plants, but for now I'll just put up pics of the bigger nicer ones. I know thats what has been waited for!! :D

From left to right, first pic is a bag seed. 2nd pic is SourBubbleBX4, 3rd is BlueKush, 4th another BK


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a few more..

a few more..

From left to right, 1st pic nice SourBubble LEAF. 2nd pic Blueberry bagseed, 3rd pic bagseed, 4th pic bagseed (I think my tallest, over waist heigh!)..

A bunch of my clones died off after I tried separating them but my buddies are doing nice all in 1 spot. Hoping for a decent harvest!! :)


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guess everybody thought i would never come through with the pictures... i lost a few plants to underwatering and lost about half of my clones (leaving 4 left), but was surprised to find some plants over waist-heigh!! :D :bump:

lets pray for females!! :)


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had a great rain yesterday which all my plants really needed! but the rain was a bit rough i hope it didnt tear up my newly-planted younger plants. i only posted the pics of my bigger plants and still have a bunch of my newer plots still on my computer. ill get more pics in a week or 2, weather depending :)

any suggestions, feedback or anything on my new pics??


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guess nobody has interest in this thread...

hasnt rained for days now and i cant get out for another few days so hopefully none are wilting. expecting rain tommorow. next time i go out im going to be tying down (LST my larger plants), giving them a few weeks to branch out before budding in August. and another dose of FF Grow Big (nitrogen).
...... all my plants besides the ones planted within the past 2 weeks have either been topped, supercropped, FIM'ed or a combo of the 3.

anybody have anything to say?? more pics in a few days, not than anybody cares haha


*Stoned User*
Looking good there bud. Was going to suggest that you give them a bump of N before flower but youre on top of it. :good: How many females you got?
Good luck. Should be a nice little pull if ya got a few femmes.


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I'm hoping so about the females.. None are showing yet that I saw but I'm sure they will within the coming weeks.. :)

I've been giving all my plants the Fox Farm GROW Big (6-4-4) with a TINY bit of Big BLOOM (.01-.3-.7) every couple waterings, accidentally burned a few early on. The GrowBig is meant for vegging with lots of N and I add a tiny BigBloom because the BB is suppose to be semi-organic, with guanos and earth worm castings and such.
...........I realllllly wish I prepared a real organic soil mix with blood/bone meal, EWC, lime and such like I usually do instead of just MiracleGrow and FoxFarm nutes but I'll make due with what I have.

I'll be giving all my plants nothing but the FF Grow Big until early August than I'll cut that off and switch to a mixture of FF's Big Bloom (organic?) and Tiger Bloom (2-8-4), maybe a one time half-strength dose of GrowBig for a little N around mid-flower. And of course, a 2 week flush before harvest..

Wish me luck on the females, and good luck to all the other outdoor growers!! :D


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One male showing and a few females, checked yesterday finally.. I lost about 7 of my smaller plants to the recent drought. I checked them yesterday and found one plot with 3 plants gone, one plot right next to it with all 3 small plants there and good, and another plot near it missing 3 plants but 2 others were doing good. A couple clones died off and I only have 3 clones left.

My larger plants were ok but most of them were yellowing so I gave them all some FF Grow Big even though the ground was still wet from the rain. And it rained today so I'll feed them one more boost of nitrogen when it dries up this week, as well as get pics and plant my last 3 SSKs i have left.

My harvest probably won't be that big even if I get all females.. Pics within a few days