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Avid Fan

hey guys,im hoping to be doing a vertical scrog and was wondering what you thought of my plan.
its not the best ever but without autocad,its the best i can do!

its not to scale,im way too stoned for that!

im going to be using super lemon haze from greenhouse seeds and maybey mango haze.ideally ,i want to use two plants as im new to this and dont want to waste precious seeds!i think i'll veg vertically for two weeks,lst mabey?
the screen will be 8inches from the bulb.2"x2" squares.hopefully this will work
any input would be greatly recieved!:tiphat:

Hundred Gram Oz

Our Work is Never Over
Avid Fan I like your style with the haze selection. You will defo need to do some training on the haze. I top my SuperSilverSourDieselHaze several times, the final top is cut a week into flower to cut down a lil on the stretch.

You'll want to get them around the vertical bulb asap. Don't rotate the plants, keep them at the one angle towards the bulb throughout the grow, they will adjust themselves.

Did you have a pic because I can't see anything :bigeye: how much lighting are you using? What growing medium are you using?

Ps if you like a really really lemony haze, get some SSSDH !! fanfuckingtastic bud !! Pure Lemon candy fuel!

Avid Fan

hopefully the pic should be working now.
ive got one ballast with 400w HPS bulb.might get another,not sure yet.
i used coco canna last time around,but my mate swears by bio bizz.
i might try the SSSDH,im all about the fruit!


I will second that.... everything looks sick! i love cage grows i hear the biobiz light mix is cool i would run it but they dont have it in my neck of the woods you putting them in front of the screen then tieing them back or on the outside letting them grow threw the fence and pulling branches back? Reason I ask cuzz this part is often overlooked, when I set mines up I was'nt really thinking it was that important and now that i think about it I think mines would've done better with pots placed on the outside of the fence then tied back.

Avid Fan

im going to put them on the outside of the screen and just weave like crazy!
im hoping to get a lush green vortex,im kinda mad on tornadoes,galaxies,you know just shit that spins!
ive had an few photo ideas already and i havent even popped the beans yet!
think i need slapped,im so excited! :snap out of it:

Avid Fan

thanks for that drymouth,just what i needed!
i couldnt wait for moolah for the seeds and have just popped seven bagseed.it will be the practice run
going to get supplies on the morrow,think finding the wire cage will be tricky though.
at least i wont be needing it tomorrow,lol!