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Chyna's Garden


Looks like you are deff staying busy over there chyna. Nice selection of AF's you have going. Also nice to see another outdoor AF grow. Keep up the good work man. Sorry to hear about your mold probs... Hopefully the season will start to dry up for you.

Flying Goat

Interesting past 2 weeks in my medicating...I have been out of af's...lots of long season bud, which I have been indulging a tincture of PPP, and smoking the paki, c-99, and power kush...and while I have been comfortable, I am not on the level that I was when medicating strictly with autos...not as mentally sharp, physically energized...So, while right now most of my indoor is 12/12, that is not going to continue...gonna keep a small 12/12 cab for headies and gifts for friends, but I see not reason to continue to grow as many long season girls...they just aren't as good at treating my condition.

Hmmm... How about using some of the larger AFs to up bring your fave standards down to size?

So many possibilities... I've been approached lately by several people with a parent who suffers arthritis or ulcers (inflammatory conditions), who do not like to be very high but could appreciate something to smoke which would relieve symptoms... People are asking for high CBD/low THC weed for their grandmas...

Fantastic! I can see tiny gardens with raised beds in old toilets & wheelbarrows, etc... with tiny potent buds in them... :D

@Mossy - no swollen joints. Been tested for every allergy under the sun - all grasses except MJ... Elm trees, mesquite... Outgrew most of it...

I also believe our immune system needs "exercise." You might think this awful, but I go about barefoot, thru grass, earth, thru the goat pen, whatever... it's all grass & water to me... :D

I think the difference is the RAW milk. Store-bought milk has a bad, dead taste to me...


Looks like you are deff staying busy over there chyna. Nice selection of AF's you have going. Also nice to see another outdoor AF grow. Keep up the good work man. Sorry to hear about your mold probs... Hopefully the season will start to dry up for you.

Thanks HH, AF's really strut their stuff outside. I am hoping for a drier July and August. It is nice to not have to water tho...I am hoping to get the winters supply of af's this summer, so I can reserve all of my indoor space for breeding...hey, at least it's telling me where the mold resistance is :wave:


I'd love to come for a walkabout your plots.

I'm Soooo pleased that people are starting to bang AF's outdoors now.

Pity..pity about the PC..the DC crosses just don't seem to like your conditions..
both sets have freakied out on you.

Check your
weird Sour 60 pheno
the only plants I have seen with structure like that...have been Hermies.
(pop corn on strings...)

Things are looking Sweet Bro...
hope you get some time off for the celebration weekend..

Have a great weekend m8....:joint:

I'll be back for med talks soon..I've hit a Patch..and my brain is like cotton wool ATM....:coffee:
Flying Goat- I don't mean to hijack this thread, but I have some stuff to ask and some imput. I'm harvesting 2 blue streaks this week, probably 1 in 2 days and the other over the weekend, the HBD has probably 2+ more weeks to go. I am excited to try the af's from all the stuff I've got going on, FG and I comiserate with each other. Anyhoo, why don't you cross a pekeruder with some of that hermie black domina pollen? I bet that might produce something super nice, pain relief, and probbaly sleep inducing too, with black domina having a fast finishing time (some phenos) too...

I put an ak47 x nycd x blue streak straight into coco on june 21, nothing yet, but I've been having issues lately with seedlings. ahhh hheeemm. That problem will be fixed quickly, as I have lots of special seeds and breeding projects to prove out.

FG- you seriously trying to get me to visit with the oil spill woman?

I suppose I'll pop a couple of pekeruder seeds when I harvest what's currently habitating hte 2L soda bottles, as I'm not a soda drinker. Stress, heat, changes in weather all play havoc on the pain/nausea and IBS issues that rile up their ugly heads, sometimes not enough notice to avoid embarrassment.

I'm almost out of all my nutes, the cell phone bill is overdue, constant struggles in the grow/flowering room. I'm out of space. I need supplemental tents and a couple (ok 4 more lights) before I can continue. One bright note, actually two, the pahramasist felt bad for me and signed me up for this awesome program that they pay for 60% of my pharmacy costs, I guess she could tell I was obviously sick and broke, as I had to wait 10 days after the script was filled to get 2/3 of the script filled. Freaking pharma raping me... but it does provide relief. Ok, off rant and hijack over.



I'd love to come for a walkabout your plots.
I know you would...the scenery is spectacular, and the plots are Jammin...I am really excited about all of the early nordic strains and esben's

I'm Soooo pleased that people are starting to bang AF's outdoors now.
They are perfect for the outdoors....I cannot beleive the performance of my Sour 60 patch...but, I am still learning...gotta learn to temper the nutes a bit more...You are gonna loose yield either way, and I would prefer to have smaller, mold free bud

Pity..pity about the PC..the DC crosses just don't seem to like your conditions..
both sets have freakied out on you.
Cheers, mossy, no worries...your lines have provided me more interest and study than any other...3rd times a charm tho...Bad Betty, Alfie, and White Russian go outside tomorrow :dance013:and I got the outdoor thing down now.

Things are looking Sweet Bro...
hope you get some time off for the celebration weekend..
I love my girls :canabis:
I did get 3 days off...and let my hair down at the all good festival

Danced my face off for 3 days....and smoked the entire Moby Dick Girl myself :smokeit:...some of the most pleasant pot I have ever indulged...sweet pain relief from the White Widow, and a little trippy, up edge from the haze...shes outside now hopefully reveging...I may have to bring her in tho...a definite winner I will keep around for quite some time...hit her with a Congo male, and am stoked to let some of those rip...

Have a great weekend m8....:joint:

I'll be back for med talks soon..I've hit a Patch..and my brain is like cotton wool ATM....:coffee:

My prayers to you :ying:...I just went through a bit of hell here myself...finally ended the 7 year dependency on the pills...I have been weaning for months, but finally broke it at the festival...what better way to do it than by being so inebriated by other substances...I am on canna, aspirin, and opium lettuce tea, with 15 mg of hydrocodone for the day if needed, and I feel great...started climbing trees a bit again...its uncanny, the level of success with primarily herbs... and the prickly lettuce teas should not be underestimated...between it and canna, I am having long periods of little to NO pain...the stripping of plant medicine from the people is such a crime...thats what happens when we loose touch with our roots...god has provided all of the answers, you only need see...I am also on a cocktail of herbal antibiotics, from around the globe, and I almost feel like I may kill this thing, or at least beat it down so far that it pretty much stops f'ing with me...winter will tell tho, barely made it through the last one

Funky Sour 60 Girl, not a hint of mold...and all Blueberries...she went almost 80 days, and I am very stoked to indulge her...despite the minimal calyx development, the resin production on the stems and leaves is great...I am debating just making hash out of her

Biddys Sister auto, with a biddy male hitting her up...these pics are a week old, and she is getting impressive...she is definitely NOT some auto seed I slipped in, as her aroma bud structure are unique in my fold...I'll get more pics of everything this weekend...also got the reveging Moby girl in the pic..

. Double Kindness :tiphat: Thanks for stoppin by....aAkxNYCDxbluestreak...if you are gonna grow autos, you better figure your seeds out.:blowbubbles:

Calio O mish mash girl...just lovely orange yummy wanna pluck it outta the ground and eat it like a Popsicle good...and pretty buds too...love this line.

Cheers all, hopefully I will get more time here soon, interesting happening in IC mag autoland :ying:


In The Garden
hey Chyna, i would hash that S60 out bro, would be a much better result.

where you at bro still waiting for that reply.



hey Chyna, i would hash that S60 out bro, would be a much better result.

where you at bro still waiting for that reply.


Consider it hashed, bro...

Hmmm...I been out lookin for you, but not sure if I am in the right places...hit me with a mail.

I'll have room for those BB fems soon....:thank you:

Harvest Time!

aAkxNYCDxBluestreak...smells yummy, is very sticky, and about 95% mold free. I would have run them another week or so indoor, but I would have lost them if I hadnt pulled em now...nice couple ounces...this is surprisingly my stoniest pot, af or 12/12...go figure that.

That may change tho when I get my Sour Bubble, Lifesaver, Bluebonic and bluesatelite 2.2 beans :ying:

pulled in the cali-o mish mash too...we had a rain the other night which they went into clean as a whistle...when I looked at em late the next day, the mold was erupting deep in the bud. At least the trics were cloudy...but yields were pretty low if they coulda gone another week...you know how af girls bulk up in the last days

still not bad tho...I quick dried em in the dehydrator to prevent further rot, and there appears to be at least a half pound of good quality bud...freakin humidity here just sux :1help:

popped my last seven Blue Moon Rocks beans, and got 6 fems, all different phenos...should be some interesting shit in there...I have some bluestreak pollen for a couple of em :wave:


Ah m8..
you are sounding well again..an I think I am on a roll..an I just have SO much to tell ya..
that I think I'll just headline it and you tell me which you want to take first.......:biglaugh:

First...we have already agreed this is a disease of circulation and we are hunting the dialatory effect of canna that seems to have most impact..
and you posted not so long ago about the viagra effect bud..
then I was sitting watching House.....
(yeah..he is a crochety old tw*t..
with a unsolvable pain-problem and a great reliance on pain-killers..what is Not to like... :dunno:...)
and he was using Viagra to treat a womans circulatory problems...


are we daft or What..
increase your circulation..decrease your pain..
Viagra. :tiphat:
Cheap and Available.

Betcha we would get High on it too..
because it would make us feel well.

Something to ponder m8 eh...?

Next..every time I had a good patch I tried to get off the heavy duty pain-killers..
but without them the pain would build and build until even heavy duty pain-killers wouldn't take the edge off..
so I had to stay on maintenance doseage.

Then I read about Acetyl-L-Carnitine being used to help chronic pain.

Over the years..I have used every quack cure..
tablet and implements
to ease the pain and NOTHING worked..

until the Carnitine..
and for me it was like a miracle pill..
I hate to say that..because I've had too many let downs..
it was the Carnitine that got me off the pain-killers..when I'm well..
and it is Brilliant for the brain fog.

I'll tell you about it HOW it works if you want me to..save googling...
If you can afford it..I would recommend 100%

Next...you know the hermie study we were doing..?
Well..I have been ticking on it.
And I always remember reading something in one of the Canna Botany books that says that you cannot Patent seed..
so as soon as they are out on the open market..
someone can just reproduce them..and rip you off.
what got me thinking was IF it is a Fm genetic...
it can be rolled to dominance..and abeyence..
and you work with your genes enough to be aware where you are iin that process..
you could roll the Fm up to the point when it would start to roll back into dominance if someone simply reproduced your work....

Interesting thought....:yeahthats
so when we get a chance to talk hermies again..remind me to tell you my theory.

I am really excited about all of the early nordic strains and esben's
Me too..tell me if you can tell the difference between spiritual bud and mass produced...

gotta learn to temper the nutes a bit more...You are gonna loose yield either way, and I would prefer to have smaller, mold free bud

Yup..100%. I can grow just about year round..
BUT..I don't fert between Dec/Feb..or if I have dank.
I'm reluctant to seed then too.
Too much stress.

and I got the outdoor thing down now.
Yup..the girls are showing that.

I Love Outdoor.

Danced my face off for 3 days....and smoked the entire Moby Dick Girl myself
Sounds Perfect..

I'm trying the same myself for This weekend....:dance013:

sweet pain relief from the White Widow,
oopppss..you just said the Magic word..
when we used to get tailor mades from the canna cafe..
it was White Widow in them..they rarely failed for pain-relief.

Might be an idea to make a Pure WW into AF..see if it works.
Oh..and that brings me round to another..
you and Flying Goat talking about Missing something when you don't have AF in your pain-meds..gotta theory on that too.

More soon...


Might be an idea to make a Pure WW into AF..see if it works.

I'm thinking along those lines too...

Early Outdoor White Widow, 4 girls, and I just pulled the 3 boys...they are moderately seeded, and I should get good bud too..hopefully our good friend Arctic Sun will stop by and elaborate on the gentics of these plants...I may play with them a bit inside this winter if the bud reflects its namesake

Sunflower...2 boys jizzing all over one little girl in between em...I'll get them off her soon, but I wanna a few more seed first..

Northern Sun...very intrigued with this one, love the sati look...may be the spiritual herb I seek...

Esben's Danish Gold...really dig this plant, strong autoflower tendencies...I am making a shit ton of seeds of this line. 3 girls here, and I have 4 more girls that just showed sex inside, and they will go out tomorrow

Oh..and that brings me round to another..
you and Flying Goat talking about Missing something when you don't have AF in your pain-meds..gotta theory on that too.

More soon...

I'm all ears, m8...glad to hear your winning the fight, bro...keep it up. Half the battle is keeping a winning attitude :ying: Love to hear more, I got some interesting items for discussion as well.

Cheers All! Thanks for looking at my girls :wave:


ananomix :thank you: :wave:

Sour 60 in the last week...

Little to no mold, as long as I quickly remove the leaves as they go from yellow to brown...most important on the bud leaves...the only bit of mold was caused by one of the bud leaves dying, and the resulting decay spread to the bud.

mossy - I often wonder if you are UNDERdosing,if you only smoke your herbs????


mossy - I often wonder if you are UNDERdosing,if you only smoke your herbs????
Me too m8...:tiphat:

But I didn't like to ask about your tinctures etc and which You found most effective when you were time pushed.

I try to keep ALL my Meds down if I can..
maybe it is time to get a bit more pro-active.
Medicate it out Before it happens..rather than waiting for onset.

I've certainly been trying over the weekend..
and I ain't finished Yet...:smokeit:

I would fancy the WW cross.

I had an AF WW with no ruderalis in it.
Unfortunately I only had a few seed and no males..so I had to put it to JEM to preserve the genetic.
It is in Purple Heart.
I could fancy a Pure.

Who makes the Best White Widow..?

I Strongly fancy Northern Lights too.

What is in your Sunflower...?
The leaves look very like my DC crosses.
Do I see 9 fingers per leaf too...
and do I see two "rabbit ears" sticking up where the leaf joins the main stalk.

She looks v similar to the traits I am chasing in the Black line.


m8..You have to name this one.
She is one Pretty girl..and high sounds like one you will progress..
but she needs a name not an alphabet....:biglaugh:

How long does your season normally last....
Have you got time for another crop....?
Last edited:


But I didn't like to ask about your tinctures etc and which You found most effective when you were time pushed.

I go through more bud in tincture, than I smoke, and I am smoking at least an ounce a week...I just made a fresh batch of tincture with 5 Puhkuruder/finx girls...about 5 ounces of bud...and it is very helpful. I expect that this batch will last me about 3 weeks.

maybe it is time to get a bit more pro-active.
Medicate it out Before it happens..rather than waiting for onset.

I would agree...get the continual anti-inflamatory activity...and, canna is much like opiods, they suck at putting out a raging fire of pain, but work pretty well at preventing pain, at least from my experience. Plus, I am intrigued by the neuro-protective claims...seeing my affliction as primarily a neurological illness, anything that reliably gets To the central nervous system, and could possibly impart protection, while being non toxic...I want as much of that in my system as I can comfortably ingest.

I've certainly been trying over the weekend..
and I ain't finished Yet...:smokeit:

Go Baby Go! cook it up and eat some too, bro...If your giving 4 carry bags of herbs away....that tells me You need to Eat More Canna!

I would fancy the WW cross.

I had an AF WW with no ruderalis in it.
Unfortunately I only had a few seed and no males..so I had to put it to JEM to preserve the genetic.
It is in Purple Heart.
I could fancy a Pure.

Who makes the Best White Widow..?

They will grace your garden next year....

It is my understanding that Shantibaba made white widow, and when he left Greenhouse, he took her with him to Mr. Nice, where she is now Black Widow

What is in your Sunflower...?
The leaves look very like my DC crosses.
Do I see 9 fingers per leaf too...
and do I see two "rabbit ears" sticking up where the leaf joins the main stalk.

She looks v similar to the traits I am chasing in the Black line.

How long does your season normally last....
Have you got time for another crop....?

Wish I knew what was in any of the early outdoor genetics...I was gifted them, and the gifter has since been forced to lay low...but I am sure he will be back at some point to enlighten us all...hint hint Arctic :tiphat:

I can usually run till late September, but mold is a huge problem in late season...I am gonna run one more big af plot once I pull the sour60 girls. I am getting a little creeped about my numbers.
Bro everything looking so nice!!!!

Have u popped the DR x BS?

Man it is killur...Very mold restist, these few ladies were grown in 100 deg temps..Chopped the tops today..These are F1's..so some work needs to be done...

That is 2 ft wire in pic...Hope u enjoy the beans...Tty soon maybe:thank you:


  • Dr212.jpg
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H&L :thank you: this creaky, crusty deadhead appreciates it!

Toker - I was so high the last time I had my seed bin out, that I devised a devious new spot to hide it...and i cant f'n find it...im gonna have to tear the house apart.

Thunderstorms in the forecast, sour 60 comes down...trics are all cloudy with an amber here and there...the only mold is on the preflowers.

got a couple nice looking girls like this from the patch, and looks to be about a pound altogether... a little over 4 lbs wet :dance013:
Sweet bro..Cept that u misplaced the beans.Lemme know if u need more?.I have done that 100 times....Have a few of these DR ladies that are coming down/chop today...Very humid here and calling for rain rest of week...Ill update pics soon..Have new DR x BS ladies going in ground 2day..Later bro


In The Garden
Excellent DR x BS TOKER. They have some really nice flower to leaf ratio! Any close ups?

Excellent DR x BS TOKER. They have some really nice flower to leaf ratio! Any close ups?


Hello BRO:tiphat:..

Well ty...Yes i will post sum pics on my thread soon...

I agree they are nice and easy to trim..I cant wait to baby some of them inside..F2's are drying

Later Bro

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