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New member
Gonna do some research. Work on the setup and the Ph-etc.
Just cut the plant in half (ouch!!) and hopefully i can save it!!
Thank you for all your help.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
i would start by doing a lot of reading as already suggested, you need to get a handle on what you are trying to do.

also i would look for light leaks as that plant looks like it doesnt know what it's doing either.

im sure you will learn by some of your mistakes and pull it round soon enough, but i have to say that is pretty much the saddest looking plant ive ever seen!

no offense meant, just had to say that :)



New member
I don't think I'll be able to save this one! I am certainly going to try though. Any recommendations on seed strains/seed banks etc.?!?


erm..turn the light off,bin it,do a little study on this here site,visit seedbay/bou buy some beans and start over cos this is gonna be a tuff one to pull around bro and it looks like you need a little confidence in things that youre trying to achieve..not being an ass here and i apologise if it comes across that way but in reality youve got the rest of your life to dial it all in and make it happen....best of luck :)


long story short, you have a fast growing plant in a hydro medium meant for small plants. If you want'd to be successful in your aero unit, you'd want to work to keep the plant small by bending branches(lst) to induce a bush-style plant, and then put into 12/12 much earlier. Max plant size for that system would be probably 2'. Your light is far too high also.

1) temps <85deg
2) humdity >25%, <60%
3) max lumens, keep light as low to plant as possible(keeping in mind heat, humidity,etc). 18" is great for most mh/hps's.
4) consistent good nutes. Pick up some hydro nutes, and apply at, say 2/3 strength.
5) keep good airflow to get co2 to plant leaves
6) Super important to remove ALL light leaks. Your buds show this to be a problem imho.
7) Consider going to soil for a while to work out your strains, and then transition to hydro after more research. Promix is excellent all the way through veg, amend with bloom nutes during 12/12 gradually.
8) Remember plants only grow as big as their roots will allow, even in hydro. Your aero is very small and will produce good, small plants.
9) What nutes again are you using?

Most likely this crop will not produce due to the issues. However, you do have the ability to regrow the plant(after serious chopping) and/or take some clones, which you could begin growing another way.

kudos on your first attempt. I've had many difficult crops in my life, with many of the same issues of heat,light intensity,plant size, darkness,etc. KISS really applies to cannabis, so take a few steps back, make it super easy, and you'll start to see good results.

Good luck!


Honestly, I love helping people with their plant issues, but coming on a forum with a few pictures and expecting to learn everything about growing is hilarious. It seems like you have a LOT of reading to do. Buy a grow bible...Cervantes or Rosenthal are great. Read up.

My advice: scrap this plant and try again. These babies are stressed beyond belief. If they do yield to maturity, your yields will be greatly diminished and you will have a headache of lanky branches. It is way too tall, and should have been forced to flower months and months ago.

Not trying to be the bearer of bad news, but it would be best to read up, learn everything you gotta know, and start again with a better system. Hydro is not something you can just throw yourself into, it is a science and should be treated with some care.


Sorry, to be more constructive:

- I can't tell what system you're using, but I can tell you that it does not look like your roots have nearly enough room to grow. A 5-gal bucket DWC system would make sense for you...read up in the forum about beginner DWC. Fortunately, it's pretty inexpensive, so the switchover cost should be bearable. It looks like you're using one of those tomato grower thingys that grow herbs and stuff in hydro. While this may be OK for some veggies, HQ bud requires a larger reservoir, an air bubbler, and other goodies.


New member
I really appreciate the help, guys. This has been one hell of an experiment. Didn't think I'd come onto the site and learn everything I need to know- I'm really overwhelmed with the wealth of information available. I am going to adjust my system and start again.

Anybody every heard of Low Ryder #2? Thoughts?


If you want a killer autoflower...and trust me, you want it to be the best possible, as some AF strains are >10%THC...try Diesel Ryder or ChemRyder. Attitude Seed Bank (I know, I know, not ICMag sponsored :() has TONS and TONS of AF strains available and they deliver within 10days. I've never had a problem having anything delivered, tons of freebees. I'd recommend the boo or the bay, but i havn't seen as many AF strains through those sites. In any case, I think 3 AF strains would be PERFECT for you. In the future, check out the equipment forum for some killer ideas on cheap hydro. As a hydro lover myself, I wont be one to push you away from the watery side of things, but for the casual grower, organic soil is going to be much easier for you, and also have a much lower learning curve (in my experience). The additional buffer from the soil should be exactly what you need to get going fast.

Good luck, homie, and happy future harvests~!


New member
Thanks for the tips! I'm def. gonna check out the site. I want to find a strain that is more of a heady/mental high - more so than physical- I read somewhere that easy ryder or low ryder has that effect. Do the strains you suggested have the same kind of effect?


New member
i ve had a great start in my aero garden but seem to me the lighting is good for starting in but i plan to move to 5gal buckets. the tank on it seem to little for the root ball i ve seen here. if i were you i would start cutting that plant into clones and do them right in the aerogarden. add a air pump and air stone to your aero. I have had great luck with my Acapulco Gold from barneys. i am not sure on shipping these as i got them while in scotland =) and brought them back



New member
i ve had a great start in my aero garden but seem to me the lighting is good for starting in but i plan to move to 5gal buckets. the tank on it seem to little for the root ball i ve seen here. if i were you i would start cutting that plant into clones and do them right in the aerogarden. add a air pump and air stone to your aero. I have had great luck with my Acapulco Gold from barneys. i am not sure on shipping these as i got them while in scotland =) and brought them back


I actually have started clones (and they've taken really well). They are about 4-6 inches tall. Started them in soil and peet moss. Should I keep them in that medium? I don't know if I can switch it to the aero or if it will be able to handle the transplant. Do clones grow smaller than the original plant? Should I use different nutrients than provided in the aerogarden. What air pump and air stone do you recommend. I am excited to get this project up and running!


New member
yes clones will grow faster,imho. A little air pump from a fish place would work great mine has 2 outlets and i have 2- 1" stone on either side of the aero garden. will they survive a trans plant ?? not sure i start my clones in rockwool with rooting harmone and they sprout roots in a wk or so. then into hydroton and a net pot in the 5gal bucket. Wait till they grow a branch or two then do a round of clones in the aero but after a wk or 2 of growth you can go right to 12/12 and bud them. remember the aero will grow about 2" a wk in 12/12 so if they start at a 1' tall then will be almost 2 1/2 -3 foot in two month of 12/12.
I alway start them in aero then swith over to dwc in buckets and i have a 6" stone in my bucket and a 250 gph water pump from pet co to spray onto my hydroton (media) and root system till they hit the h20 level in bucket. i am working on a flood table and 20gal Res , but i seem very impressive pics from just air stone and bucket.

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