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Brown powdery stem, wiltering plant...help


classy grass
I have recently noticed that a couple of my outside plants have some small browing/softening areas on the stalk/stem, not really the bud. This affected blockhead is about 3-4 weeks into flower. Not sure if it is a bug problem or something else. I did see a brown triangular shaped bug in the area yesterday. Same thing happened to one small arm of an A11 sitting right next to this BH. Browing, almost powdery at base of stem, then the green growth above looking wiltered and shitty. I had to cut that little arm and don't want this to kill the head bud on my lone blockhead. Any ideas?

I have not tried it myself, but someone recommended this to me when I had a similar problem.

Organocide, http://www.arborgrow.com/organocide.htm has some info

I would increase airflow to the affected area, maybe sunlight would dry it out? I hope others chime in with more for you, as that is a great looking plant!

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classy grass
Thanks EV...I've heard of but not used organocide. Any idea if its safe to use this far into bloom?
I think it should be fine as you would be applying it to the affected area, the main stalk right? organocide smells like fish, i particularly, dislike that smell, so i wouldnt spray it on buds unless it was needed for some reason.

Fat Tone

I am having the same problem with one of my outdoor plants.Its about 4 ft tall and has the stem turning brown about 2 ft up from the base of the stem.It isnt really powdery though.Just brown.

My cousin lost a plant a few years ago due to this happening.The part of the plant above the brown stem stop getting nutrients and just died.I have been using B.T. so im pretty sure it isnt any caterpillars are worms.I need to know how to stop this and so do future icmag users who run into this problem.

I already searched and i ended up here. PLEASE HELP!!!!