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Colorado Growers Thread

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Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"
getting interesting at the end of week 4...btw will be running centennial seeds next grow in another room i have. pretty much idenetical to this.




That is an outstanding grow there.


"We're running a tray of a pure Haze strain right now as well. They're 71 days thru a 100 day finish. We crossed them with an 8 week finisher from Waipio Valley, mostly Indica. We'll see -Joe "

Nice some Waipio seeds made it to colorado! I am very interested in this one. That valley is my home away from home.


I just got my card renewed on saturday. I was kinda paranoid there for a bit. It expired about a month ago so I was riding dirty for a sec wich is usually not my style but I was broke. I got a 20 plant rec. The doc asked what county I was in. Apparently it's up to the particular morals of the local LEO's weather they will let Dr. recs for more than six slide. The new forum has several different options. You can pick self, self and caregiver, dispensary, or self and dispensary. You can only pick one dispensary, and if you want to go to a different one you have to send in a forum to change it. WTF is that? This is some fucked up dispensary monopoly game. The doc I went to is on the "advisory board" and was quite willing to do the 20 plant. He highlighted the legal bs for me in bright neon lights. If you get fucked with by a LEO that has an agenda that clashes with MMJ you will be looking at a mountain of legal fees. Has anyone else done a renewal yet? I hope they are making better cards than my old red one. The printing scratched right off lol.

What about all of these moratoriums? Some are going to the voters and some are not at all. Don't we have a right to safe access to our meds?


Glad to see everyone is doing good!

JoeManixx- you're either a really small man or have really BIG plants!

iSMOKE.KUSH- Looking good bro! Got some serious trimming to do soon haha.

Unfortunately I can't say I have the same good new as everyone. After an 8 day long vacation to see family (8 days too long), I come back to a utter fucking DISASTER! (not the oil spill)

Hmmm let's see the damage:

Veg room:
2 - 2.5 month old moms to be === DEAD
1 - 2.5 month old mom to be === 80% of foliage DEAD, trimmed off most of the bad stuff, we'll see what happens.
12 - 3 week old clones === DEAD
6 - 1.5 month old clones === DEAD
Other surviving moms needed water bad. 2 that needed to be transplanted did get the pleasure.

Granted that I wasn't growing any smoke in the flower room at the time I was still less than happy.

1 - 1 month old fully seeded ===> DEAD
1 - 1.8 months old with 100+ seeds probably 1-2 weeks away from being done => DEAD (all seeds were crushable, believe me I wanted to find just ONE DAMN VIABLE SEED!)
1 - 1.5 months old, fully seeded top DEAD. Managed to salvage some small side shoots that have seeds!

Again, remaining plants in the room needed water when I came back. Luckily the NYCD girl made it through the UNTHINKABLE.

If I were not starting over in a brand new grow space, I have no idea what I'd be feeling right now. . All my work for months gone down the pisser within a matter of DAYS. Wasn't a problem of not being able to decipher my directions, it was mere neglect. Never will I let my babies go through this again.

Doubt I'll be going on a vacation anytime soon lol.

I'm confused. You didn't have anybody sitting for you? Are you soil? If so...no blu-mats? Or hydro and things just got screwed up? What happened that they got neglected for so many days.

And to Balazar and crew:
I'm still planning on coming to a meeting once my busy season slows down (some time in Sept probably...but it looks like my Oct and Nov are going to be nuts). Now the wife wants to attend as well. So we're looking forward to meeting you all at some point.

I have two friends that don't really know each other that wanted me to meet this guy named Adam Dunn from THSeeds. They're both decent friends with him (they've only met briefly through me).
Well...I was working at the Global Dance Fest. I start talking to this very large guy. I ask him a question. He doesn't know the answer. He turns to this guy and asks him and this second guy takes over the conversation. We talk for about 10 mins. I introduce myself. He introduces himself. We give each other a weird look. I say, "Are you the guy from THSeeds, Adam?". He says, "Yeah...are you ___ from ______?".

I tell him yes. We both start laughing. Our friends have been meaning to introduce us for weeks and both have been insistent to both of us about meeting one another. And apparently fate was even more insistent.

Anyway...shot the shit with him and his crew. Told me he loves Colorado. Tells me that Colorado has gotten their laws right from the start, something he says Amsterdam never got right, and that he's glad he's moved his operation here.

Anyhow...thought it was interesting. Was supposed to meet up with them and other friend after the 311 show...but we bolted as soon as the show was over.


One day you will have to answer to the children of
I think he was talking about the HELP neglecting his crop.

Had a buddy who lost a whole multi-thousand dollar coral reef tank due to such neglect.

Good help is hard to find.

But you gotta love an industry run by stoners.


Colorado Growers Thread

I think he was talking about the HELP neglecting his crop.

Had a buddy who lost a whole multi-thousand dollar coral reef tank due to such neglect.

Good help is hard to find.

But you gotta love an industry run by stoners.

I seem to have a deeply profound pschylogical connection to my plants. If my plants are sick or neglected, I can't sleep, I am physically stressed, and my whole body and soul feel out of balance. I have seen friends/partners/roomates dispute over gardens and the garden will suffer if not die due to neglect and lack of love. I have been party to such situations and its always me that has to take things over just to make the plants happy. I never understood how someome can just sit by and watch plants die while doing nothing and still continue on their day like everything is fine, thats what serial killers do!

I've heard a few stories now this summer of people going on vacation and leaving plants and coming back to disease and devastation. I couldn't fathom being away from my garden for more than 2-3 days at best, especially in bloom! The summer heat is taking its toll. I recently had to scrap 2 whole plants due to mites. Its made me angry but you can sure bet I will channel and focus that anger into efforts to ensure that those 2 plants will be the extent of my summer damage! I'm actually headed to Cali for a few days, and although I'm leaving cannagirl behind to watch things, and she is an experienced gardener, I'll be stressed being away for 3 days. Knowing myself, I'll be on skype with her every day asking to look at the plants.

All you gardeners trying to go on vacation, get a webcam and watch your plants yourself! Don't just take the help's word for it...


I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with th
I hear ya Green, I've been awoken out of a sound sleep when a light rail quit - had to move the lights hourly for a few days - that sucked, but not like a crispy side of the flower room!

I'll get a feelin and want to go check the garden, usually find a gotcha and turn it into a whew!

Feel like the Donut guy though,,, gotta go "make the donuts"

Make the donuts, roll doobies, smoke a dobie, make the donuts, roll doobies, smoke a dobie, make the donuts, smoke a dobie,.

Ohh yeah and read IC!

R U HIGH?????
My flower room IS MY VACATION A room FULL of girls, and all getting along!!! and the bills are paid. It'll DO!
Or making hash
Or trimming
Or making the donuts!!! lol

Most my garden disasters were back in OG days, but even now - I lost a full set of C99 clones and had to back the truck up.

It gets better.

And Balazar,, Higher plant counts are strictly a doctors recommendation that you as a patient might need a higher plant count, and that provides possible grounds for judicial/jury dismissal, it does not give you a legal get ot of jail free card. LEO will be very insistent about the 6 plant limit. Count on it.
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I'm actually headed to Cali for a few days, and although I'm leaving cannagirl behind to watch things, and she is an experienced gardener, I'll be stressed being away for 3 days. Knowing myself, I'll be on skype with her every day asking to look at the plants.

Screw that, Im going up to the mountains with the pups for a few days and I wont have the interwebs either, so no skype for you. Ill come down off the hills once a day to fill humidifiers, check Ph, salts and make sure nothing is keeled over, other than that Im on vacay this weekend. Whats that saying, when the cats away the mice will play...


I've taken a 1 day "vacation" about 3 times in the last 6 years... red eye flights on 2 of those days... 9 hours of round trip driving on the third...

I feel unfortunate for having to experience this, but there really isn't a person I've known that I could/would trust my livelihood & safety. Shame, but a reality for what we do.


Active member
I'm confused. You didn't have anybody sitting for you? Are you soil? If so...no blu-mats? Or hydro and things just got screwed up? What happened that they got neglected for so many days.

I had people looking after it for me. Including someone who was involved with this. I wrote down very clear, simple directions on a BIG calendar. What to water with, when, which plants, etc. A toddler could have done the job right. It was just plain simple neglect. "Oh I was busy with something" blah blah...

Since I'm starting over, I'm not too bummed about it b/c someone else is taking all the plants. But I'm glad I learned this lesson now and not with freaking 50+ plants.

I seem to have a deeply profound pschylogical connection to my plants. If my plants are sick or neglected, I can't sleep, I am physically stressed, and my whole body and soul feel out of balance. I have seen friends/partners/roomates dispute over gardens and the garden will suffer if not die due to neglect and lack of love. I have been party to such situations and its always me that has to take things over just to make the plants happy. I never understood how someome can just sit by and watch plants die while doing nothing and still continue on their day like everything is fine, thats what serial killers do!

I totally understand this. Every time I water my girls, I usually spend an extra hour or so just admiring the plants. I think I read in the cannabible that two people can grow the exact same strain the exact same way. But in the end, both products end up different. I truly believe a persons vibe will affect how the plant grows.

Good vibes my friends!


Active member
i have had 2 buddies that have gone on vacation this summer for a week+ and both left their girls to take care of their crop. yeahh. they both almost lost their crops, and the plants had major issues.


Active member
I've taken a 1 day "vacation" about 3 times in the last 6 years... red eye flights on 2 of those days... 9 hours of round trip driving on the third...

I feel unfortunate for having to experience this, but there really isn't a person I've known that I could/would trust my livelihood & safety. Shame, but a reality for what we do.

Supersoil + blumats puts things on autopilot. Pair these with a web based controller, a webcam, and a smart phone and enjoy life a bit. All work and no play make Jack a dull boy.


i have had 2 buddies that have gone on vacation this summer for a week+ and both left their girls to take care of their crop. yeahh. they both almost lost their crops, and the plants had major issues.

Luckily, Im the one who got Mopho into large scale gardening so we shouldnt have any issues that I dont know how to deal with.


I hear ya Green, I've been awoken out of a sound sleep when a light rail quit - had to move the lights hourly for a few days - that sucked, but not like a crispy side of the flower room!

Thats why I never messed with those, it always seemed like a plausible unfortunate circumstance of using 'em. My buddy has been telling me to use the light rails for a few years now, but I didn't want to bother. I'd rather put more lights up, and run 'em on a flip if I have to.

I'll get a feelin and want to go check the garden, usually find a gotcha and turn it into a whew!

It definitely becomes a big part of your human intuition, and can often be a spidey sense! Especially doing hydro, sometimes before I open that door, I just know some shit got fucked up...I think to myself, "yes, there will be 40 gallons of water on the floor when I get there". This is where the loosing sleep thing comes in, its not paranoia if its real, maaan!


I'm gonna do like SELFHEMPLOYED and Mr. Weekend have been and post-bomb the CO threads, hehe.

I'm jonesin' to post some pics myself, although I got nothing in full flower right now...
Here are some of still2big's goodies:



Longs Peak:


My Huge Soma Lavender, this thing has had 3 rounds of clones taken off of her AND additionally been topped 4 times. She is about 5 feet now and bushy as all hell. She's been a good mom, but that Lavender grows so vigorously that I have 2 already ready to replace her as a mom. I can't imagine what this plant would do in a greenhouse! It seriously out grows and out stretches everything else in the garden, including ECSD and Sour Fuck.

Me thinks she ready for blooming...



haha ok hopefully I'm not "post bombing" but I have a question for all you colorado growers.....

I overvegged in my 4x8 tent just a wee bit and can't fit the tomato cages I usually use in there.... Soooo I've decided to put a trellis across it tomorrow and click over. The plants are about 2-3 feet and bushy as hell.

My question is, is it a good idea to do this even though I didn't train them into the screen pre flip? My plan is to put the screen maybe six inches above the plants current height, flip em and train them into the screen as they stretch.

What do ya'll think? I'm a scrog virgin but need to keep these girls tied down or they are going to get too tall.

Also real quick, do grow stores sell net trellis' or where do I need to go to get one that I can cut away at harvest?

Thanks in advance


Long haired country boy
I never have trained them into the screen in veg..always in flower during the stretch. After stretching is over I cut away anything that didn't make it to the light

soccer nets work real well, so will garden twine
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