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Is FFOF too strong for seedlings?


Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
I actually read your thread last night, panopticist... there's no doubt in my mind that you experienced what you experienced. Nevertheless, so did I. =)

A bad bag with a hot unmixed clump of godknowswhat in it makes sense. A good bag is great stuff... and not just for herb. I cut some about 50% with peat and perlite for tomato seedlings this year, and it's the happiest batch I've ever grown.



New member
I have a tendoncy to over water. A friend suggested to pick up my pots every day when I check in with them and sure enough...I can tell when they need water and never over water anymore. This also is a better judgement than going every 3-5 days because the plant uses more water in flowering then veg. also uses more water on dry days then humid ones. Hope this helps. Good luck with all your grows.


ICMag Donor
I've found that some of the ingredients of FFOF clump into clods, and these need to be broken up. These clumps may be what burns seedlings, leading to peeps coments about ffof being too hot

the gnome

Active member
I had one batch of seedlings(humboldt snow+mantauska) that burned in straight FFOF,
I'm runnning 4 different strain right now and no probs at all with the OF.

different strains nute requirements differ right, so I think some strain are more sensitive
to OF than others?
for seedlings I now cut the OF with about 1/3 perlite
to lighten up the mix and they do fine.
but since the burn up Ive planted into straight OF with no probs.

so your probs may be strain dependent but you could have gotten a "hot" bag too.
lots of variables
the gnome, Im with you Ive been using different soil(less) mixes for years on many different strains. Some take ffof soil fine when young seedlings and some strains will fry.IMO I really dont think it a "bad" bag mix of soil just dif strains dif reactions. So when growing from seed I always add some peatmoss and extra perlite to ffof or other soil mixes helps stretch my $ also. FFof is actually a stronger mix than the frog.


I got 3 seedlings that went straight into FFOF. 2 White Widow and 1 Blue WIdow. All 3 are looking great. They are a little over 1 week old. Like most of you, I have read and heard both sides. So I decided to try it for myself and see what happens. So far so good.


Active member
I bet MOST of it is drowning plants...not over fertilized plants...but that's just me. I've never seen FF soil but some soils can really hold the moisture. That's why cutting it with perlite always seems to be the fix.

If you know what you're doing...it's great...if you don't, it can bite you...possible?

the gnome

Active member
I bet MOST of it is drowning plants...not over fertilized plants...but that's just me. I've never seen FF soil but some soils can really hold the moisture. That's why cutting it with perlite always seems to be the fix.

FFOF is one of those soil, its pretty heavy.
it really should be cut with perlite or with some other type of light-n-airy soil like FF light warrior.


Active member
i started mine in jiffy pellets and then after a week put them in a 50-50 ffof/perlite and there looking better by the day. going to upgrade one more time to 75-25 ffof/perlite in a couple weeks when i begin flowering.


Active member
Seedlings need no nutes for the first 3-4 weeks and should not be planted in nuted soil.
A normal nute free top soil (ph 7.0) is what you should be starting and seeds or seedlings in and then you can add nutes when the time comes.



Active member
Seedlings need no nutes for the first 3-4 weeks and should not be planted in nuted soil.
A normal nute free top soil (ph 7.0) is what you should be starting and seeds or seedlings in and then you can add nutes when the time comes.


Actually...they like a "little bit" of nutes. There is a test grow done by someone here who tested something like 3 different "starter" mixes. A "jiffy pot", Miracle Grow potting soil, and something else.

The Miracle grow had the best results...then the "other", then the jiffy pot". you could see the difference...the jiffy pot looked like a runt compared to the ones grown in the miracle grow potting soil...they were beautiful!

The trick is moderation AND I believe most important...water. I think most people having problems with the store bought "too hot" soils are really suffering from over watering. That's just my opinion.


My seedlings start in the same soil that all of my plants are in, and get the same nutes as the rest of my vegging plants. I don't get any burning or harm at all. Not using FFOF but just an example.
overwatering, bigest prob w/new growers. so true. I hooked one kid up years ago w/around 35 plants coming back to check on a yellowing prob he said he was having 3wks later, and he had standing water(drainage plugged sumhow) an inch deep on top of soil in several pots! I sat there w/my mouth open just fucking shocked. Kid said he'd grew b4, so didnt think much of his questions/prob, till seeing that. I realized that even the simple things most consider common knowlege can stump new growers. Overwatering is definately one of 'em. I wonder how many new growers quit growing from that prob alone? His answer was well in hydro, plants grow in just water? Crop was basically lost!


When I used FFOF it was with about 25% perlite added along with some amendments but I water about every 5th to 7th day with this mix,very heavy soil.It is by far the most dense soil I ever used.This is indoors as well.Good luck and safe groing
PS I never use FFOF at full strength.Cut it with coco or I cut with a no nute soil.Trying Mels mix this year.