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Richard Lee is a Patient. think about that

Funny how people who are not in the state or who have no clue about Richard Lee are the ones trying to push a very flawed and very destructive bill on the rest of us. As for capitalism and competetion, who out there can compete with the likes of RJ reynolds or big pharma? Those comments make for completely biased reading and dumbing down an issue that many obviously dont understand. Yes Richard Lee may be a patient but he does nothing that doesnt benefit himself first and second then everyone else later. You would know that if you had feet on the ground and knew his history. Lastly to try and bully those who are not on board with your views or voting the way you think they should only shows more ignorance. And I bet any amount of $ that no one got arrested in LA with just 6 grams without other factors like meth, underage girls, parole, or some other real crime. And until I see how this benefits me the regular guy and not big companiesd like Lee's and Cargil I will be voting no.

Exactly! Dickhead Lee IS big business. I've been subject to the effects of his greed for a few years now. I have many friends who grow in Oakland who are going to be affected, and shut out, if the proposal going to the board of sups tomorrow passes. Plus the minute that 7.4 acre complex, and the 3 others, is up and running the feds are gonna come in and shut it down, leaving Oakland high & dry.. Do you think Oakland has the resources to fight the feds on this? I don't think so... oh, that's right, they'll just use Richard Lee and Steve DeAngelo's bankrolls...

As for getting arrested with 6 grams, bullshit! In CA, under current law, it is a $100 fine & a misdemeanor on your record for anything under an ounce. There had to be other crimes involved.. otherwise it's just a scare tactic lie...


As for anyone that claims 215 and sb420 is protected because it says "paitients have right to consume and posses" please note it conspicously leaves out cultivation and collective association. The two cornerstones of prop 215 and Sb420.


Active member
As for anyone that claims 215 and sb420 is protected because it says "paitients have right to consume and posses" please note it conspicously leaves out cultivation and collective association. The two cornerstones of prop 215 and Sb420.

dude...you can't go repeating the same post over and over again. We hear you.


Active member
btw GanjaAL....I respect your desire to help people out...even if we disagree on points it's important for people to hear it all.


Thanks... like I have told many people. I want decriminalization. For me... I see Taxation on our beloved plant as a strangle hold to control more people, land more people in jail all to make others rich.

I see so many people who love marijuana complain about taxes, big government, corporate control ect.... and this bill caters to it.

Also not to mension the fact that the one puting up the money for this bill can and will reap the most reward.

I just find it odd as Jack was never about that.

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
but they don't have the resources to do it, and the pot will produce more revenue for the local counties then the federal aid, so the counties will tell the federal government to fuck off. It is all about money. with this law change pot growers can bring the advantage of money to our side for once.

Then if the federal government (DEA) fully dedicates to cali, then other states will be free to do as they want because there is no one around to stop them. did you notice how the busts in cali slowed down when the busts in colorado picked up?
That's kind of my point, that prop 19 will make it easier for the DEA to more efficiently utilize their limited resources. No more months-long investigations, stake outs, traipsing through the woods, and all that hard, time-consuming work. They'll just have to drive down the street and raid one store after another. Walk in, make a purchase, then call in the waiting SWAT team. Do 8 or 10 of these a day and still be home in time for supper. If the cannabis sellers are zoned, it will be even easier as they will all be in the same area. The DEA'll probably be able to do 10 times as many raids with the same resources.

Granted, that might take resources away from other locations. The folks in CO will love that. But those that get busted in CA will not. The DEA will still have plenty of photo-ops where they show off the piles of drugs they confiscated. That's all they care about, bragging about their big busts. It's all they have, and they are not going to let go easily.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Hey, all you out of state tools, FUCK OFF!

^non constructive ass holes like this please come back when you have something to contribute. comments like these just prove your narrow mindness and lack of higher thinking.

right now you are lacking any ability what so ever to see the pic picture, and currently your opinion is invalid, because you have nothing constructive to say. I doubt that will change after reading your other posts.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
That's kind of my point, that prop 19 will make it easier for the DEA to more efficiently utilize their limited resources. No more months-long investigations, stake outs, traipsing through the woods, and all that hard, time-consuming work. They'll just have to drive down the street and raid one store after another. Walk in, make a purchase, then call in the waiting SWAT team. Do 8 or 10 of these a day and still be home in time for supper. If the cannabis sellers are zoned, it will be even easier as they will all be in the same area. The DEA'll probably be able to do 10 times as many raids with the same resources.

Granted, that might take resources away from other locations. The folks in CO will love that. But those that get busted in CA will not. The DEA will still have plenty of photo-ops where they show off the piles of drugs they confiscated. That's all they care about, bragging about their big busts. It's all they have, and they are not going to let go easily.

thank you for being constructive and adding your opinion with out slandering people.

The reason I dont think this will happen is because I dont think the sate will stand for it. I also dont think Obama will chose to make an example out of cali. I think he will get Eric holder to tell the DEA to back off while a national discussion takes place.

Passing This bill will force the USA to make a decision on pot. It will give proper people that believe in legalization the national stage. Everyone in the USA will know who Richard Lee is then, and he will present his argument well. The man is well spoken and a good guy. Plus it is harder for people to demonize a nice guy in a wheel chair.

What about this article in the Examiner?

Oops nm, GanjaAl beat me to it. Removed in edit.

The article is written by people who completely leave out the part of history that PROP 215 IS GRANDFATHERED IN BY THE SUPREME COURT OF CALIFORNIA. THIS MEANS THAT PROP 19 CANNOT LEGALLY EFFECT IT, WHETHER MR LEE WANT IS TO OR NOT. it has been protected from prop 420's plant limit's 3 times now in the california sumpreme court. that means this article is total rubsih as I said earlier.

the caps are so you read the important part. it is not yelling :)

Exactly! Dickhead Lee IS big business. I've been subject to the effects of his greed for a few years now. I have many friends who grow in Oakland who are going to be affected, and shut out, if the proposal going to the board of sups tomorrow passes. Plus the minute that 7.4 acre complex, and the 3 others, is up and running the feds are gonna come in and shut it down, leaving Oakland high & dry.. Do you think Oakland has the resources to fight the feds on this? I don't think so... oh, that's right, they'll just use Richard Lee and Steve DeAngelo's bankrolls...

As for getting arrested with 6 grams, bullshit! In CA, under current law, it is a $100 fine & a misdemeanor on your record for anything under an ounce. There had to be other crimes involved.. otherwise it's just a scare tactic lie...

Richard Lee is not big business. the only people that have enough money to even be considered big business in the pot world are the Mexican cartels. Richard lee doesn't have a billion dollars. Many small business men have several million dollars. It isnt very much in that state for sure. All he want to do is make things better for everyone and himself as well. you bash this guy like he is a wall street banker. totally uncalled for. He was one of the original people along with dennis perron that helped 215 pass, and he laid the path the way for many other people in California to open med shops.

I dont think you know what an actual big business is. A few examples of business that qualify as "big business" are Pfizer, Halliburton, walmart, bank of America, Phillip Morris.... I can keep going. My point is any actual big business in america is not going to waste their time on a quazi legal product that is that way in only one state. They have to follow national and international regulations. they simple cant partake yet.

all your paranoia about prop 19 is your head, and was planted there by some one else fighting for there ego. or someone that is scared of capitalism and change.

Pot will be legalized, and the biggest rule of nature is adapt or die. For your sake I hope you adapt, and start a nice business that will allow you to be happy. that is what I wish for all growers.

BTW Also my cousin really was arrested in LA for 6 grams. It is not a lie. However my cousin is a big ass hole most of the time and probably gave the cop every excuse to arrest him. I will give you that much

Funny how people who are not in the state or who have no clue about Richard Lee are the ones trying to push a very flawed and very destructive bill on the rest of us.

you think that is is odd that people across the world want this bill to pass so we can start a full on national debate and take the pot legalization movement to the finish line? This is a small picture, and/ or mislead point of view. Either you have taken the bill out of context, and do not realize how the order of law works, or you have been influence by overly angry people that refuse to work with the government even when you are getting what you want.

You still dont seem to get that this bill can not hurt prop 215. IT DOESNT WORK LIKE THAT!!!!!!!!!! I dont know how many times or in how amny threads I have to explain that. Also I can say is reread your old process of governmet books from high school or something and refresh your memory. I had to go back and read a lot to realize that 215 will be safe.

dont think I am just for passing any pot bill that comes along either. I was actively against the latest bill to pass in colorado, and I want the one in Nevada to fail too. They are bad bills. However if you are not happy with the cali bill after it passes, do just like in colorado. the growers are not happy with the bill they are suing, and organizing, and they can get things done. In fact it has already begun before the law is even in effect. there are many lawyers that are working these cases for pro bono just for the attention.

My point is this bill is much better than the new colorado medical bill which limits there old bill. Now they are trying to get a bill together for 2012 to pass full legalization. if they would have done so already then the government would have never found it necessary to limit medical operations. There excuse was people were using med pot for recreation. Many counties in Cali are catching on to that and wanted to limit 215. Cali supreme court said no. prop 215 is protected. If they come back with the excuse again after this new bill is passed the cali supreme court will tell them to fuck off again because why would people abuse the med rights when they dont have too. see what I'm getting at here?

the bills I want to pass are the ones in oregon, washington and california. The oregon and washington ones didnt make it to the ballot, so my efforts are all focus on this cali bill now.

please reconsider. I think a "yes vote "or at least "no vote" at all would be better. I could understand if you didnt vote because you didnt like the bill, but I cant understand voting no on legalization.

my overall message is vote yes on prop 19, and everybody can flourish, while at the same time we take the debate to the national level and win. America Fuck Ya :)
Last edited:

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
i have to post this part twice people need to read it.-

dont think I am just for passing any pot bill that comes along either. I was actively against the latest bill to pass in colorado, and I want the one in Nevada to fail too. They are bad bills. However if you are not happy with the cali bill after it passes, do just like in colorado. the growers are not happy with the bill they are suing, and organizing, and they can get things done. In fact it has already begun before the law is even in effect. there are many lawyers that are working these cases for pro bono just for the attention.

My point is this bill is much better than the new colorado medical bill which limits there old bill. Now they are trying to get a bill together for 2012 to pass full legalization. if they would have done so already then the government would have never found it necessary to limit medical operations. There excuse was people were using med pot for recreation. Many counties in Cali are catching on to that and wanted to limit 215. Cali supreme court said no. prop 215 is protected. If they come back with the excuse again after this new bill is passed the cali supreme court will tell them to fuck off again because why would people abuse the med rights when they dont have too. see what I'm getting at here?


But this bill could supercede that. Some guys friend who is a lawyer pointed that out as the language was not in this bill to protect it. It covers consumption and possesion but not cultivation or collectives.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
But this bill could supercede that. Some guys friend who is a lawyer pointed that out as the language was not in this bill to protect it. It covers consumption and possesion but not cultivation or collectives.

that is because it is covered by the prevous bill called 215. These Bills are in two different realms and wont effect each other. The language to protect 215 was not in 420 either. it was ruled in cali supreme court that 215 coverd it and 420 cant change it even though it specifically states to change 215. 215 has been ruled the final say on medical pot.

Pleas go read the defination of "being Granfathered in"

Unless 215 is specifically struck down multiple times by the supreme court of cali, which is very pro 215, than nothing will happen too it.

to add medical stuff to prop 19 would just be more confusing, and a waste of time. the bill was written to be pretty simple.

no one thought that an ego battle over who gets to legalize pot would spring up like this, so they left it a simple bill.

Right, "im sure" "Plus" all very strong words for someone reaching for a reason to justify Richard Lee.

Fuck you, fuck Richard Lee and Fuck Proposition 19!

We'll just polish it up later...umm yeah like the Patriot Act, Bailouts, Healthcare reform. Lets start this thing all fucked up and then attempt to make it better later.

:thank you:

your examples are ridiculous, and prove nothing. way to just pull stuff out of your ass for the purpose of linking things together that have ZERO LINK.

The patiot act wasnt voted in. It was forced in by cheney, who is not in office anymore. neither were the bail outs. BTW do you realize if the bailouts didnt happen that you wouldnt have typed your above post because you wouldnt even have electricity right now.

you cant say shit about health care reform hasn't taken full effect yet. it wouldnt even need polishing in the future if the stupid fucking republicans were not such callous old bastards that arnt concerned about anything but there money and viagra. Also is wouldnt need polishing if the pussy democrats would have just forced though with a 51% majority 3 months earlier than they did. Not to mention if we cut the drug war we could pay for health care for the whole nation with out the blink of an eye

many important bills have been made better though time.

lets start with civil rights. We did some polishing over the years there, and it resulted in ending legal slavery, and legal discrimination.

lets see what else. we polished up the labor laws which prevent someone from making a child work in a coal mine, or shoe factory.

How bout health codes which help keep us from getting meat infected with mad cow disease.

I can keep going, but I think it would be more benificial for you to just read this stuff your self in history books. You are angry about other issues and they are influencing in this situation.

so all I can say is fuck off for now and come back when you have something constructive to say, because right now anything you say is invalid due your complete lack of decency. Try to gain some moral character of your own before you judge Richard Lee. Also try losing the use of your legs. Then you can come bitch to me about him. All I see is a smart man trying to improve his community, even though some of them are trashing him. This is called being decent, but you wouldnt know what that is like.

personally I wish for great personal, and financial success to Denis Perron and Richard Lee.

I hope they can work out there differences after this is over.


Hahaah this thread is great. Hash z you should get your own radio show, you clearly have mastered capitalism, politics, and American history, you’re like a stoned Glenn beck. The truth is you have no clue what the scene is around Cali, no clue what so ever. All these things you’re saying exist in your head only, what you think will or should happen mean nothing to real people.


Overkill is under-rated.
HashZ, I've read the bill a couple times and don't recall seeing anything about 215 being grandfathered in, I just searched it again and the word grandfather does not appear.

As GanjaAl's post pointed out, if it isn't mentioned, it doesn't exist, legally anyway.


IF this was a legalization bill I would be all for it. It’s not, it’s a tax and regulate bill, still illegal outside the confines of the bill. So it goes from, use it you go to jail, to, use it and don’t pay tax on it, you go to jail. I’m not down to hand over marijuana to the powers at be, so they can ass fuck it into some weak as crap. Image they cap thc amounts at 7%, I’m not saying they will because I can’t sit on my computer and predict the future like your trying too, the truth is if regulated it’s could turn into a mutant of what we consider marijuana today. All this stuff about "work it out later" doesn’t ring true to me, why rush a bad bill, when there is all the time in the world to do it right. The line " everything in America is tax" that’s a crappy viewpoint, and its kind of not true, weed isn’t right now for 95% of America, so we can surly live without it. The only reason to tax it is to control it, which means regulate it, which means make it illegal outside the regulations. Which means big business is going to run the show, at first you’ll be able to grow your own, but maybe then they will say it’s too dangerous, and you'll be buying it in store but not after 9pm or on Sundays. Can’t you support leaving marijuana the fuck alone? keep it illegal to sell, keep smoking in public illegal, keep driving high illegal, but if you want to grow, grow, if you want to smoke, smoke, if you want to give some to a friend, do it. Even they want to make certain laws regarding permits for growing requiring certain electrical and safe precautions I’m all for that. But there is no need to turn marijuana into a corporate cash cow grown in 100,000sqft factories so they can tax the fuck out of it. I’m sure if I lived in a non-med state I would think its crazy for a smoking not to vote for legalization, but I don’t, I live in California and I know how it is here, and getting arrested for growing or smoking pot is about as far from my mind as possible.


New member
Interesting is all I can say after reading through the extent of this article..

Interesting is all I can say after reading through the extent of this article..

wow seriously a good post with a ton of ideas and opinions. I must say I was illy-educated and still am about 215 and generally was gung-ho on the legalization. But from reading some of the posts I am on the fence now leaning toward no, mainly because I can see the honest opinion of you native cali folks and your inside knowldge because you're right, people elsewhere truly have no clue...:tiphat:


vote no because weed smokers belong in jail, i really cant believe people want this to fail, this bill is good enough, we shouldnt be so greedy. prop 19 is a statement,time for change, time to stop prosecuting pot smokers, time for the people to see past the BULLSHIT!
voting no would be a step backwards...


The Richard Lee I know Hides behind Pool Tables with security at his beck-n-call..

So what does R. Lee from "not California' have to lose?

OUR Californian cannabis heritage and State wide FREEDOM

If you are from California let not this foreigner rule the day..

Hey Mr. Lee .. My First Wife had Progressive Spinal Muscular Atrophy and I loved her!

You Are NOTHING on the Disability Scale to me Dude.. And I was there when you said The Central Valley was the Threat to Bay Area Profits!

Cannabis needs to be Grown all over the State to be True Californian! Fuck The Bay Area as the only source for California Cannabis!