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Do you recycle?



Just wondering how many avid recyclers we have hear. My girlfriend willingly goes along with it but thinks Im a bit crazy. I recycle as much as I can, plastic, cans, paper of all sorts, even the junk mail, and just recently started a compost heap in the backyard.

Trash can be one of my biggest pet peeves I guess you could say. I spend alot of time in state parks and it really pisses me off when I trash randomly strewn about in the forest, I usually pick it up and take it home with me but it kinda pisses me off that I even have to do that, if people could just not be so careless and lazy and just have respect for nature and its untainted beauty. And really conservation land is set aside for people to enjoy nature in its natural state, its pretty selfish to fuck that up for others.

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
I also recycle most of my trash, I only have to take out the trash once or twice a month.

I also find it disturbing when I'm hiking or backpacking and see trash people just throw in the ground. Around here, its mainly the horseback riders that litter the trails.

In the city there are litters galore, who think the area outside their car window is a trash can. Another thing, before they leave their parking spot they place their trash on the ground right outside their door, as if there are people just waiting to pick up their trash.

Where do people get off thinking this is ok to do?

Cookie monster

We reuse or recycle pretty much everything, the trash can gets put out once a month, we have to pay a flat rate for collection and every time the trash needs taking away we need to pay 5 euro.

Recycling and reusing trash is saving me 20 euro a month, it might not seem like much but do the math for 20 or 30 years.


Have to recycle where I am if they catch recyclables in your trash you get fined. Also have 3 Garbage cans dedicated to cans, bottle, and other returnables.


I always try to recycle anything im able too. Nothing is worse than being hours deep in the bush way far from civilization and seeing a mountain of beer cans in a pristine environment, pack up your shit, take it home, and get some $$$ for it!

B. Self Reliant

Yes, but I don't think it does shit!

As a country, we set the standard for trash & wastefulness a long time ago. Unfortunately, even if everyone in the US recycled everything as of right now, the world would still be fucked as long as folks in India, China, etc. are still following our own model for "prosperity."

I try hard to reduce the amount of garbage I produce to begin with, and it still makes me mad when i see someone throw a case of empty beer bottles in the trash when an empty recycle bin is sitting right there!
Just because we're you think we're screwed doesn't mean it's ok to not recycle and throw even more crap in landfills. Anyone who doesnt recycle is lazy & parasitic in my book.
A lot of places have organic waste recycling which is a plus as well. Unfortunately we don't have that in the US by and large.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
If you don't your a serious FOOL!!!!!!!!!!

If you don't your a serious FOOL!!!!!!!!!!

I just watched the show "The age of stupid" really worth watching ppl and what it's saying is if we don't smarten up were going to be gone by 2015.. Global warming Think 2% warmer and watch the show and you will see what I'm talking about .. peace out Headband707:comfort:

It's all about how "OIL" has brought us to this, and how the Gov. doesn't own Oil. Oil is the Gov.
Thanks Bush


Active member

was fishing over the weekend and could have filled several dumpster with the trash i saw.

just disgusts me.


Yes everything paper,plastic,glass,aluminum steel. Just took two junk cars to the salvage yard and got $500+ :dance013: We save all our "packing peanuts" and donate them to the boys scouts who sell it to those shipping stores and they make a couple bucks. And the cardboard we collect is out of hand! About a pallet stacked 6 foot high in the summer every month! I was soooooo pissed when the local place closed down and I had to drive 30 miles to drop stuff off! My hydro water I save and put on the veggie garden outside, wish I could grow weed outside again! With the 2 8' around 4' high compost piles and our chickens, we have a pretty good start on our own soil however, I'm just starting to learn how to age,mix the right amounts and such with out killing plants in it... After I make "stock" out of the veggies we eat into the pile it goes, bones after I make "stock" they go to dog sewage snap or crush the bones same as food "stock" boil it, strain it, and into the fridge next morning skim the fat, and my hound dog has some tasty kibbles... peace and puffs! Keep up our "Mothers" work!

EDIT: At our cabin made out of a pop bottle and a paint cap...




Active member
yeah, i try to recycle as much as i can and i've tried
to teach my childred to do so as well.

...i can't wait 'til November to recycle some of these
morons in Washington.

peace, SOG

btw, blame Bush all you want, he sure deserves some
of it but if you think it's all his fault then you need to
cut back on the koolaid 'cause you're already trippin'.


Active member
^haha i find it ironic how one guy has an Obama avatar, and is talking about how he gets fined if they find recyclables in his trash...more of the super environmentalist nanny state?

im kind of OCD about my trash. i have a special bin for paper, and then all cans, bottles get bagged up seperately. i keep it all organized. im good with recyclables..but i need to get a compost heap to get on the level with the rest of yall.

and btw i do community service in SF sometimes and we pick up all sorts of trash...people just trash their cities and figure someone else will clean up for them..


cant stop wont stop
I don't recycle, as its quite expensive where I live... that and the thought never really crossed my mind. I think I'm gonna add that on my to do list after I get back up on my feet.

One thing, as you mentioned, that I don't tolerate is littering. Needless to say in a state or national park. Completely senseless, blows my mind how anyone could willingly and purposely trash something so beatiful. I wonder if people who litter just throw trash on their floors at home :chin:

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
Every state should have the bottle deposit thing like in Michigan and some other states. Major incentive to make space for those annoying things out in your pole barn, then recycle them and get a hundred dollars at a time. People here don't throw away plastic, aluminum or glass refundable bottles. Yeah we pay 10 cents up front for each drink bottle, but you get it back and it cuts down on waste state wide.

We could do better in my house, but we practice the 3 R's. Poopy and I both agreed recently that we want our son to see us recycling as much as we can...it does mean another pick-up bill like our trash, but it's worth it to teach him right from the start.


Active member
^we have that in cali to...CA refund. thats why you see bums always digging through trashcans looking for bottles...good way for the ultra lower class to make some extra dollars. in 7th grade i ran a recycling campaign at my school collecting cans..we made like 800 dollars off all the cans and bottles we collected....and in college we would always save our 30 packs and bottles...every month we would get like 30-40 bucks back and use that to buy more alcohol lol..
Yes I recycle, have a can for glass, plastic, paper, metal, and one for aluminum cans which i take in, then take the money to local homeless shelter or to the library.

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
Yes. I have childeren and grandchildren.

Its unfortunate but the company makes it difficult and very few people around me do it. Before i started recycling, i produced 8 bags of trash per week. When i started throwing everything recyclable into the bin, it reduced my regular trash to 2 bags. I was throwing away 6 bags of recyclables per week. I suspect the ratio would be the same in other homes