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Vote Buddy Thread



The Idea is to form a chain of voters who will make sure their vote buddy will go vote.

My Vote Buddy is Kannubis I will make sure my Vote Buddy goes and Votes in November.

Now my Vote Buddy needs a Vote Buddy that He makes sure goes and votes..

Who is your Vote Buddy?


10 People viewing and No Buddys

10 People viewing and No Buddys

What's wrong??? No one has a friend who can vote?
I have a few buddies but they aren't members of this site.

I was in Las Vegas in 2002 when they voted people to have 3 ounces which lost narrowly and I had many friends who smoked and didn't vote for one reason or another (mostly lazy). I wont let that happen with my new friends here in Cali!


I have a few buddies but they aren't members of this site.

I was in Las Vegas in 2002 when they voted people to have 3 ounces which lost narrowly and I had many friends who smoked and didn't vote for one reason or another (mostly lazy). I wont let that happen with my new friends here in Cali!

No need to post names.. i asked Kannubis before I posted so it's cool with me and my friend.. Just a Yes I am in the Vote Buddy Chain will do.

It's a "Pay it Forward thing."

Get real or go home????


Whats Up Vote-Buddy!!!

Hey Kannubis I was thinking if someone can't vote they can still be a Vote-Buddy just get two Vote-Buddies that can and that works!! Make sure they both go vote in November.


Got my boss enlisted as a growbuddy, he's pushing the crew too.

For The Win in 2010.


Active member
what a great idea Jack! ...i'm on the other coast so i
can't vote in your election come November but you
can be sure i'll be at the polls here on my coast and
with a vote buddy to keep me company, lol.

peace, SOG

btw, good luck in November, i'm prayin' you guys


what a great idea Jack! ...i'm on the other coast so i
can't vote in your election come November but you
can be sure i'll be at the polls here on my coast and
with a vote buddy to keep me company, lol.

peace, SOG

btw, good luck in November, i'm prayin' you guys

We would think we would have it all together and voting would be the easy part.


Active member
We would think we would have it all together and voting would be the easy part.

yeah, it'd nice if everyone would just do the right thing!

like we did boycotting Kellogg's, that was the first time
i had ever seen the power of the cannabis community

like i said, i'd be there standing beside you if i could,
as it is, i'll be standing in line to vote these morons
out of office so we can at least stop the expansion
of government.

i want to vote 'Big Brother' out of office!

btw, the problem is even more the media's fault as
they only report the 'news' they want to report and
then only in the way in which they want the story to
appear, they spin everything!

anyway, i just woke up so i apologize for ranting, lol.

peace, and good luck in November, we'll need it!



Looks like your heart is in the right place!

I am off to bed..