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Big Blue Ozonator



I got the 4'' model and it works pretty good. We have a few Sour D crosses in mid flower and it kills all the odor.

I had fooled around with the diy carbon filters for a while but they always slow my airflow down too much thus causing my cab to get hot.

We vented the big blue out through the roof so we wouldn't be breathing the ozone.

Before I purchased the Big Blue I searched for reviews and didn't find much so I thought I would give a heads up to anybody that was considering ozone.


Given the extreme popularity of this thread, I thought I would give an update.

Its been several months now and it is still working like a champ. We do a perpetual harvest so the Big Blue is constantly dealing with something stinky. I must say, this is my favorite piece of growing equipment.


Active member
I looked at them

I looked at them

Yes i looked at them but osram have a new 20w cold cathode uv lamp out.
Runs 20w on an electronic ballast.Puts out 1.64 g of ozone an hour thats a lot ,
I have 3 in the 8 " exhaust ducting 3 seperate ducts that is .
Totally agree with what you said about the carbon filters slowing down the air extraction.A


Sam, I think the out put is 750mg/hr but I would have to check to be sure. Its plenty for a 400w grow plus a few autoflowers in the veg cab.

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
I bought an ozone generator, but it hasn't come in yet.

It uses 20w but doesn't give the ozone output, it was very cheap, $25 including shipping from china. I figured for $25 its worth the risk.

The only thing I don't like about it is the timer on it, you can't run it continuously, the timer is a countdown timer that allows it to run for up to 30 minutes. I hope I can open it up and re-route the power wires around the timer and make it continuous output. Then I can plug it into a regular timer and cycle it as needed.

I'll have a diy scrubber recirculating in the grow room and I'll have the ozone generator in the hallway or behind the filter on the house a/c.


Here is the manufacturer's description/pic:

The BIG BLUE 4 inch is designed for small grow spaces. The stainless steel housing measures 20” X 4” in diameter. It contains a single UV-C lamp which produces over 750mg/hr of ozone. It is energy efficient using less wattage than a 40 watt bulb. This unit can use up to 465 cfm of fan.

After getting the unit and seeing that it is just a uv-c lamp in a tube, I felt a little silly spending $250 for this thing. But it has given me security and that is worth the money. We were stinking really bad when we got this this thing so I didn't want to risk a diy ozone generator.
i know this is off topic slightly but what if i took my germguardian UVC wand and hook up a regulated power supply to batt terminals or direct to pcb and disable the upside down switch it has if. i stuck it in the ducting if it would work for odor removal.....also has anyone done any experiments of what raw uvc light does to plants? thanks guys


i know this is off topic slightly but what if i took my germguardian UVC wand and hook up a regulated power supply to batt terminals or direct to pcb and disable the upside down switch it has if. i stuck it in the ducting if it would work for odor removal.....also has anyone done any experiments of what raw uvc light does to plants? thanks guys

If you lamp's output is high enough, I don't see why it wouldn't work. However, I am far from knowledgeable about all that stuff.

As for uvc's effect on plants, I have no idea. I read that plants do not like a lot of ozone. In fact, the manufacturer of Big Blue says not to vent the ozone rich exhaust near people or plants.


Overkill is under-rated.
Just know that any ozonator that uses a UV bulb will drop output ddramatically after 6 months, regular bulb replacements are expensive! Capacitive discharge units like the Uvonair CD800, CD1200 etc make LOTS more ozone, and have no bulbs to replace.


I got germguardians working to control microbiotic life.....PM, viruses...etc. The enclosed units are safe to be around because the air gets circulated via a fan, and only the air gets exposed to the UV light....not your skin. With the wands, they're designed for spot and surface treatment of primarily inanimate objects. They emit UV-C radiation which you should limit any direct exposure of to your skin or eyes.
Brief to moderate periods of exposure for plants to UV-C light shouldn't pose any problems. I'm unsure what the long term effects are because it does denegrate DNA with continued use. That's the mechanism of action on all microbial life.....direct damage to the DNA strands. Makes things like PM and mites go bye bye. Shouldn't be a problem in a duct.
so say if it wouldnt hurt the plant for a short peroid and kills mites would that be an effective pest controll method....sorry talkin outta my rear as i dont have a mite problem "knocks on wood"


If you are venting out the roof, why do you need odor control? Does someone live on your roof?

No, nobody lives on my roof. The reason I need odor control is because the air coming out of my cab stinks. Being vented out the roof doesn't kill the smell, that's what the ozone is for.

Often times, the exhaust from my cab is much more humid than the air outside. This humid air sinks to the ground and can be smelled outside my house.


Try and replace the transformer.

I just tossed mine after two years of trying to replace the cheep transformer they put in.

There is no chance of parts from what i can tell.. The bulb doesn't go bad the Transformer does..

That;'s my experience.


I've been using the 8" Big Blue with a 6" 650cfm fan for several years. It destroys any odor that gets past the scrubber. There are 3 bulbs and I only have 2 switched on and there is ZERO garden odor outside the grow room.

You have to run ducting from the ozone generator to a location far away near a vent to the outside. The long run of ducting helps to eliminate odors better, plus you don't want the ozone seeping into your living space because it is unhealthy and irritates the eyes and sinus.


It's much better to go for an adjustable ozone gen like the hydrozone unit it is way better than the uvonair type that blow air across a UV tube .I have used the uvonair and although it did it's job fairly well it did'nt last long before before breaking down .

Hydrozone works by corona discharge but is fully adjustable and has an in-built timer so you can set it depending on your size of grow or the stage your grow is at . Obviously you want more oz near harvest time than you do in early veg .

The parts are easily and cheaply replaced but you should get years of use out of it with out any probs.


prob more expensive than the uvonair type but it is definitely worth it IMO.




I only have 2 switched on and there is ZERO garden odor outside the grow room.

im using a Uvonair® 5000 in my room right now
it is a one uv lamp setup
the output of it is much lower than the systems that are designed to kill exaust odor
with the air exchange going on in my room i dont smell ozone at all (i love that smell)
im thinking that ozone in the room will help reduce my chances of getting anything funky as far as disease or pest
it's no sweat off my back to test it and see
if i notice anything detrimental i will put a timer on it or shut it off

these uvonair models will not kill your odor at all
thats what the big blues or uvonair cd models are supposed to be good at
i will definetly give one of those a try in the future
corona discharge (iv'e heard) loses efficiency as humidity levels rise
uv bulb models do not have this problem (??) but require bulb changes

anyway i just bumped this to keep the ozone info flowing