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F-Bombs Away!

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Active member
It's just a word. Four letters of the alphabet. How can a word offend you? 100 years ago there were unsavory words, which are common in todays language. Libel, slander, and yelling fire in a crowd directy effect others, and quite possibly their pocketbook. To say your offended by a word, when the context has nothing to do with you whatsoever, is just plain ignorant.

You yell fire in a theater, now everone leaves, wants a refund, fire department comes out. It goes much further than freedom of speach(expression)

Freezerboy, I'm not trying to be a smartass, just truly curious. What is it about the word "fuck" that is offensive?
Are you offended when it is replaced with "have sex", "screw"...


Using a lot of vulgarity just means you can't express yourself any other way,and thats sad.That being said fuck the motherfucker that fucked my fuckin sister


Strain Whore Extraordinaire!
What did fuck mean 100 years ago?

Why does fuck hold all its definitions?

Is it like how the giving finger was created?

I think the word government is far worse,I mean 0 disrespect to anyone.

I've just always found it funny when people get offended by these little truly meaninless words.especially when they hear it in a private conversation and act like all snooty about it like they've never said something offensive themselves.


Active member
Fuck this and Fuck That fuck it all and fuck the fucking brat ... Hmmm ... Here's to the Origin of the word FUCK (as Herb raises his bowl)


honestly i dont give a flying fuck if i offend someone. its thier fault they cant handle certain aspects of society not mine

if i had it my way my tv remote would have a censor/uncensor button. its not my problem some people cant handle vulgarity and it pisses me off when im trying to watch standup and i have to hear BEEEP everytime they say something some pissy housewife deems inappropriate.

same with the radio and other movies on tv. the word was put there as part of the artists rendition of their feelings. and when im watching a movie and they replace fuck with flapjack, well thats just plain offensive.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
To say your offended by a word, when the context has nothing to do with you whatsoever, is just plain ignorant.

Show me where I said that. I use the word fuck, I've used it here. I have porno around here somewhere but, that doesn't mean it belongs on ABC. Carlin's 7 words was a brilliant bit of socio-political commentary but, it doesn't belong on FM101. I have an extensive collection of underground comics including those of Spain Rodriguez and S Clay Wilson but, they don't belong on the comic rack of 7-11.

Mustards contention that the the first amendment exsists to make America the land of blather whatever, wherever, whenever is categorically untrue. The first amendment exists so people can: write things like the first amendment without having their hands chopped off, cry "Live free or die" without having their skulls caved in, print no taxation without representation without their press being burned to the ground.

The first amendment wasn't written to force the country to suffer potty mouthed 2 year olds. There have always been limits to free speech.
This is cool but if you're gonna say "it's just a word" you may as well discount all forms of language as meaningless, which obviously makes no sense!

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Here's your petulant children with entitlement issues:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
If that's not proof that I have the right to live free of your f-bombs, I don't know what is. Or are you suggesting it only grants rights to you alone like a petulant child with entitlement issues?

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
If we assume we have the right to liberty and that free speech is another angle of our rights, then why would it seem fit to be intolerable of a word?

It seems much more narrow minded to say that a word kills your happiness.


Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary....
after 9 pm? Kids?

after 9 pm? Kids?


The first amendment wasn't written to force the country to suffer potty mouthed 2 year olds. There have always been limits to free speech.

You still can't holler "FIRE!" in an opera house. ;) (unless there really is one!)
And you sure as hell do not want to say the wrong word/s getting onto an airplane these days...

IMO, I was happy as hell with the ruling; however the point that I was focused on is that this argument should be more so for kids. I do not want to be driving down the road with my little nephew and hear a DJ on the radio say, "and now from the best mutherfucking guitar player in the world! Joe walsh!" (You get the idea.) The words we are talking about here are words that I (most likely all of U as well) have used in a sexual moment, a fleeting moment, an argument,...but not in front of a 7 yr old kid...we as adults set some sort of example.

And a few more notes...still on the soap box folks :scripture:
I do not think this should be about offending adults, but again about the kids. I want my kids to hear and understand those words the same way I did. At school, on HBO when the parents were in bed and I snuck down stairs to watch tv. "mom what's a hard-on?" "why do you ask me that Justin?" "Because I was called one at school today"..
:laughing: it's true! 7-8 yrs old i think?
That was all part of growing up as an American...It will change America if this is the case....speaking of which. HBO and other major money machines must not be happy. If there is nothing to separate HBO from regular tv, why pay for it? Bill Maher on NBC after 9 pm, when kids are in bed? Great! I save 30 bucks a month...Sons of Anarchy on FX with swearing, boobies, etc...the way I imagine a biker gang soprano's like tv show to be!!! Yeah, sign me up...



Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
It means we are supposed to allow each other to be happy.

So why wont you allow this?

mean mr.mustard said:
If we assume we have the right to liberty and that free speech is another angle of our rights, then why would it seem fit to be intolerable of a word?

Who's intolerable of a word? I'm intolerable of your insistance that I have no rights.

mean mr.mustard said:
It seems much more narrow minded to say that a word kills your happiness.

I never said that. The fact that you need to swear at people to be happy is about the saddest thing I've ever heard.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I never said I wouldn't allow anything... much to the contrary, actually, I'm defending rights.

I don't need to swear to be happy.

Whichever end includes the least limitations on actions of individuals should be the chosen route.

If I can say whatever I want, and you can say whatever you want, then we should both agree to disagree.

I wouldn't vote to limit your speech just because I don't agree with it... it seems you don't agree with my idea of free speech, and would vote to limit it.

That is one of the saddest things I've ever heard.


Active member
I'm just saying, why is "fuck" taboo, and "sex" isn't? Maybe you don't want your child saying "sex". But nobody gets fined for saying it. You just explain to your child that the word is for adults. Why pick and choose words which are "approved" or not, and fine for the latter. It's just a word, we should be able to use them at our discretion. If a daytime dj uses language you don't approve of stop listening to them. If everyone who feels the same as you , does the same, they may take a hit in ratings, and change things. Or not. Who cares? Nobody should be charged any amount of money for using an "unapproved" word. If you are going to live in a free society, you must be tolerant. Be a parent to your child, don't expect the government to parent them for you.


Strain Whore Extraordinaire!
I'm just saying, why is "fuck" taboo, and "sex" isn't? Maybe you don't want your child saying "sex". But nobody gets fined for saying it. You just explain to your child that the word is for adults. Why pick and choose words which are "approved" or not, and fine for the latter. It's just a word, we should be able to use them at our discretion. If a daytime dj uses language you don't approve of stop listening to them. If everyone who feels the same as you , does the same, they may take a hit in ratings, and change things. Or not. Who cares? Nobody should be charged any amount of money for using an "unapproved" word. If you are going to live in a free society, you must be tolerant. Be a parent to your child, don't expect the government to parent them for you.



Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor



ICMag Donor
I'm not sure what you mean here. Sometimes Fbombs are the point. Have you ever smashed your thumb with a hammer?

F'in A, smashed my thumb twice within an hour, rained loud F bombs upon the surrounding hood and threw my f'in waffle head into the neighbors f'in yard. I would have gone straight to f'in prison lol.