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Butane honey oil for dummies


New member
Hey Im new to the whole oil making, and was wondering how do you actually get the end product to budder up? any help would be appreciated....peace.
pls help me in my first extraction

pls help me in my first extraction

I know there are lot's of infos around the website and this is why I decided to post because I'm getting confused. I understand the other methods of extraction (like BHO) but not really this.

ok, got some trim, some Ethanol 94% (96% vol alchool), a pyrex and an outdoor electric heater.

What else do I need? A strainer? Does a coffee filter work well or I can use a T-shirt of something like that? I'm in a country where everybody goes werid when I go shopping for weed-and-extraction related stuff :)

Also I don't like dangerous situations so I'm wondering how I can do my first extraction safely and if is possible to dry out the ethanol without using the heater but by using the sun heat (it's so freaking hot here now, why not use it?)

and what should I do basically? Put the trim in a strainer and pour the ethanol in it? The use the same alchool and do the procedure back again?

Or I should put the ethanol in a bucket and leave the trim (with a strainer) into the bucket for a long time?

Also, if I need to dry it out on a pyrex it means I don't need to use much alchool. How much shall I use? Like every gram I should use 1dl of alchool?

headband 707

Plant whisperer
They have taken away all butane extractions from the clubs in BC

They have taken away all butane extractions from the clubs in BC

The city sent out a paper to all the clubs asking them to stop using any Butane extractions of any kind!! Why you ask LOL ... because although Butane may seem pure there is a few things in there that are not unless you get a pharaceutical grade Butane that is not available to the public. Now the clubs have no thing that are not made from Butane .Which was a lot of thing that where way over priced anyways lol.. The things that were found in the other Butane where lead as I recall and thing no fit for human comsumtion. peace out Headband707
Total bullshit. Again.

Sure - BC might have done what you have stated...

FOR THE RECORD: Butane has been used as a foods solvent and propellant for years. Butane is non-toxic. http://archive.food.gov.uk/maff/archive/food/bulletin/1999/no111/scf.htm

You are more prone to die from smelling your own farts (mercaptans) than you would be from using bad butane. (There are far too many old hippies around that survived the first 15 years using 'Ronson' alone.)

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Total bullshit. Again.

Sure - BC might have done what you have stated...

FOR THE RECORD: Butane has been used as a foods solvent and propellant for years. Butane is non-toxic. http://archive.food.gov.uk/maff/archive/food/bulletin/1999/no111/scf.htm

You are more prone to die from smelling your own farts (mercaptans) than you would be from using bad butane. (There are far too many old hippies around that survived the first 15 years using 'Ronson' alone.)

Do tell ??? why don't you ask the city why they asked the clubs to stop using the butane? I could find the info if you would like lol peace out Headband707:dance013:

Bro don't shot the messanger either I'm not the city and I didn't take away the butane!!
LOL Just because you have used somthing over and over again doesn't mean it has not caused you harm in some way shape or form bro... Don't kid yourself on who sell you what or for what reason. Peace out Headband707
Do tell ??? why don't you ask the city why they asked the clubs to stop using the butane? I could find the info if you would like lol peace out Headband707:dance013:

Hell - Canada bans comic books, too. :) My bet is that it has more to do with the dangers inherent with the manufacture of bho concentrates than with the final product.

A bad or leaking HPS bulb will kill you faster with mercury poisoning than evaporated butane will. :tiphat:

(And no - not meaning to bash the messenger. I appreciate the safety words... but there is way to much bad info out there about butane extracts. I get a bit uppity about this. The biggest nay-sayers on bho usually end up being those with a vested interest in "laundry hash". Sorry - but I'm old. True hash is trich's and oil. Sieved and compressed. That's it. BubbleMan - please stay out of this thread... You wouldn't like me very much. I know where "ice-extraction" got it's beginnings. And it wasn't you.)

headband 707

Plant whisperer
okay then, there is another paper out but here you go:

okay then, there is another paper out but here you go:

Some of the solvents employed in the extraction process can be toxic when exposure is high. methanol and acetone are toxic when ingested, inhaled, or via prolonged physical exposure. For this reason, their use is not recommended. Both chemicals are often used as denaturants in the sale of high purity ethanol (denatured ethanol).
the entire class of chemicals known as aromatics (benzene, naptha, xylene, toluene, etc) are all toxic or hazardous. Many are carcinogenic. Toluene, and other similar compounds, can depress the CNS system when inhaled in high concentrations. Toluene is a solvent commonly abused as an inhalant. Note that naptha is a mixture of different chemicals, like petroleum ether, but naptha typically contains substantial quantities of aromatic or unsaturated hydrocarbons.
Alkanes, such as butane, propane, pentane, hexane, etc and mixtures of alkanes (petroleum ether) are actually relatively safe when exposure is limited. This class of molecule has a very narrow range of chemical reactivity. The molecules are simply unable to react with the chemicals inside of the body. The main concerns associated with alkanes are from excessive exposure. Excessive skin exposure can lead to defatting of the skin. This occurs because the solvents can dissolve the cell wall. Such exposure typically requires prolonged direct contact, such as total immersion of a limb in the solvent. Prolonged inhalation of extremely high concentrations of the vapors (>>1000 PPM) can damage internal cells via a similar mechanism. This is specifically dangerous to the brain. Ingestion of large concentrations of these chemicals produces the same effects as well.
Further toxic affects can be traced to unintentional or intentional impurities in the solvents or even the starting material. Butane and propane are often sold as a mixture with small amounts of odorants. the odorants are used to increase the detection of leaks for safety reasons. When used as a solvent, butane with these odorants (mercaptans) poses a toxicity problem.
A similar issue is seen with certain other solvents, such as ethyl ether. Ethyl ether is often supplied with a stabilizer (often a radical scavenger such as TEMPO or butylated hydroxytoluene) to prevent dangerous polymerization. Many of these additives are toxic.
bro what is your problem here you want to use butane extraction you go right ahead .. do it till your brains leak out of your fucking head what the fuck do I care???

You obviously care or you wouldn't be in this thread. 30+ years with bho and I have heard it all. The bad AND the good. Organic chemists abound in my peer group. I have had some very interesting debates and conversations with many professionals on this subject. Use good butane. Work OUTSIDE. Accept the law of averages and understand that the process is highly dangerous and flammable.

Did you know that if you drink 2 gallons of water at one sitting - you will most likely die?

And then there's that asteroid coming with our name on it... :)

There are bigger concerns.


headband 707

Plant whisperer
You obviously care or you wouldn't be in this thread. 30+ years with bho and I have heard it all. The bad AND the good. Organic chemists abound in my peer group. I have had some very interesting debates and conversations with many professionals on this subject. Use good butane. Work OUTSIDE. Accept the law of averages and understand that the process is highly dangerous and flammable.

Did you know that if you drink 2 gallons of water at one sitting - you will most likely die?

And then there's that asteroid coming with our name on it... :)

There are bigger concerns.


You seriouly got me mixed up with someone who gives a shit..
I'm just the messanger here your going to have to get off your high horse bro..
I really couldn't care less who does what with butane YOU???


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
:laughing: No lie, let's get back on track.
OK, so I'm an old hippie, the sound of butane always turned me off, along w/ the bad memories I have of the imported oil I used to get in the 70's.
I'm happy w/ a J or a humble pipe.
A few wks back I was laid up, and got to reading this thread. Damn, it sounded easy! That, and watching oil-vaping vids, and I was enthralled.
Last weekend I had some frozen trim to get rid of, so I made bubble hash. Two runs of separate strains, then a 3rd of the two combined, all hand-stirred 8m. (made butter w/ the leftovers for a canna-banana bread :D )

So, coming off that labor-intensive process, I made my 1st bho run today. What a piece of cake! Easy as pie!
I'm letting it sit overnight before I scrape, very hot & humid out, but I'm really impressed with the ease.
Big ups to Chief and the many others who have made this thread so great; easy and safe instructions. :respect:


Headband needs to go play with his 23w CFL grow! :D


but im with ya on this one, stfu headband. bho isnt anything new, nor is anything dangerous with making or consuming bho as long as you follow the obvious safety procedures.

you have to heat up your bud in the oven for decarboxilation, but oh no...everyone with gas stoves cant do it...because you might blow up and shit!!

and i wouldnt wait til tomorrow to scrape the pyrex either, it may get super shattery(if you made it right), and you could get some oil to fly off the razors and go everywhere. if you want, you can scrape it while its warm, then put it in the freezer for a min to get it more work-able for you. i hate when its like glue.


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
I used a pyrex pie plate, and did scrape the side. Temps have been in the mid 80's, it's goo-y but I sense it'd harden up in cooler temps.
I will give it a hot water purge tomorrow and scrape.
Course I did take a skillet hit w/ some of that scraping! Superb taste, holy she-it! :yoinks: As foaf mentioned, very up, heady high!

I've really gotten into 'Breaking Bad' in the last month, you think that has anything to do w/ this w/ me? :muahaha:


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
My 1st effort:

Pretty happy with it. I figured it'd be dark.
I gave my nephew some nice genetics and guidance w/ his 1st grow last winter. He recently gave me a small jar of "thank you's", Honey White & NYCD X C99. I could tell they were over-fertilized, so they were good candidates.
I collected the kif from the glass under my box. Hadn't scrapped it in a few months, and I did 4 layers of that between whole buds.
I finished off the tube w/ some OD F13 from last yr. So not the freshest material, not for a 1st run! :biglaugh:

Thank to those who have welcomed me to "the dark side". :wave:


I'd like to thank HMK , ChiefSB, et al for introducing me to BHO.
I can't imagine ever going back to burning weed.

I donned my coveralls and full face respirator and dove in.
I used 3 cans of Colibri on an oz ( or 2 ... I forget.. it was 3 o'kief tubes worth :)... of Satori , into some Teflon beaker liners ala FOAF) then floated the breaker liners around in a large dish full of very hot water , for roughly 30 min.
I pricked the bubbles with a pin as they appeared.

After it cooled I put the liners into the freezer and an hour later , took them out , crinkled them ( for lack of better word) and the honey fell off like powder, straight into a Teflon bag for storage in the freezer.
No scraping no mess, I love the Teflon bag approach. ( welchflourocarbon)

First hit was pretty good ( used a Ti Mike Fro bubbler ( no hmk's available yet) .
Next day I moved the curve to my Syn double perc and tried again.
Guess I used a tad too much... I was completely wrecked (in every sense of the word... WRECKED .. it wasn't funny at the time) , I fought hard, for 2 hours, not to pass out but I finally couldn't hold it.
48 hrs later and I'm still feeling the effects. I can hear it now... why is it that folks with no experience using BHO fail to heed the warning of it's strength ? That's a very good question. call me an idiot if you will, but I've certainly learned from that mistake . I wasn't trying to use too much, I figured I used the same amount I had previously used with the first bubbler. I imagine that I wasted alot of it due to marginal design of the Fro bubbler (it was way too hot) . The Syn bubbler on the other hand let nothing escape and that was way too much for one shot. ( I didn't have a scale , but I have one on order now too better control the dosage.)
I have a whole new respect for "one hit wonders"

I've smoked alot of different weed/hash over the last 35 years, but nothing even comes close to BHO off a Ti curve.


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Active member
It has a nice amber-dark colour...enjoy it HL!!!

Best vibes!!

PS: absolutely agree SB7, well said!


Well-known member
I fought hard for 2 hours not to pass out but I finally couldn't hold it.
48 hrs later and I'm still feeling the effects. I can hear it now... why is it that folks with no experience using BHO fail to heed the warning of it's strength ?

that's kinda funny, glad you finally came down :) . cool on the teflon SB7, I cant imagine scraping anymore. Ive been bhoing my previous bubba kush grow for a couple of years now, and am excited to soon be running a couple of lbs of sshaze. I havent had predominatly sativa bho yet, I'm hoping its as uppy of a high as the bud is. :)

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