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Super low ph runoff-What is causing this??

joe fresh

Active member
over feeding your plants will cause a nute buildup, and that will cause the ph to go down, think of it like this.....ph goes up they need more nutes, ph goes down means too much and they need a good flush.

IMO this may be from reusing your coco and not properly flushing the coco between runs, causing a salt/nute buildup


the flush water, or rather said the water that comes out of the pots when you water show very well the ph in the coco.

if the ph is lower when coming out it is usually caused by fungus and rot. but it is usually possible to see on the plant quite well at that stage...

nute buildup could be a cause if the EC of the flushwater is high.


again..i do not understand the buffering thing but my goal is always to have the best whitest roots in the world...i use Earth Nectar & Earth Ambrosia to attain this...but here is what i have noticed since this problem occurred...buddin is right...when i add my nutes my ph drops...if ph is 6 to start with it is 5 when i add advance nutrients 3 part to the distilled water


thanks for the insite joe fresh...and yes buddin you may have converted me...the thing is won't the tap kill my good bacterian in the coco
do what i said i do......leave it out in jugs for like a day or 2....the cl gas will evaporate out....i use AN pirahna so i never put fresh tap in....letting it sit will eliminate it......and yes you need some sort of base, such as pH up solution...or tap!....distilled water was causing me too many pH problems along with costs....tap is freeeeeeee.....for me at least


New member
no meter..a liquid..3 drops into water sample...everyone knocks it but i trust the process and my readings..did noice ph fell with addition of nutes...added tap water and leveled off at 6.0

I agree with spread head the electronic meters fail way to often for my likes drops might be out>.05 appoint that's ecxceptable. Again I CANT SPELL.

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