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micro grow #2: stealth cabinet, 5x 36w pl-l

I know you can buy very small ac units but they draw a lot of power and will cost a couple hundred bucks.

Do you have access to dry ice? a block of dry ice on a plate with a small fan blowing on it would cool the closet during hot days. It would also flood the closet with CO2. Just don't touch that stuff without gloves on.

if i put the dry ice right by my intake (there is one large hole) and put it on a plate or have somewhere to catch the water, this would have the same effect, right? could i even put it on some sort of metal rack for the most airflow, or would the dry ice destroy the metal?

and i'm pretty sure a ton of grocery stores locally sell that all the time, especially since it's so hot out.


if i put the dry ice right by my intake (there is one large hole) and put it on a plate or have somewhere to catch the water, this would have the same effect, right? could i even put it on some sort of metal rack for the most airflow, or would the dry ice destroy the metal?

and i'm pretty sure a ton of grocery stores locally sell that all the time, especially since it's so hot out.

Dry ice is inert so it won't react with metal. I would put it on a large baking sheet because the metal would conduct the cold and also cool the closet. At temperatures above −56.4 °C (−69.5 °F) and pressures below 5.2 bar , CO2 changes from a solid to a gas with no intervening liquid form, through a process called sublimation.

One more thing about CO2 is its heavier than air so it will stay at the bottom of the closet.
so here's another thing: if i can make this silent enough to keep in my bedroom (which won't be used very much for hanging out) in the open and be lightproof/not distracting, i won't have to use the dry ice at all.

i could do it with wider paneling on the sides since i can't find any better way to make the panda film be light proof


Active member
high man, just thought i'd make a couple suggestions
if you don't mind.

first, to help with making your cab more light proof,
get some wood, 1 inch stock would be good, and
put a 'lip' along the edges, to give the doors something
to seat against when shut, then you can add some
weather stripping to make it even more tight.

now, where the doors close together, get a piece of
pipe-wrap insulation, the stuff you wrap around hot
water pipes and stuff.

anyway,slice it in half and staple, or nail it along the
inside edge of whatever door you close first, that way,
when you close the other door, it will press against
the overlap.

another thing that will help with temps is getting that
ballast out of the box, mount it outside, screwed to
the back of the cab.

also, as an apartment resident myself i understand why
punching holes in walls would be a no-no, lol, but one
thing you could consider is buying a cheap door for the
closet, then you could cut a hole in that door and when
you move, just put the original door back up.

anyway, here's a few pics of my PL-L clone box to
help illustrate what i mean, picture is worth a thousand
words right? lol.

i know it's difficult to see but it should be clear enough
so you get the idea.

now the back, this was during construction so this
gets covered, lol.

and here's a couple of the inside.

and just for shit's and giggles, a couple of my mother cab.

anyway, keep it up man, and don't get discouraged,
every problem you face is a learning experience that
makes you a better grower.

peace, SOG
you and justanotherbozo have the exact same pictures.

did your hinges come with the cabinet or did you have to buy them? if i can get those hinges or something similar i can make it work like that but otherwise the doors need too much clearance.


anyway, here's a few pics of my PL-L clone box to
help illustrate what i mean, picture is worth a thousand
words right? lol.

i know it's difficult to see but it should be clear enough
so you get the idea.

now the back, this was during construction so this
gets covered, lol.

and here's a couple of the inside.

and just for shit's and giggles, a couple of my mother cab.




and your album: https://www.icmag.com/ic/album.php?albumid=20273

I don't get it, why would you copy a well known and active members pictures then claim its yours?
all 8 seeds i germed using paper towel method have big ol white things comin out of em. they're gettin planted tomorrow. sorry, no picture uploaded, i have misplaced my USB cable.

edit: found it

here they are.
i love the paper towel method. i've had 100% both times.


Cool man, ill be watching this.

what style are you going to be growning those eight? ie SOG, SCROG ?
also, what are the dimensions of your cab?

21x23x13 (h x l x w)

i'll probably just be doing some LST. i plan on having 4-6 keepers. two would be flowered in my old pots, 4 flowered in new ones. so itll be more of an SOG; if i was going to do ScrOG i would definitely want to make sure i used fem seeds so i didnt train a male all nicely for a couple weeks.
okay...so i waited too long to plant my germed seeds (it surprised me how quick they popped) so i only have 5 plants. one is a runt. all four are showing a nitrogen deficiency, but yesterday was only day 14. i switched the lights and will start feeding with 1/4 strength flowering nutes next watering. also, broke a light while i was moving...havent had the mind to buy another. will probably do so before too long since i have the wattage and the room. here's a pic of the damn thing.

any questions, about the cab or whatever, ask away.


Active member
you and justanotherbozo have the exact same pictures.

did your hinges come with the cabinet or did you have to buy them? if i can get those hinges or something similar i can make it work like that but otherwise the doors need too much clearance.

if you look here at my 'first' posting you'll see i explain
that i've had to abandon my previous 'name' for security

...and while i've not advertised the change, i'm not
hiding either, ...notice now long it's been since 'bozo'
has posted? ...the account is only still active because
some of the work was helpful to others.

sorry for the confusion, SOG aka 'bozo'


Active member
kind of what i thought too since you type the same way. just makin sure credit is given where credit is due.

lol, i hope that's a good thing.

i try to break my typing into small paragraphs rather
than long ones to make it easier for the reader to read, lol.

anyway, like you i've not done any of this, under either
name, for credit, i do it to learn how to be a better grower
and helping others forces me to organize my thinking
so i don't come off talking out my ass, lol, which not only
saves me from looking the fool but actually helps me
to understand things on a deeper level than i had before
taking the time to explain it to someone else.

i learned how to be selfishly selfless in AA back in the
mid 80's, now it's just what i do to pay back all that have
selflessly helped me, as you will one day as well brother.

peace, SOG
i just meant how everything that you type doesn't go to the end of the page and wrap around, it's like you hit enter a lot while typing haha.

hopefully going to feed today if they need water


Sorcerer's Apprentice
thanks guys, i'm adding another fan and adjusting the lights since my idea for a carbon filter changed. hopefully my temps will go down a bit, 86 isn't acceptable!

I read a large university study of indoor cannabis production and they suggest that 85 degrees is pretty much the optimal temperature for it.

For what it's worth.


Active member
86 isn't too bad and most of the time, you'll still be fine with those temps. But if you are not adding CO2, optimal temps are 78-80 degrees with a RH in veg/flower of 60% and 45-50%, respectively.


Recovering UO addict.
cool stuff, just found this.

I like the way you mounted your fans with the eyescrews...kinda seated them in there. can't wait to see what your plls do for ya :) pics? progress?
i havent been able to find my camera charger, so there are no pics, but i can tell you that there has been progress. been in 12/12 3 and a half weeks, we'll see what happens. i'll update with pics as soon as i can find my charger...

used my gf's camera (it's way better!! look real close, you can see the trich shapes!) and got some great pictures. i can't even tell you guys how good the small one smells. yes they are small. they kind of got stunted, probably since temps were into the 90s at points. but hey it's all good this tree is going to be incredible. cheers guys

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