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Oakland to decide on HUGE! Production permissions!



I am reading and hearing that Oakland will decide to allow or not large scale grows of up to 99 plants each.

This will give Oakland a huge presence in the Medical Cannabis market up to 1/3 of all cannabis grown may come from Oakland if they approve this.

Is anyone current of what this is all about?

joe fresh

Active member
imo 99 plants doesnt mean huge...it means large....huge would be 500 plants.....that is something i never understud why the gov't calculates it by plant number instead of size of garden(acres. meters, ect)...it would make much more sense to calculate MJ crop size the same way you do any other produce grown in feilds, greenhouses...ect

would make much more sense to me....

and is you think all the MJ will be comming out of oakland because they are going to allow 99 plants, think of all the ppl who grow much much more plants, this would in no way affect them, so i dont see how this would really affect where all the MJ is comming....

but i guess for the med growers it would be a plus to be allowed to grow more than what they are LEGALY allowed to do now


Overkill is under-rated.
I agree that plant counts mean little, I mean, you can fit 99 plants into a 6X6 area if sogging. My garden uses medium-sized bushes/small trees and I can still flower about 140 of them in a 23X23' space. With veg, clones and moms it's about double that.


yep eventually everyone will be running mpd's or under currents with 13 gal modules or trees in 15 gal. containers, my county regulates by canopy size, if your in another county they just use plant number,s weird how they came about regulating gardens. Plant counts are ridiculous, it should be canopy size! I assume they made the limits the way they are because they think everyone grows outside? One of tomhills plants could outyield one of my ops.


So what then is Oakland deciding?

NPR seems to think it's a big step forward.. Maybe it isn't 99 maybe it is 500...


So what then is Oakland deciding?

NPR seems to think it's a big step forward.. Maybe it isn't 99 maybe it is 500...

Yeah it will be interesting to see if they pull the trigger and go with a 500 limit. I still wouldn’t want to be the one there if the feds bust in and round up some folks to set an example. We all know they aren’t messing with most small mom and pop operations. However they will willingly raid a couple in the beginning and send a few poor bastards away for 20+ years (still a schedule 1 drug) due to the mandatory sentencing guidelines. I guess that’s the price for playing with the big boys.


But what if these are The "Feds" "Boys" ??

The Ice has to melt some place..

Did any of us get invited to the "Market Share" or is the Back Room Dealing happening??

We are Stoned but not that Stupid to think it's all Up Front. Hell i don't trust the Females I sleep with that far why should we Trust Politicians and Profiteers like Lee's Group??


So a Challenge to all.. Find out the Truth and come back and post..

Interact.. Come out of the Closet is your only hope here..
99 plant grows will never supply 1/3 of all cannabis grown
people are doing 1-3000 plant grows here and theres still not enough
dont think this is gonna change much man....


99 plant grows will never supply 1/3 of all cannabis grown
people are doing 1-3000 plant grows here and there's still not enough
don't think this is gonna change much man....

Boring.. Look up the news and contribute!

Hey friends what am I some News God? I know the answer y'all dont.. Come on get real get active..

That is what I am saying.. DOH isn't the answer..

I know what is happening and it isn't important that i impress you it's important that you achieve that enlightening.

So what will it be?? ICMag-Dummies or Icmag-Genius?

You all can't be under age and stupid..
jackthegrower: http://calpotnews.com/pot-pourri/oakland-oks-large-scale-marijuana-cultivation/

To shed light on this it passed on tuesday and there is no plant or space limit what so ever. if u can cough up the 211 k and have a 3 Million dollar credit line for insurance you can apply. Been hearing the foreign dude who Owns the IGrow warehouse in Oakland is trying to get on one, i wouldn't be suprised if owners of blue sky and harborside and right behind him too ready to drop some dough. This just means small timers have to concentrate on quality and find a unique strain to hoard so we can still get a piece of the pie.


Thanks.. I get very passionate at times!

It does feel like back room dealing.
DeAngelo spoke on behalf of perhaps 250 local growers who supply Harborside and feel threatened by the rules, which would initially push growers into two camps: those under 96 square-feet that will not require a permit, and large football field-sized facilities which will need a permit.

from http://www.eastbayexpress.com/Legal...ividing-medical-cannabis-providers-in-oakland

the bill's intent is for people under 96 sq ft to fall under Measure Z. means oakland has all but decriminalized growers under 96 sq ft.

http://www.taxandregulate.org/measurez.htm <---measure z info.