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A reason to go to the State Fair this year!



Things are changing. The news has that bitter taint to it. Again we see the "Save the Children" as the cry against Cannabis rights for Adults. Never mind that putting Cannabis is a store where folks have to check ID to sell it means Children will be safer.i

SACRAMENTO - If you visit the California State Fair this year, you'll find something new, a booth sponsored by a marijuana dispensary.

The goal of the exhibit which is called Crusaders for Patients Right is designed to educate you and your kids about pot. It's the first time in the fair's history that a dispensary organization is being allowed to set up shop and it may not be the last time.

Lanette Davies with the group said, "They should be proud that cannabis money is funding this booth." Her display will be filled with pot posters and pamphlets regarding the benefits of medical marijuana. And if kids stop by, they'll hear all about it too. Lanette said, "It's not as though were going to have product here or pushing any type of cannabis, what were doing is pushing education."

Even though the exhibit booth cost is $3,000, fair organizers insist the economy had nothing to do with giving Canna Care's organization - crusader's for patient's rights, the green light. Brian May with Cal Expo said, "No, no, we sold out all the space, had we not sold the space to them, there might have been another exhibitor for the space."

The organization also followed all the requirements to be a fair exhibitor. And even though their message might be controversial, the fair saw nothing wrong with letting them into the family event.

So expect to get a marijuana education at this year's California State Fair.



Feinstein backs effort to defeat marijuana legalization

Feinstein backs effort to defeat marijuana legalization

See full story @ http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/lanow/2010/07/feinstein-marijuana-legalize-pot.html

Here we have the Fear of Stoners paranoia. How not putting folks in Prison means the world will be unsafe.

Feinstein backs effort to defeat marijuana legalization

Sen. Dianne Feinstein, California’s senior senator, has lent her support to the campaign to defeat Proposition 19, the marijuana legalization measure on the state’s November ballot.

The prominent Democrat, first elected to the Senate in 1992, signed the ballot argument against the initiative. On Monday, she issued a statement through the opposition campaign calling the measure “a jumbled legal nightmare that will make our highways, our workplaces and our communities less safe.”

Roger Salazar, spokesman for Public Safety First, said the opposition committee sought Feinstein’s support.

“She’s one of the most respected figures in California,” he said. “She has a great history with law enforcement and dealing with this type of issue. We’re looking at a bipartisan effort.”

Proposition 19 would allow adults 21 and older to possess, grow and transport marijuana, and would allow cities and counties to regulate and tax commercial sales. Most of the state’s top elected officials and candidates for statewide office — from both major parties — are against the initiative.

Dale Sky Clare, a spokesman for Tax Cannabis 2010, the committee behind the measure, said it was not surprising that Feinstein and other statewide politicians opposed it.

“I’m just not putting a lot of faith in politicians to lead,” she said. “The voters have always led on this issue.”

-- John Hoeffel
I'll be calling and writing the senator later today. All of my local reps in fact.... May not do much but it's a start! Thanks for the article Jack.


I'll be calling and writing the senator later today. All of my local reps in fact.... May not do much but it's a start! Thanks for the article Jack.

Oh Go to the Fair too..

I live really close to the Stanislaus County Fair! I'm Be going!

Remember to Live Life!

Oh and let the stagnate minds of politics die a political death too.. Blessings!

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