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To Animal Owners Who Abondon There Pets.......

sad ...................:( someone hit my boxer bout 10yrs ago "he had broke the chain for some tail" and didnt even mind stopping (assholes) cost me 800$ to get him back to 80% after he suffered 2 broken legs


Well-known member
this ASSWIPE ought to be shot

Michelle Kim TROY -- A 25-year-old woman with a history of animal abuse in the Syracuse area was arrested here Wednesday, accused of animal cruelty after police discovered two badly neglected dogs abandoned in the yard of a home she had recently vacated.
The investigation began June 15th, when neighbors called animal control concerned that the animals has possibly been abandoned in the back yard at 3240 6th Ave., according to Troy Police.
A responding animal control officer found two adult German Shepherd dogs in "obvious distress," and immediately contacted Troy Police.
Detectives say their investigation revealed Mallory Partow had been evicted from the home due to code violations, and that she had left her two dogs in the enclosed yard, with no food or water, when she moved.
The dogs were found to be extremely malnourished, and one could not walk because of open sores sustained from dragging its hind quarters, police said.
Additionally, it was evident the dogs were subject to injuries in the past and that they'd accumulated a significant amount of urine and feces around their bodies, police said.
Partow was located by Troy police and arrested Wednesday on two counts of animal cruelty. She is already facing in 92 counts relating to animal cruelty and neglect in the Syracuse area. Police say she has a history of buying and selling dogs, and has been subject to previous animal cruelty investigations.
She remains in Rensselaer County Jail on $500 bail.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
Some people think that being owned by a pet is a "novelty"And when it wears off,so goes the animal.These are people who should have never been allowed to be owned in the first place.They miss out on more than they can imagine,the unconditional love,the friendship and companionship that you will never get from another human is priceless to me.Pets ask for nothing and give you everything in return.They do not care that you lost your job,or had a bad day or any of that bullshit.All they care about is you.And mine show me every day.:cathug::cathug::cathug::cathug::cathug::cathug:

good post, hit the nail on the head........

Japanfreakier -
Just the other day I was driving home and I saw a cat's shadow thrown by my lights and braked (only doing 20 nobody behind) but the car coming the other way was going way too fast and ran right over the thing.

What shocked me was that the guy didn't even stop. No way he didn't realize he had hit something with the sound it made.

I just don't get it.

sad, cant stand that..........

Dreamz_Of_Green -
sad ...................:( someone hit my boxer bout 10yrs ago "he had broke the chain for some tail" and didnt even mind stopping (assholes) cost me 800$ to get him back to 80% after he suffered 2 broken legs

sad story, but at least he was able to recover. witnessed my dog get hit and run about 18 years ago........wasn't as lucky as yours...

jonas@diesel - me and my cat say fuck you To Animal Owners Who Abondon There Pets. period

nice looking cat!

chuckyoufarley -
this ASSWIPE ought to be shot
Michelle Kim TROY -- A 25-year-old woman with a history of animal abuse in the Syracuse area was arrested here Wednesday, accused of animal cruelty after police discovered two badly neglected dogs abandoned in the yard of a home she had recently vacated.
The investigation began June 15th, when neighbors called animal control concerned that the animals has possibly been abandoned in the back yard at 3240 6th Ave., according to Troy Police.
A responding animal control officer found two adult German Shepherd dogs in "obvious distress," and immediately contacted Troy Police.
Detectives say their investigation revealed Mallory Partow had been evicted from the home due to code violations, and that she had left her two dogs in the enclosed yard, with no food or water, when she moved.
The dogs were found to be extremely malnourished, and one could not walk because of open sores sustained from dragging its hind quarters, police said.
Additionally, it was evident the dogs were subject to injuries in the past and that they'd accumulated a significant amount of urine and feces around their bodies, police said.
Partow was located by Troy police and arrested Wednesday on two counts of animal cruelty. She is already facing in 92 counts relating to animal cruelty and neglect in the Syracuse area. Police say she has a history of buying and selling dogs, and has been subject to previous animal cruelty investigations.
She remains in Rensselaer County Jail on $500 bail.

i agree she should be shot. but, unfortunately this happens all the time, ever watch the animal cops on animal planet?


Active member
sad ...................:( someone hit my boxer bout 10yrs ago "he had broke the chain for some tail" and didnt even mind stopping (assholes) cost me 800$ to get him back to 80% after he suffered 2 broken legs

Youre one of my least favorite people on here, and it still saddens me.

My doby hit/got hit by a lincoln; the moment I saw her in the street, my heart dropped. Luckily the lincoln was more damaged than she was. Just pissed herself in the middle of the street was all, lol.

My girls himalayan got hit by a car. Atleast the person who ran her over carried her to the sidewalk. It was sad enough, without a pancake for a corpse... She loved that cat so much, we got it cremated during a time where we werent exactly well to do.



You've gotta see this obit that "The Cat Lady" wrote in the newspaper when my cat died.
The first part of the article deals with abandoned pets.
(This was in Bangkok in 1998)


Chick brought in her 9 year old German Shepherd that she had since it was 8 weeks old. Her husband told her after they got married, It's me or the dog. I would of told him not to let the door hit him in the ass on the way out.

no doubt.


"easy growing type"
If you abandon your pet then I will set this assassin after your abandoning ass!!


And yes! Her mouth is that big!