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The well funded war on Americans


3rd-Eye Jedi
Dude, you have three posts and ZERO evidence that you grow. I once again ask that we all use whatever brain cells we have and discuss politics and economics.

You are way off base equating ANYTHING done by the US Government (POST 1913 federal reserve act and founding the IRS) as pro freedom or pro capitalism.

Spasticgramps pointed out that the USA is a fascist nation and not a free nation of capitalist actors.

I agree with him and not you. And I grow my own so my brain cells are being effected WAY more than you know.

Ignorance is in the mind of the beholder perhaps we both could use some education. I didn't say your brain was devoid of living cells I just disagree where you place blame.

You blame CAPITALISM but that economic system does not sanction the abuses you sight. You are making good arguments about the evil of concentrated power, but then you fall of the reservation and place the blame at capitalistic economic systems, when in fact the blame falls on the LOOTERS, MOOCHERS, and NON-PRODUCERS.

We seem to have the same opinion of the government, I just don't share or agree with your hate of capitalism.

So now you tell me mr. insulting mouth, since we agree that this should be free and unregulated like any blade of grass, how is it that I am supporting the system of imprisonment?

You are just too diluted by propaganda if you continue to argue that the fall of the USA is related to UNFETTERED CAPITALISM. The evils you complain of occurred long after CAPITALISM died in the USA.

So your argument is that an evil economic system CAPITALISM has ruined the USA; however I postulate that the USA left CAPITALISM about 100 years ago. Your argument is like the NAZIs blaming the jews for the downfall of the Bavarian Empire, or a plantation owner blaming slave labor for his own economic problems. You see the slaves and the jews and the capitalists aren't running around killing economies, it is the NON-PRODUCING entitled class. That class is filled with the elite entitled class (maybe like you) who are the leaders and authorities; and the non-producing mooching class. Then the ruling class of LOOTERS froth up the MOOCHERS to hate on and steal from the PRODUCERS.

Blaming PRODUCERS is the party line of the collectivists. Those evil PRODUCERS are capitalists and the evil capitalists are easy targets for the NON-PRODUCING classes.

So there you go I'm a producer and you are espousing a philosophy whereby the MOOCHERS and LOOTERS are free to steal from me and feel ENTITLED to do so.

Why don't you chew on the fact that I want nothing from you and feel you should be 100% free to do as you will with your life; wouldn't it be nice if you offered the same level of freedom to the rest of us.



Gramps blames the corporations and I also said it was corporate influence that caused an imbalance in the integrity of our government.

The difference is I don't put all the blame on corporate american because it took voting Americans to buy into corporate america's lies, to get 2nd and 3rd mortgages and to be dumb and greedy enough to think you could get rich over night by simply investing money.

Our citizenship was not diligent enough to make sure government was doing its job.

WHY? because were fucking lazy and don't want the stress of responsibility, especially when times were good and people were making money.

But lets look at the logic, I am arguing a corrupt government only makes for worse oversight and regardless of how i achieved that understanding, its the same fucking argument.

If you understood the bureaucracy of state budgets, the influence on the job force and how decisions are made based on the party in office (republican or democratic) we could have a more apples to apples conversation or argument. The biggest difference is I know that I rightly put the responsibility on the voting public and not the government or bodies with large capital resources to influence it (corporations).

So in the end what will fix anything anyway? labeling who does wrong, or figuring out what has to be done to make it right?

Is this yet another stoner thread crying about the overwhelming power of the government (aka we are powerless) and how your not sheep cause you do what you want anyway(aka i'm only powerful when i am an anarchist)?

In truth that is the conspiracy that the stoner community chases like its the dragon, the apathy that made California a runaway train in the first place.

California stoners were desperate for a cheap and easy out to legalization and California government was desperate for money.

You have far more power and influence than you might imagine, try exercising it.

IMHO the price of blood, sweat and tears paid already should have bought you more freedom at a lower cost.

Portugal's decriminalization model is an excellent example, and yes the same economic stimulus stands as the market explodes without the burden of government oversight.

And NO I don't agree with gramps labeling of our country (although it is a great example of what it feels like today), its is still a democracy whose economics system is driven by capitalism. When the balance is askew this is what you get.

Silly Californian growers, if you could have solidarity but for a movement the money you could create a lobby as powerfully as any for a small fraction of the proposed taxes you wish to pay.

Corporate america for all its strengths is nothing but a bunch of robber barons, and many lobbies of integrity and worth help keep the balance.

The lack of proactive solidarity in California is no ones fault but your own and your paying the price in blood.

The god damn good time girls of HP are getting seats in your government, how fucking tough you think it is if someone really wants in to get there? lol, to think that the government or corporate america is beyond reproach or change is laughable and infantile.

please correct me if i'm wrong on that one.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Our citizenship was not diligent enough to make sure government was doing its job.

WHY? because were fucking lazy and don't want the stress of responsibility, especially when times were good and people were making money.

I'm not blaming the corporations I was just stating what I believed is the proper political science and economic terms for the system in which we live.

I agree that the cause of this is because American's have become lazy, apathetic, complacent, and brainwashed and have been for generations. No argument there. Our failing country is the consequences of our generational apathy. We fear the Federal government. The Federal government does not fear us.

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.
Thomas Jefferson


New member
So do people still think that Obama is our friend through all of this? That he doesn't know exactly how $$ is being used to influence/coerce the people? When I read this article all I could think was "of course this is what's happening" The fed gov has been using misdirection for so long to constantly LIE and LIE and LIE. One hand distracts while the other hand slips in the dagger.

Obama may say one thing, but when actions like these are revealed aren't they more indicative of this true intentions?

Maybe I'm being overly paranoid/cynical about all this... or maybe I'm not? thoughts?


New member
weird wrote: this is default capitalistic governmental expenditures aimed at stimulating the economy by growing government job opportunities in the guise of necessary "quality of life" services.

Government jobs are not capitalist, as they 're paid for by tax payers money(which capitalism is totally opposed to), Government Jobs are SOCIALISTIC(at its most basic level).

No, capitalism, taxation and government jobs are all polar opposites of each other. It may benefit you to read up on the differences between economics and political ideology. So you could better communicate your opinion without resorting to emotional rhetoric.


New member
weird wrote: Gramps blames the corporations and I also said it was corporate influence that caused an imbalance in the integrity of our government.

Corporations benefit ultimately from government in the form of tax breaks and other loop holes specifically created for their industry, through the lobbying of politicians.


True capitalists want nothing to do with the government, either its benefits(welfare) or its detriments(taxation).


It's all for the federal reserve. Where the gov. launders their money to fund them an the elite


I love my life
weird wrote: Gramps blames the corporations and I also said it was corporate influence that caused an imbalance in the integrity of our government.

Corporations benefit ultimately from government in the form of tax breaks and other loop holes specifically created for their industry, through the lobbying of politicians.


True capitalists want nothing to do with the government, either its benefits(welfare) or its detriments(taxation).

I don't need to quote Weirds whole rant. Now I can just say I agree with HH as well as Spacticgramps.

My only argument with weird is he started blaming an economic philosophy, but now he is blaming the individuals themselves for allowing their right to be trampled. I agree it is an issue of individual responsibility. Being stupid and making bad economic choices is available to people under capitalism, that doesn't make capitalism bad nor does it make the USA a capitalist country.

Weird I hope we see the day where personal responsibility is rewarded. The system that is around now is evil and has your neighbors feeling entitled to your earnings to pay their third mortgage. We are a failing collectivist nation.



3rd-Eye Jedi
weird wrote: this is default capitalistic governmental expenditures aimed at stimulating the economy by growing government job opportunities in the guise of necessary "quality of life" services.

Government jobs are not capitalist, as they 're paid for by tax payers money(which capitalism is totally opposed to), Government Jobs are SOCIALISTIC(at its most basic level).

No, capitalism, taxation and government jobs are all polar opposites of each other. It may benefit you to read up on the differences between economics and political ideology. So you could better communicate your opinion without resorting to emotional rhetoric.

You are wrong and you miss the point entirely.

There are more than one factor here. State vs. fed rights, The downside of shifting from black to regulated market, the bias political parties have on government spending and the state of the economy.

These compound issues are causing the state of disarray and undermining the quality of your ability to influence government.

Let me paint a very simple picture for you to comprehend

Alcohol is legalized, and a federal bureau is made to oversee it, same as tobacco or firearms. Most any legal trade commodity becomes regulated in some way shape or form.

NOW, a decriminalized item not only falls outside of government regulation thus NEGATING THE NEED FOR REGULATORY ENTITIES at all. This also keeps it from being a viable market for big corporate america and leave the power of pot in the hand of the people.

Now add to it a failing economy and government budgets in crisis. How do you think law enforcement and its lobbies feel about losing jobs to legalization?

They simply prove their worth by becoming more aggressive to those who stand outside the medical guidelines. That is how. In the fight of state vs fed, the Feds are doing the same thing to show that prohibition is justified.

The Governor of California and The President of the United States are not in the same political parties, their agendas are biased by the fact that there are more to this than simple revision of legalization laws.

Its a battle to over State vs. Fed rights and its polarized by politcal parties and agendas.

Making it legal gave the government a way to involve itself deeper.

Putting it outside of government regulation avoids that.

Discuss that point if you can, if you posses the intellect to argue a concept and not the one who presents it.


Methadone clinics have never been meant to be used as a " short term detox". I know their are others here who know something about this.[/QUOTE]

Methadone clinics are one of the many pollution's of society. They are nothing more than legal heroin pushers, although methadone, in my opinion (and i have personal experience w/ this) is 10 times worse than heroin could ever be to get off of.
Their whole agenda is to profit from a disease that is in many cases, instilled by the medical profession/gov. to begin with.
At first they act like they are there to help. It doesn't take very long however, to realize that they could care less about your well being.
if you miss a payment, they drop your dose by 5mg. daily until you pay. Can you feel the love?
Once a wk/ you see a counselor/pusher, and they hand you a list of reasons why you should up your dose. cant sleep?, sweaty palms?, stub your toe?, oh, then we should up your dose by 10 mg.
I was there for 8 mths. before i couldn't take their shit anymore, and walked out. Over time, they let you know exactly how things work over there. Your treated as nothing more than a dirty addict and if you try to bring up that you feel mistreated for any reason, they say "if you don't like it, you know where the door is".
The fact that places like this are perfectly legal, really put in perspective what's important to our gov.... Cash money, regardless of how they get it or how immoral it may be.
I fuckin' hate methadone clinics, sorry for ramblin' but when this subject gets brought up i can't help it.
It took me 5yrs. to break free of opiates. Suboxone helped a lot but marijuana was a life saver.


Active member
the Tea Party is gonna show these motherfuckers in
Washington that we are awake now!

all career politicians must go! we need to elect people
with integrity rather than all these self-serving fools
currently in office.

come November that moron in the Whitehouse is gonna
get a real fuckin' wake-up call, then in 2012 we're gonna
send his sorry ass packing! . . .any friend of Bill Ayers
is an enemy of America!

we need to outlaw professional lobbying as well, no more
sanctioned bribery allowed!

i say dump the Democrans and the Republicats both!

both parties should be disbanded and all politicians
should be required to run as independents and then
elected according to their platforms and only relected
if they can show an honest attempt to live up to their
campaign promises.

and we need to stay alert, or we will get the politicians
we deserve!

peace, SOG


3rd-Eye Jedi
Methadone clinics have never been meant to be used as a " short term detox". I know their are others here who know something about this.

Methadone clinics are one of the many pollution's of society. They are nothing more than legal heroin pushers, although methadone, in my opinion (and i have personal experience w/ this) is 10 times worse than heroin could ever be to get off of.
Their whole agenda is to profit from a disease that is in many cases, instilled by the medical profession/gov. to begin with.
At first they act like they are there to help. It doesn't take very long however, to realize that they could care less about your well being.
if you miss a payment, they drop your dose by 5mg. daily until you pay. Can you feel the love?
Once a wk/ you see a counselor/pusher, and they hand you a list of reasons why you should up your dose. cant sleep?, sweaty palms?, stub your toe?, oh, then we should up your dose by 10 mg.
I was there for 8 mths. before i couldn't take their shit anymore, and walked out. Over time, they let you know exactly how things work over there. Your treated as nothing more than a dirty addict and if you try to bring up that you feel mistreated for any reason, they say "if you don't like it, you know where the door is".
The fact that places like this are perfectly legal, really put in perspective what's important to our gov.... Cash money, regardless of how they get it or how immoral it may be.
I fuckin' hate methadone clinics, sorry for ramblin' but when this subject gets brought up i can't help it.
It took me 5yrs. to break free of opiates. Suboxone helped a lot but marijuana was a life saver.[/QUOTE]


The way the half life of methadone was meant to be used was to break the more severe physical reaction that heroin causes.

After that short term transition, you wean off the methadone, who;s half life reduces the severity of withdrawal, but increases the length of it.

Withdrawal of pharmaceutical opiates takes about 9 -12 months till your body is back to homeostasis. Methadone is longer, and while the severity of some symptoms is reduced, the anxiety and the depression are not addressed at all.

These are the triggers that cause relapse.

Most people can't bear the pain and suffering it takes to get back to a place when you wake up happy and wanting to be alive again.

The methadone clinic example was made, because there are physician reference manuals ( I will try to find the ones i referenced ) in the 80's that prescribed that methodology.

The clinics extended the use of methadone because there are granted monies based on enrollment. Its not a plot, its a number of money hungry entities (big pharmaceutical companies and government) that allow corrupt to happen and this is the result.

Opiates are slavery pure and simple, much respect in finding your freedom from them.


I love my life
The clinics extended the use of methadone because there are granted monies based on enrollment. Its not a plot, its a number of money hungry entities (big pharmaceutical companies and government) that allow corrupt to happen and this is the result.

Well there it is an out of control government looting from the producers to give to the moochers.

Under capitalism there are no GRANTS of monies only exchanges of value for value from free economic actors. We are living in a collectivist hell, not a free capitalist nation.

The title of this thread is amazing on many levels.



Active member
His shortsighted figures only include what they get....What about what the state spends on convicting, jailing, and paying mo money mo money to house, feed, provide doctors, dentists, etc. etc! Then add on what the FEDS would pay them, like that $340,000 for people who aren't bothering anybody!

All that said isn't it supposed to be about peace, justice, and freedom.......Not money, politics, and more privatized slave pits, I mean jails!


Kiss My Ring
does that put it into perspective?
where this sheriff (who is trying to do a job) places his priorities are on maintaining his personal fiefdom. when necessary monies dry up and threaten the continued growth of his department he must find alternative sources. users and growers are just easy targets.


three for playing, three for straying, and three f

Gramps blames the corporations and I also said it was corporate influence that caused an imbalance in the integrity of our government.

The difference is I don't put all the blame on corporate american because it took voting Americans to buy into corporate america's lies, to get 2nd and 3rd mortgages and to be dumb and greedy enough to think you could get rich over night by simply investing money.

Our citizenship was not diligent enough to make sure government was doing its job.

WHY? because were fucking lazy and don't want the stress of responsibility, especially when times were good and people were making money.

But lets look at the logic, I am arguing a corrupt government only makes for worse oversight and regardless of how i achieved that understanding, its the same fucking argument.

If you understood the bureaucracy of state budgets, the influence on the job force and how decisions are made based on the party in office (republican or democratic) we could have a more apples to apples conversation or argument. The biggest difference is I know that I rightly put the responsibility on the voting public and not the government or bodies with large capital resources to influence it (corporations).

So in the end what will fix anything anyway? labeling who does wrong, or figuring out what has to be done to make it right?

Is this yet another stoner thread crying about the overwhelming power of the government (aka we are powerless) and how your not sheep cause you do what you want anyway(aka i'm only powerful when i am an anarchist)?

In truth that is the conspiracy that the stoner community chases like its the dragon, the apathy that made California a runaway train in the first place.

California stoners were desperate for a cheap and easy out to legalization and California government was desperate for money.

You have far more power and influence than you might imagine, try exercising it.

IMHO the price of blood, sweat and tears paid already should have bought you more freedom at a lower cost.

Portugal's decriminalization model is an excellent example, and yes the same economic stimulus stands as the market explodes without the burden of government oversight.

And NO I don't agree with gramps labeling of our country (although it is a great example of what it feels like today), its is still a democracy whose economics system is driven by capitalism. When the balance is askew this is what you get.

Silly Californian growers, if you could have solidarity but for a movement the money you could create a lobby as powerfully as any for a small fraction of the proposed taxes you wish to pay.

Corporate america for all its strengths is nothing but a bunch of robber barons, and many lobbies of integrity and worth help keep the balance.

The lack of proactive solidarity in California is no ones fault but your own and your paying the price in blood.

The god damn good time girls of HP are getting seats in your government, how fucking tough you think it is if someone really wants in to get there? lol, to think that the government or corporate america is beyond reproach or change is laughable and infantile.

please correct me if i'm wrong on that one.

Sorry but right off the bat you are paying your government to be honest not the corporations. It's YOU who hasn't gotten his shit together, the corporations are doing one hell of a job...They got their employees in check..


Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
I dont think this is just Cali, i think this is going on everywhere. In my area, we've had quite the few bust already this year. First couple big bust i thought nothing of it. Couple more big bust, and im thinking they are tying to fix the budget using this tactic