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Another summer with Julie Chen.


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CBS has rolled out the Chen-bot for another season. In such a crazy world, I really needed this distraction. It's on now. I remember that we had some fans here from last season.

Let the mind games begin!


I have been missing BB so much, that I have been downloading the UK version. Different game there. They can't even discuss who they will nominate, and the voting is done by viewer calls.
I can't wait to make suggestions for the saboteur...he/she even gets a special set of saboteur tools to wreak havoc...YESSSSSS!!!!
Is Andrew the foot doc? I think that's a good guess because of the way they showed him sneaking around during the blackout....but I wonder if that was just some fancy editing to throw us off track...hmm

As of right now, editing or not, I'm gonna agree with Andrew being the sabo
If it is Andrew though, he will be gone soon because the houseguests are already suspicious of him...so I kinda hope it's not him. A true sabo would have been lurking around ninja style imho.


He has his own business doesn't need to worry about $$$ and he is very clever. Plus it's only a 5 week stint. I wanted it to be the webmaster guy or the cocktail waitress.
He has his own business doesn't need to worry about $$$ and he is very clever. Plus it's only a 5 week stint. I wanted it to be the webmaster guy or the cocktail waitress.

Lol, is that the cocktail waitress/chemist? I can already tell she's gonna be a crackup.

I'm still holding out hope that the self proclaimed genius is the sabo. He may be the webmaster guy too, but I was pretty baked last night and I only remember him as 'genius guy'


the webmaster guy facial expressions and description of what the sabo did made me believe it wasn't him.the facial hotspots matched what he was saying. :dunno: but I hope i am wrong.
If it is Andrew, then he's got some work to do this week in deflecting some of the heat coming his way. He's already highlighted himself in two ways: He chose to be the mascot in the opening challenge, and was acting suspicious during the blackout. At least during the blackout that one dude left to brush his teeth so Andrew wasn't the only one moving around during the blackout and that's good for him. He's got immunity this week so he's got some time to work.

I just started watching BB last season, has there never been anything like this in previous seasons?


I think its a girl too. Andrew is too obvious. Maybe it's the New Joisey guy,I like him already. Man whoever it is,they are gonna have a blast,because the viewers get to tell them what to do.
Closest thing I remember was America's Player, but he was actually trying to win.

Sweet, just read about that season (8) on wikipedia, sounds fun...really wish I woulda been watching BB back then.

Back to this season though, a buddy of mine said he read somewhere that the sabo will be revealed to us on Wednesday. :jump: At this point I'm really hoping it's someone that's been flying under the radar and has no heat on them.


Active member
To each there own, but I gotta be honest, I really don't get it, reality TV in general. Distraction? From what? Good TV? I just hate that Chen bitch. That talk show she does, every single member of the panel is a fuck up. I can't watch most TV anymore. They try so hard to manipulate the audience. It's so annoying because it's so obvious and then they think they're fooling somebody. MOST reality contestants are sick puppies, or certainly will be after doing that. Statistics show that all that is perverted and dangerous by a huge margin how screwed up it all is. That's after 10 years of that shit. I guess I'm weird here. Rant over. :ying: