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Hermies 35 days into flower.HELP


New member
Hey I know one of my Bubble berry plants that is 35 days into flower all the sudden turned hermie obviously because I have removed 5 lil flowers and I woke up this morning and there was like a cluster of 7 seeds...........Now I am finding seeds here in there in a couple of plants, mostly just the one....... I removed all the flowers I saw and should I start picking off all the seeds or do I remove the plant or what...........Is there a way to stop them from going hermie?

Here is a couple of pics please help..............are they gonna pollinate the rest of my plants?


I would get that fucker out of there if your finding actual seeds. I have dealt with more than a few hermies that did this around 35 days, on a 56 day strain, but they threw the nanners at the top of the bud. I never found a seed but from reading a lot of hermie pollen is sterile. But your flowers are at the node. I do not think you can stop this process or stay on top of it. I would not risk it. A lot of people will tell you just to pluck them off or wet them down and pluck them off but that will take a lot of diligence and you will miss some especially when they start to develop inside the bud. If you already found seeds something already happened somewhere seeds do not develop overnight.


New member
Yeah seeds would not show up that quickly, if you mean you are finding pollen sacks I would toss it honestly...You could try to stay on top of it like bobman said, but It will be hard to do. I have dealt with a couple hermies, but they were genetic hermies, not stress related. any clone I grew out from this one plant would get one massive pollen sac on the main cola. The smoke was great so I kept it around for awhile, but eventually realized it wasn't worth the hassle....


New member
if there is light leak issues and was fixed now would it stop the male flowers from growing, because there is a little tiny bit of light that comes from my cloner that I can not block is that why.............and like I said if I fixed it would it stop


New member
Yeah, a light leak could definitely cause the problem. Im not sure that fixing the leak will eliminate your problem with those plants though...I mean for sure fix the leak but I can't say if it'll stop pollen production like that *snap*


i am not sure but i would think once a hermie starts its a hormonal process that will not switch off. A light leak should be fixed as well as possible. I can not see my hand in front of my face at lights out. There are the tiniest pinholes of light that comes from my ac but you can still not see them unless you are in the right position a few feet away and they do not illuminate anything. do the hand test if you can see your fingers inches from your face when you in the room i would say thats too much light. the good news is that your other plants are not affected.


Hey I know one of my Bubble berry plants that is 35 days into flower all the sudden turned hermie obviously because I have removed 5 lil flowers and I woke up this morning and there was like a cluster of 7 seeds...........Now I am finding seeds here in there in a couple of plants, mostly just the one....... I removed all the flowers I saw and should I start picking off all the seeds or do I remove the plant or what...........Is there a way to stop them from going hermie?

Here is a couple of pics please help..............are they gonna pollinate the rest of my plants?

If all your plants are comtaminated by pollen and forming seeds the best u can do is hold it till minimum ready to harvest or kill all of them and start a new crop and wait another few months. In my case i'd keep them and start a veg room. I rather smoke not so good grass than nothing. Blueberry is one plants that usually become a hermie. They are ver sensitive by light leak and hot. Once started the hermie process the plants won't stop.


New member
If all your plants are comtaminated by pollen and forming seeds the best u can do is hold it till minimum ready to harvest or kill all of them and start a new crop and wait another few months. In my case i'd keep them and start a veg room. I rather smoke not so good grass than nothing. Blueberry is one plants that usually become a hermie. They are ver sensitive by light leak and hot. Once started the hermie process the plants won't stop.
My blueberry is the one who is holdin strong with no seeds or hermie nanners onhim he is a pimp


Beyond light leaks, heat and pH issues can cause plants to throw nanners... Overcrowding too.
My advice would be to scrap it...
I have 2 (outta 3) bog lifesavers going bothways on me, trust me, this shit is a hassle you don't want to be dealing with...
Cut the bitch down.


New member
LIght leaks or defoliation was the cause but I just bought the dutch masters reverse and saturation and it says 100% guarentee (I also fixed the light leak and no more defoliating) I have not read one bad thing about it every were I have looked it says that it works...............I have not read One person say it did not work and believe me the last 2 days I have been doing nothing but reading about it especially before I spent 50 bucks.........SO it says dose once and then ten days later and it is a foliar...........http://www.dutchmaster.com.au/

Check out that website it talks all about it..........there is know waY i WAS ABOUT to throw out all 5 bubble berries OH yeah they all went Hermie except the Sourbubble that would have been way to much money invested down the drain and meds waisted. LMAO I did have a scare though because seed colonies did start popping up...........I do pray to god it works because I am not in the clear yet, but I have faith you know.


Cannabis 101
Hey I know a good friend of mine used dutch masters reverse and he said it worked wonders... you can find it cheap on ebay pm me if your need help.
Good move on the Reverse Budah. I used it and ya...it works. Not sure if it will 100% work in your situation since you're so far along. If anything, it just will stop the new nanner growth. I don't believe that it inhibits the pollination process from existing nanners and flowers. Could be wrong though.
When you spray, make sure you spray the leaves only, not the flowers. Pretty sure you don't wanna smoke that shit.

And ya the reverse is cheap. The saturator/penetrator is expensive though. At least you only use a minuscule amount of it in conjunction with the reverse.