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SSI and SSDI Thread


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
that depends on how much money you paid into SSDI. When I get approved I should receive $1840 a month for permanent disability.. This amount will go down when you reach retirement age 65.


Active member
^^^^ i made that much every 2 weeks when working. sometimes more. my lifestyle has taken a big hit.good luck all


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
your not the only one. alot of us took big hits I was a equipment Engineer for Intel 87K a year. Now 0k a year

Guest 88950

...i think i wanna move to the mmj shit state florida... (no offences):jump:
:thank you:

i dont understand your comment. fla IS NOT a MMJ friendly state and in fact poss of 20+ gms is a felony. i know, i live here.

maybe you want to move out of the shit state of fla and to a MMJ friendly state. if so then good luck.

btw, i am paralyzed due to a Cervical Spinal Cord Injury and i got denied the first 3 or 4 times so its common to get denied, it cuts back on those out to cheat the system.


i was just saying florida is a shit state for mmj.. meaning the state is going backwards as others are going forward... bong ban for example... its shit...

but i love florida and want to move there but damn its tight as hell over there with marijuana laws... i like to think cannabis is more a medical thing then recreational... both are true but i like to think more medically..

im sorry to hear of your injury... did you at least win the case and are getting some help now?

Guest 88950

kweb, the laws here suck but at least you can argue a Medical Necessity Defense if you get caught up. thats the only reason i started growing, before i wouldnt be able to bring up the medical benefits of Cannabis in court.

im 20+ yrs post injury and yes i did eventually get on disability but that was only until i got working. working provides a better living than just living on disability.


kweb, the laws here suck but at least you can argue a Medical Necessity Defense if you get caught up. thats the only reason i started growing, before i wouldnt be able to bring up the medical benefits of Cannabis in court.

im 20+ yrs post injury and yes i did eventually get on disability but that was only until i got working. working provides a better living than just living on disability.
i hope you didnt take any disrespect when i said florida laws suck for cannabis. but you do make a very good point about the arguing aspect, because if someone really uses for its benefits then it should be considered more then if it wasnt.

Yes disability isnt going to provide an extravagent life and thats get that you mentioned that because many people think because you get it, you dont need to work... but honestly most of the time, disability will only make you tred water most of the time...well in my case i only get enough to pay rent... not for utilities and phone and such...

excelent point SSH

Guest 88950

no disrespect taken b/c fla laws suck and leo is serious in this state regarding Cannabis and cultivation. just know the rules we play with here if you relocate to fla.

you just cant argue a medical necessity defense you have to prove certain criteria. in my case pharmaceuticals no longer work and ive even been in FDA double blind drug studies to find something that stops my spasms.


theres another topic that kinda stinks... i was basically label financially irresponcible so i have to have a payee recieve and spend the money on me how she sees best for my living condition, forexample.. paying bills, buying food, etc... leftovers are even given in like allowence.. lol... i have to ask if i want something... lmao...

at least the bills are getting paid, and its my wife, but it does still kinda suck...

anyone else have/had a payee?
I feel I am a danger to society.
Who do I tell who to make the checks out to.

28 years working for SSI and SSD. I used to tell people that I never wanted to be so fucked up that they'd give me disability without a struggle. Basically, everybody who tries for it says that they're real bad, and we could start the checks tomorrow, OK. It's hard to tell who is fucked up, and who is trying to game the system and get a guaranteed check for the rest of their life, work sucks you know. A bad economy doesn't help things either. Some folks who could get work can't when there isn't any work, but that's not disability, that's unemployment. Plus social security says you gotta be unable to do anything that might support you, not just your old job. If you were making big bucks as a software engineer, they might come back and say you could still flip burgers; if you could, they won't pay you.

If you have a payee it's because somewhere along the line some Doc said you are fucked up and will blow the money if you get it in a big chunk. I saw a lot of people blow large chunks of back pay in short order with nothing to show for it but a big hangover, a bad tattoo, and venereal disease.

Lawyers prejudge their cases. They don't get paid unless you win. If they don't want your case it's probably because they don't think you're money in the bank to them.

Not defending the system, merely telling you how it works.


. I applied once and was denied. Filed an appeal 1 month ago. Still waiting.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
28 years working for SSI and SSD. I used to tell people that I never wanted to be so fucked up that they'd give me disability without a struggle. Basically, everybody who tries for it says that they're real bad, and we could start the checks tomorrow, OK. It's hard to tell who is fucked up, and who is trying to game the system and get a guaranteed check for the rest of their life, work sucks you know. A bad economy doesn't help things either. Some folks who could get work can't when there isn't any work, but that's not disability, that's unemployment. Plus social security says you gotta be unable to do anything that might support you, not just your old job. If you were making big bucks as a software engineer, they might come back and say you could still flip burgers; if you could, they won't pay you.

If you have a payee it's because somewhere along the line some Doc said you are fucked up and will blow the money if you get it in a big chunk. I saw a lot of people blow large chunks of back pay in short order with nothing to show for it but a big hangover, a bad tattoo, and venereal disease.

Lawyers prejudge their cases. They don't get paid unless you win. If they don't want your case it's probably because they don't think you're money in the bank to them.

Not defending the system, merely telling you how it works.

My Lawyers filled a OTR brief a month ago on my behalf. Im still waiting to here back from them but from what I have been told this is very good news as there is substantial evidence that supports my claim and to hold a hearing would be a waste of time and money.


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Kweb congrats on your getting some of your money back and many thanks for starting this thread..and to all of you who have posted here as well. SSDI is a very complicated and difficult process and there have been some good posts here to help others understand it. DD


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Thanks DD I hope someone can get some use out of what we have said here. Your biggest battle is going the distance. Most people give up after not more then a year. I now it's tough and if I did not have help I would have been homeless many months ago. I have big concerns about SSDI and how they decide who gets there benefits and who does not. To me if your Doctor tells them in writing that you are disabled there should not be any further questions about it. Unfortunately the SSDI wants to deny you so they can get those that dont have the resources to drop there claim. This process will not change in my lifetime and hope that the younger generation gets it right.


as is all-too-common in my life, I succumbed to my
it really just depends on what's wrong with you and who your doctors are..
i was diagnosed with ms 12 yrs. ago by the mayo clinic, had my ssdi in 6 months..they didn't even fight me...was told by ss that they couldn't fight a diagnosis by the mayo clinic..
i suggest if your having problems getting your ssdi go to a highly reputable clinic that leaves the gov't docs no choice but to agree..
good luck all of you fighting for it..hope you get it, before ss dissolves into nothing...


People recieve bennefits for things like bipolar, depression and schizophrenia, when they could probably go back and flip burgers.

Does anyone with a mental illness on here recieve federal SSI bennefits?


Active member
i have both physical and mental probs i am overqualified LOL. i wish they would of sent all my backpay at once. i am still waiting for the rest. i know one thing i wont be moving to florida with my cash.

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