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Grow Log: Mob Boss 1000W vert barebulb from seed


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For the record everyone but the large maui wowie in the corner is in Lc's mix, with added:
Kelp meal
Blood meal
Bone meal
per BurnOne's mix over in the organic's for beginners thread.

The maui is taking off with GH's Floramicr/florabloom, but I've decided to try water only with these girls ;)

I also gave them a weak feeding with big bloom, once when the cotelydons started to yellow/wither... I never use more than like 1tbl/gal and i've never been able to burn any plant with it. Plants seem to love it too... it's about the only FF product I would endorse.

big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
I'm interested in vert grows. Hope the rest of your grow tunrs out well so that 1000w could really be put to use. I'm thinking about setting up a 150w vert micro grow. Either that or my microcube with PL-L's and 15-30(5w) LED's on the walls.


Active member
That would be cool, I started out with CFLs and micro grows.. but that was a while ago :).

I'm thinking about stadiuming this cab out a little so that I can keep a perpetual scheme going.. with the less mature plants in the center (some under the bulb) and the more mature plants elevated to be level with the bulb along the outside of the wall. It's probably going to become a necessity at some point...

big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
That would be cool, I started out with CFLs and micro grows.. but that was a while ago :).

I'm thinking about stadiuming this cab out a little so that I can keep a perpetual scheme going.. with the less mature plants in the center (some under the bulb) and the more mature plants elevated to be level with the bulb along the outside of the wall. It's probably going to become a necessity at some point...

Thats a good idea, its what one of my friends does. Another one keeps the new plants on the outside of his room and the mature one he moves in torwards the lights. Your room doesnt seem overly wide so utilizing the height and length of the arc should produce nicely. A stadium would be great.


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ok so I've pulled 4 males and replaced with seedlings that were still in 16 oz cups... just fmi.


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Wow it got hot and humid here FAST, so I installed a portable A/C on my box, well it's not pretty,but I'm not all that handy and I'm doing it alone. It's also HUGE so I had to cram it in there. It's gonna drop my plant count by 2, but will be well worth it in the end. I'll try to post some pics later. All in all I think I have 6 MB females going ATM. Should be a good run- also it's noteworthy that this is my first time having the cab full.
My thoughts exactly. for the record, it's 4x4' with a 6' ceiling.
That is the size of my space. I wonder if i should have made my first grow a vertical... Probably would have been less trouble with fewer plants.

I can't wait to see how your plants grow in that space with the 1000w, it should be beautiful.


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Thanks guys,
This is my first run in LC's mix, looks like I've run out of N at almost the perfect time.... really loving my first run of grindhouse. I'll do weekly shots from here on out.

big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
is this your first time running organics? If so the plant will naturally flush itself once it feels the need to. Its my favorite part, leaves change color and start dropping. I love letting the plant selectively choose what it wants and when instead of forcing it.

Things looked like their frosting up nicely though.


Active member
Yes, this is my first time running organics. The bottom-most fan leaves are yellowing, and some have died off on maybe 2/3 plants.. everything is looking very lush above there though. I believe some of the leaves are being cannibalized for N; which I'm fine with. The most done plant (maybe 3-5 days older than the others, due to sexing and limited space) is really frosting up and is just starting the first signs of the hairs turning. Today is day 61 for that plant, and it will surely go 70-80 days. The others are ~3-7 days behind (again, due to sexing). If my mix is supporting N perfectly up to ~ day 55, I'm happy with it as I'd have cut N long before that in an inorganic system; and the same thing would occur. These are by far the best looking plants I've grown yet.


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